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Shania Feitz. This presentation is meant for 4 th -6 th graders and discusses the topics of adaptation/survival, life cycles and habitats/conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Shania Feitz. This presentation is meant for 4 th -6 th graders and discusses the topics of adaptation/survival, life cycles and habitats/conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shania Feitz

2 This presentation is meant for 4 th -6 th graders and discusses the topics of adaptation/survival, life cycles and habitats/conservation. This is designed for students learning online that aren’t in a physical classroom. This is why it is as interactive as it is.

3 Students will have a better understanding of: Adaptations/Survival Life Cycles Habitats/Conservation Given this presentation, the students will take short quizzes at the end of each section and will pass them with 100% accuracy.

4 Students may deepen their interest in science Students will become aware and active citizens and move to take care of our world

5 Adaptation/ Adaptation/ Survival Adaptation/ Adaptation/ Survival Habitat/ Habitat/ Conservation Habitat/ Habitat/ Conservation Life Cycle of a Dolphin Life Cycle of a Dolphin Life Cycle of a Dolphin Life Cycle of a Dolphin


7 Follow link and fill in at least 3 blanks for each season: 4nsfV_QTEvg/edit?usp=sharing 4nsfV_QTEvg/edit?usp=sharing Follow this link again and discuss with others how we adapt stay healthy, to survive. Animals do this too!!! Just differently.

8 Dolphins live in the water just like fish, but dolphins are very different Dolphins are mammals: Breathe air Live Birth Nurse with milk Warm-blooded

9 Not all species live everywhere in the world But dolphins can be found in All oceans Many Seas Some Lakes Even a few rivers!!!

10 Dolphins live in groups called pods Size of the pods can range (depending on species) 5 dolphins-hundreds of dolphins The size of a dolphin depends on the species There are over 42 species of Dolphin! The most commonly known is the bottlenose dolphin

11 Catch food with their teeth Eat variety of fish, squid, crustaceans Exactly what they eat depends on their species

12 Hole at the top of their head- blowhole Breathe in air  lungs Controlled by strong muscles A dolphin can empty or refill their lungs in 1/5 second—the speed can reach 100mph Fish breathe with gills

13 To prevent drowning only half of a dolphin’s brain will sleep at a time This is so that they continue breathing by going to the surface

14 Dolphins have the same ability bats do, echolocation. Dolphins use it in very similar ways: Navigation To find food Dolphins also use clicks and whistles to communicate with other creatures

15 Echolocation Hunt in groups Formations Dolphins also have great senses of: Sight Hearing Touch

16 Only real predators of the dolphins are large sharks Dolphins protect themselves by staying in groups to deter the shark or to fight the shark Dolphins can use their echolocation to try to avoid sharks

17 Most species of dolphin do not migrate Some will migrate due to seasonal changes Pods may migrate if their primary food source migrates

18 You are a Dolphin that has been separated from your pod. You have been swimming for hours with no luck, you are tired and hungry. You need to: Find food and find your pod What do you do? (Choose one of the following) A) Migrate north B) Use echolocation C) Go to sleep D) Blow water out of blowhole Answer: B


20 True or False: Dolphins are fish True False

21 No, the answer is false- Dolphins are not fish

22 Correct!! Dolphins are not fish, they’re mammals!!!

23 True of False: Dolphins live by themselves. True False

24 No, Dolphins live in groups called pods

25 Correct!! Dolphins live in groups called pods!

26 True or False: Dolphins can use echolocation? True False

27 Correct!! Dolphins use echolocation for a variety of things!

28 No, Dolphins do use echolocation for a variety of reasons.

29 Congratulations!!! You’ve completed the Adaptation and Survival section!!!



32 Dolphins find mates by communicating with clicks and sounds Average timeline for pregnancy is 12 months Often there is a dolphin in the pod that will serve as a midwife when the calf is born

33 A single calf is born at a time The tail comes out first to prevent the calf from drowning before it can reach the surface to breathe

34 A mother will nurse her calf for about 18 months The young dolphin will stay with the mother for at least 6 more years so that it may learn to hunt and other survival skills Protected by the pod

35 3-6 years old Many dolphins will go off with other dolphins of the same age If they aren’t careful this is how many young dolphins get killed due to inexperience and that they’re not ready to be on their own yet

36 Dolphins are very intelligent They are also incredibly social which is why so many humans love them

37 Elderly are protected by the pod Many help the mothers with the young calves Average lifespan is 20 years but there have been instances recorded where dolphins have lived up to 50 years!!

38 Research the life cycle of the animal of your choice Compare and Contrast what you found on that animal and what you have learned about dolphins so far. Create a Venn Diagram and post it to this link:

39 True or False: Dolphins are born head-first. True False

40 No, Dolphins are born tail-first to prevent drowning

41 Correct! Dolphins are born TAIL-first, not head- first

42 True or False: Dolphins live to an average of 20 years. True False

43 Correct! Dolphins can live longer, but the average lifespan is 20 years!

44 No, Dolphins do live till an AVERAGE of 20 years

45 True or False: Dolphins often have multiples calves at once. True False

46 No, Dolphins generally only have 1 calf at a time.

47 Correct!! Dolphins generally only have 1 calf at a time.



50 Download this picture, print out the document and complete the word search

51 Prey: Fish Octopus/Squid Crustaceans Predators: Large Sharks

52 Ocean Acidification-this is due to the millions of tons of CO 2 being dumped into the ocean daily Unregulated developments harm sea-life Pollution- ex. Plastic bags, trash The ocean seems infinite so people think it’s resources are infinite, but they’re not Ocean animals are more easily harmed since they’re harder to see than land animals from a distance

53 If humans over-fish, there will not be enough food for all of the animals living in the water The waters are NOT unlimited in resources Since the aquatic life isn’t as visible from above the surface, it doesn’t seem as if any harm is being done

54 With so much trash, especially plastic that is not biodegradable, animals mistake it for food and it kills them The oceans are also become more acidic due to 22 million tons of CO 2 is absorbed by the oceans everyday This makes the water more acidic which harms and eventually kills many animals

55 Most people don’t realize that if a person isn’t careful, boats can harm these animals in different ways but a major thing that boats do is destroy eggs because many creatures pull up close to or onto shore to lay their eggs

56 There are many organizations out there trying to warn people and protect wildlife both on land and in the waters. I’ve put a few website here where you can learn more 88.656184567.1430705299 ndangered_oceans/index.html

57 Everyone can do their part in protecting, not only the animals in the ocean but all life on the earth. What are some of the things we can do? Sign Petitions Attend Rallies/Tell people about the issue Produce less CO 2 that contributes to Acidification Clean the ocean of trash and keep it that way Raise awareness Have a fundraiser to support the cause

58 What do people normally do to keep a place nice and clean? Follow this link for a discussion on this topic, put your own thoughts in What can we learn from this and apply it to aquatic habitats?? Go back to the same link and add to this part of the discussion


60 True or False: Acidification has become a major concern for ocean animals (it can harm them/kill them). True False

61 Correct! Acidification can make life difficult for sea creatures and even kill them

62 No, Acidification can seriously hurt or even kill sea animals

63 True or False: Overfishing and Exploitation are serious problems. True False

64 Correct!! Overfishing and Exploitation are serious problems that need to be fixed

65 No, both acidification and exploitation are major issues for the oceans and the animals that live there.

66 True or False: Boats never harm sea-life, ever. True False

67 No, boats can and do harm sea-life

68 Correct!! Boats can and do harm sea life often.


70 Basic Facts About Dolphins. (2012, February 24). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from Dolphin Facts and Information. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from ENDANGERED OCEANS. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from ans/ Feitz, S. (2015, May 3). Life Cycle of a Dolphin. Retrieved May 4, 2015, from Ocean Habitat. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from Threatened & Endangered Species. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from endangered-species/ endangered-species/

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