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Weather Factors Table of Contents Heat Transfer

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Factors Table of Contents Heat Transfer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Factors Table of Contents Heat Transfer
Water in the Atmosphere Global Patterns Air Pressure Winds Relative Humidity

2 Heat Transfer Converting Units
Temperature readings can be converted from the Fahrenheit scale to the Celsius scale using the following equation:

3 Heat Transfer Heat Transfer
Heat transfer occurs when a warm radiator heats a room. What type of heat transfer could keep the paper in the air?

4 Water in the Atmosphere
The Driest Place on Earth There are places in the Atacama Desert where a single drop of rain has never been measured.

5 Water in the Atmosphere
The Water Cycle What are the processes in the water cycle?

6 Global Patterns Latitude and Temperature
What are the three temperature zones on the map?

7 Global Patterns Distance from Large Bodies of Water
Alaska is about twice the size of Texas. Factors influencing temperature, such as distance from large bodies of water, affect this big state in different ways. Which climate data do you think describe Juneau? Fairbanks?

8 Global Patterns Currents and Temperature
Warm ocean water warms the air above it. A cold current brings cool air.

9 Global Patterns Wind and Precipitation
Mountains can form a barrier to humid air. What happens to the humid air when it encounters the mountains?

10 Global Patterns Jet Streams
Which arrow shows the polar jet stream on the diagram? Which arrow shows the subtropical jet stream?

11 Air Pressure Air Column
The weight of the column of air above you puts pressure on you. How does pressure from air molecules keep you from being crushed?

12 Air Pressure Reading a Mercury Barometer
What would a low air pressure reading look like?

13 Air Pressure Inside an Aneroid Barometer
An aneroid barometer has an airtight metal chamber, shown in red. Which diagram shows the aneroid barometer under high pressure and which shows it under low pressure?

14 Air Pressure Effect of Altitude on Pressure and Density
How densely packed would the molecules be at the different altitudes?

15 Winds Wind Direction and Speed
Based on the direction of the wind vane, which direction would the kite be flying?

16 Winds Land Breeze Where would you draw arrows to show how a land breeze develops?

17 Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
This chart shows how relative humidity changes with temperature.

18 Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
Relative humidity is affected by temperature.

19 Relative Humidity What factors affect the weather?

20 Please click when finished reviewing this information.

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