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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY Word Study Test Review VINCO? OR FLYSWATTER?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Flyswatter Game!!!

3 aedificōauxiliumconsentiō cōnsiliumdeindedīmittō effugiōflōsimperātor dērīdeōfaberdēlectō

4 intermeliornāvigō parātusvertōsimulac pereōtollōpostrīdiē nōnne?pōnōpūnio summussupersumdare

5 consilium deinde delecto aedifico auxilium consentio derideo dimitto effugio ita melior navigo paratus faber flos imperator inter

6 pereo pono postridie punio simulac summus supersum tollo verto num nonne -ne

7 deleo deus difficilis diligenter domina donum familiaris fidelis ipse iste lavo maritus

8 necesse nobilis quam quamquam –que rex ubi alius aqua claudo commodus debeo effigies equus etiam fractus

9 impedio lectus lente mare miser nauta princeps redeo sacerdos plaustrum praesum qui saxum teneo unda vinco

10 Wednesday

11 Calescite! Scribete in lingua Latina et in Anglice: rēx per aulam Quīntum dūcēbat. servī magnum ōvum in mēnsam posuerant. omnēs hospitēs Belimicum dērīdebant. Answer the following question: The floors of Cogidubnus’ palace were decorated with A.graniteB. cement C. mosaicsD. water…it was under the sea!

12 Model Sentences ♠ pg. 92 ♣ We will translate together (w00t w00t!). ♥ You do NOT have to write these down. ♦ Introduction to the GENITIVE case…from which Latin word is “genitive” derived?

13 Thursday

14 Calescite! SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense.

15 Conjugate “laudō, laudāre, laudāvī” (I praise, to praise, I praised) in the Perfect Tense. SingularPlural 1 st laudavī I have warned laudavimus We have warned 2 nd laudavistī You have warned laudavistis Ya’ll have warned 3 rd laudavit S/He/It have warned laudaverūnt They have warned

16 “tumultus” Pars Una Take out: – Pen/cil – Paper – Your brain! (Tua mens!)

17 “tumultus” Pars Una Vertite ad paginam… Fabula Formārum Virgārum!!!

18 Friday

19 Calescite! SingularPlural 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Conjugate “videō, vidēre, vīdī” (I see, to see, I saw) in the PLUPERFECT Tense.

20 Conjugate “videō, vidēre, vīdī” (I see, to see, I saw) in the PLUPERFECT Tense. SingularPlural 1 st videram I had seen videramus We had seen 2 nd videras You had seen videratis Ya’ll had seen 3 rd viderat S/He/It had seen viderant They had seen

21 “tumultus” Pars Dua pg. 94 We will translate together Whatever we don’t finish is homework…including questions on pg. 96 ***Pay special attn. to the ________________ tense and the ___________ case***

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