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Publishing Your Writing How to make a good piece of writing into a GREAT polished piece of writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Publishing Your Writing How to make a good piece of writing into a GREAT polished piece of writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publishing Your Writing How to make a good piece of writing into a GREAT polished piece of writing.

2 1. Choose one of the poems you have written 2. Make this poem the best it can be! – Revise, edit, add more, take something out, make it amazing Assignment

3 3. Get creative with the look of your poem – Add a picture, change the shape of words, add color 4. Have someone read it! Get feedback from someone other than yourself. Take their thoughts into consideration Assignment continued

4 5. Check, check, re-check – READ YOUR POEM! – SPELLING, NEATNESS, NO ERRORS 6. Have someone read it! Due Friday Assignment last slide

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