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ELC Program Review July 8, 2014. Agenda Chair notes IAC team – Web site – registration - PR Plenaries Tracks Professional Development Collaboration ELC.

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Presentation on theme: "ELC Program Review July 8, 2014. Agenda Chair notes IAC team – Web site – registration - PR Plenaries Tracks Professional Development Collaboration ELC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELC Program Review July 8, 2014

2 Agenda Chair notes IAC team – Web site – registration - PR Plenaries Tracks Professional Development Collaboration ELC Tuesday Social Media Outreach Sponsors

3 Chair Notes July 16th 5-7:30 Human Centered Design Training, facilitated by Luma Institute - IBM – Penthouse July 31, All ELC Committee Members meeting &'Happy Hour' @ IAC offices. – 5:00 – 6:00 Meeting – 6:00 – 7:30 Happy Hour

4 Leadership and Innovation in Radically Changing Times The 2014 Executive Leadership Conference (ELC) is about sharing, engaging and actively participating. It’s about using the power of our shared experience to innovate and solve problems. Our 2014 ELC goals are straightforward: Connect great people with great ideas to inspire leadership and innovation in radically changing times In government today, an emerging collaborative ecosystem is transforming how, and with whom, people work. This requires that we adopt new approaches to carrying out agency missions and providing citizen services.

5 ELC’s Premise: The Value of Information Technology as a Strategic Asset Both Addresses and Poses Our Toughest Challenges. Federal agencies are striving to spend IT funds more effectively and efficiently. Results-based accountability techniques are measuring whether government programs are making an impact. This new era of computing includes mobile, cloud, data and analytics; this tsunami of technology is disruptive and compels federal leaders to rethink traditional government’s delivery models. ELC’s Promise: Asking and Answering Critical Questions. What might a better government look like in the future? How can we develop great people and instill a culture of innovation? How should we coordinate across government agencies and sectors to improve service delivery and customer satisfaction? How can we harness innovation to manage new and evolving needs? During ELC 2014, we will explore challenges and opportunities for Shared Solutions, Citizen Services, and IT Service Delivery and look at how agencies and leaders can improve coordination from the lens of IT, Acquisition, and Program Management. Successful organizations benefit from a rich mix of ideas, perspectives, and life experiences. By creating professional learning opportunities and collaboration zones, interacting with great speakers and tapping into the power of a widely experienced and active group of government and industry leaders, together at ELC we will examine new approaches to how government can carry out its missions in providing services to constituents. Let’s expand our critical thinking and throw open the door to new possibilities and better outcomes. Join us at ELC in Williamsburg October 26-28, 2014.

6 MONDAY Program Team Tracks Shared Services Chris Niedermayer, BRMI Sally Turner, CGI Kim Hayes/Tom Ragland Ambit Tim Shaughnessy, DHS Ted Okata, FEMA Citizen Services Martha Dorris, GSA Lisa Veith, Maximus Brian Green, Contact Solutions Professional Development Jim Beaupre Rabiah Sutton

7 Monday AM Tracks Citizen Services - Martha Dorris Team GOAL STATEMENT: Deliver world-class customer services to citizens by making it faster and easier for individuals and businesses to complete transactions and have a positive experience with government. Goal Leader(s): Lisa Danzig, Associate Director for Personnel and Performance, Office of Management and Budget Commissioner, Social Security Administration (Carolyn Colvin, Acting) Shared Services Chris Neidermayer Team GOAL STATEMENT: Strategically expand high-quality, high value shared services to improve performance and efficiency throughout Goal Leaders: Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget (Mark Reger) Krysta Harden, Deputy Secretary, US Department of Agriculture SMARTER IT DELIVERY - Fellows Team GOAL STATEMENT: Improve outcomes and customer satisfaction with Federal services through smarter IT delivery and stronger agency accountability for success. Goal Leader(s): Steve VanRoekel, Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget Sloan Gibson, Deputy Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy

8 Professional Development Jim Beaupre, Rabiah Sutton 1. Learn the principles of the Agile Development movement in gaming environment. 2. Federal Technology Customer Relationship Management 3. Data Information Sharing across Federal Agencies 1.Agile Development in a Gaming Environment 2.Customer Relationship Management 3.Data Information Sharing

9 Two Program Tracks Shared Solutions– drivers and barriers to sharing service delivery applications across agency boundaries Citizen Services – administration goals, success stories – Debate facilitated by questions/comments from the audience – Participant opinions captured – Goal is to show a path to success

10 Shared Solutions Track Abstract An alarming majority of the federal government’s $80B IT budget is allocated to traditional O&M functions. O&M costs for maintaining agency administrative and service delivery applications are duplicated in countless agency budgets because many agencies perform similar functions and maintain separate applications to support them. These include banking and finance functions, disaster response, information exchange, identity and access management, and many others. Current costs to maintain individual agency solutions are not sustainable from a long-term budget standpoint and stifle investments in innovation, including improving the citizen experience. This track will highlight industry and agency leaders who will debate the benefits and barriers to cross-agency solution sharing within the dimensions of leadership and program management, acquisition, and technology. Attendees will share their views on ways to address application sharing challenges. Attendee views will be used to illustrate methods for successfully increasing solution sharing.

11 Citizen Services Track Abstract Citizen expectations for government services are continually increasing, driven by improvements in technology and the high quality services provided by the private sector. During their day-to-day lives and in times of emergency, both citizens should have access to information and services that are safe and secure, available anytime, anywhere, on any device. The goal of this track is to determine how can government and industry partner to improve the experience that the public has when interacting with government? Providing high quality services requires that the government understand who their customers are and what their expectations are. For example, how does your customer expect to access information and services? The customers could include the public, businesses, and other governments. We all work together in an ecosystem to ultimately provide services to citizens. The public can be segmented as well. For the most part, each federal agency has a different customer segment. Whether you provide service to students, seniors, veterans, parents, teachers, or business owners, they deserve good service. One of the concepts that we will explore is when the public needs service that crosses agencies during major life events such as the birth of a child (in the US or abroad), marriage, divorce, or death. When that occurs the public has to engage with each agency separately. Finally, how do we measure the government’s success at meeting the customers’ expectations? Technology, people and processes all need to work together to improve the citizen’s experience when interacting with government. This track will explore: Vision of good customer service in these radically changing times. Why is this important? Many recent failures in service point to the need for these discussions. In addition, most of the current successes can be pointed to engaging with customers throughout the process. Many of the recent initiatives to improve service to the citizen, including numerous Executive Orders and the current Cross Agency Priority (CAP) goal on providing world-class customer service to the public. The stated goal of the CAP goal is to: "Deliver world-class customer services to citizens by making it faster and easier for individuals and businesses to complete transactions and have a positive experience with government." This goal of improving customer service will be reached by: – Streamlining transactions; Developing standards for high impact services; and – Using technology to improve the customer experience. – Innovations to address the challenges and barriers to good citizen service – How can industry and government work together to lead improvements?

12 Path to Shared Solutions, & Citizen Services Drives Governance

13 Collaboration Committee Committee Leads: S usan Becker, VP Services Unisys Corey Nickens, Group Manager, GSA FEDSIM

14 Come to Collaboration ELC! Gather and share ideas in the Challenge Zone, learn in the Innovation Zone, and engage or recharge batteries in the Connection Zone. Challenge Zone: Serves as the focal point for gathering ELC attendee feedback to challenges and opportunities facing Government and Industry. Our interactive approach will explore this year's conference topic areas: Mission focused Shared Solutions/ Services, Citizen Services, Innovation, Data Sharing, and improved program outcomes using an Agile approach; plus we will pull through Challenges from the Management of Change Conference and the Fellows Forum 2014. Innovation Zone: Enables ELC participants to “continue the conversation” with track speakers and panelists. Additionally there will be brief presentations by recognized Innovative Government programs in the areas of Citizen Services, Shared Solutions/ Services, Data Sharing, Agile development, and the Innovation Pods from the Management of Change Conference. Connection Zone: Provides an inviting space for attendees to recharge their batteries and engage with colleagues.


16 Logistics (all Zones) Robert Smith to schedule meeting with Design Vendor to continue planning for furniture, signage, pipe and drape separators, etc. (based on updated visual diagram Fellows Forum July 1st meeting confirmed agreement to work on the identified Challenge (reforming pre-solicitation process) at ELC. Scheduling a follow up meeting with the Collaboration Committee, Fellows Forum leaders Michael Skorny and Michael Deutsch, Rory Schulz for Social Media activities and Matt Collier to further define Luma Methods to be used. Participants are also invited to the Luma Training on July 16th MOC Innovation Pods Still trying to confirm Pod involvement with the MOC Chairs. Currently planned for participation in the Challenge and Innovation Zones. Follow up meeting scheduled for 7/14/14 4p.m.

17 Challenge Zone (Open starting Sunday) 3 challenges 1 from the Shared Services Track 1 of the MOC Innovation Pods 1 from the Fellows Forum (reform of pre-solicitation process) Artist confirmed to help produce outputs - need to engage in LUMA training LUMA Techniques - Rose/Thorn/Bud (Affinity Diagrams) -> Creative Matrix -> Concept Poster (drawn by the ELC Artist) Partners still on tap to help facilitate the challenges Will market beforehand using Social Media committee Innovation Zone Draft Schedule updated (9am to 5pm Monday) Combination of Academy, Excellence.Gov, MOC Labs, Continue the Track Conversation and Shared Services Track out-brief Need to finalize Book signing time on Monday; which projects to invite, Track speakers to continue the conversation; determine other Agency CIO invitees: Pete Tseronis, Energy Initiatives; GSA to talk about 18F, GitHub (code sharing), etc: Academy sessions

18 Connection Zone Sunday First-Timers Reception within the space Sports and gaming will be provided for a relaxed environment Monday Considering the combination of scheduled and unscheduled tables for participants to hold conversations

19 VDRpx4/edit#gid=699572138 Schedule

20 Tuesday Program Committee Leads: Deirdre Murray, CenturyLink Chris Dorobek, DorobekInsider Keith Trippie, The Trippie Group

21 Tuesday Abstract ABSTRACT ELC’s Tuesday “finale” will further the discussion on the new, emerging, and collaborative ecosystem that is changing how people work and who they work with – resulting in creative, new approaches to how government will carry out its mission and service to its constituents. Tuesday will continue to explore the issues of leadership, mission innovation and collaboration in an environment of fast-paced change and disruption of traditional models of government and delivery of mission services. The Tuesday “finale” will combine the popular ELC format with new and innovative collaboration approaches. We’ll launch with a “Ted Talk” style, innovation thought leader and follow with the always-popular “CXO Town Hall” and government-industry roundtable discussions. This creative format will provide a wealth of opportunities to engage in discussions and bring the energy and power of the crowd together in the ELC session “finale”.

22 Session 1 - (745 AM/815 AM) Customer service guru ie from Capital One, Disney (R Smith), Nationals (K Trippie). Invite in progress Session 2 (815-930 AM) “What You Really Need to Know…” Fast paced, “Lightning Round” style format 1.John Bashista,, Director, Office of Acquisition Management and Senior Procurement Officer, EPA (Long) PENDING 2.Rich Beutel, Sr. Counsel, US House of Reps, House Oversight and Government Reform (Murray) SEEKING APPROVAL 3.Dr. David Bray, CIO, FCC (Murray) CONFIRMED 4.Christopher Darby, President/CEO, or Gilman Louie, In-Q-Tel (Trippie) 5.Luke McCormack, CIO, DHS (Whitelaw/Chenok) 6.Peggy Sherry, CFO, IRS (or Kathleen Turco/VHA) (Trippie) 7.Provocateurs: Chris Dorobek/GovLoop and Keith Trippie/The Trippie Group CONFIRMED Session 3 CXO TOWN HALL (930-1115 AM) “CXO Town Hall” and roundtable (50 with two govt per table) Session 3 CLOSING (1115 AM) SUGGESTED: Beth Cobert, Deputy Director, Management (D Chenok) David Mader, Controller, OMB (suggesting adding Mader to closing session; fed/IRS experience, shared services champion) Dan Tangherlini, Admin’r, GSA (K Conrad) Steve VanRoekel, U.S. CIO (Chenok)

23 Potential SpeakersTopicStatus Sunday NightFrans JohansonLeadership and InnovationRobert finalizing paperwork Monday Breakfast Goal Leaders Citizen Services Shared Services Smarter IT Delivery Lisa Danzig Krysta Harden Steve VanRoekel Carolyn Colvin Dave Mader Sloan Gibson Mark Reeger Todd Park Innovation and Mission Challenge WHY Leadership is important WHY the tracks today are important WHY we need to get real outcomes from this conference Monday LunchAwards Institute for Innovation Young Leaders Working with Sara DeCarlo Monday Dinner Some sort of CIO panel Focus on ex E-Gov Administrators Present CIOs? HOW to make it happenDecision Point Tuesday Breakfast Nats’ Catherine Silver Capital One (J Lopez) Disney (R Smith) Zappos (C Dorobek) Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United, Delta Customer Service / Lessons Learned Tuesday team running with this


25 How will we continue the momentum and of innovation, delivery, and protection? How will we use IT as a strategic asset and drive cost savings to pay for new and emerging technologies that will continually improve the way the government does business and delivers services to the American people? As Federal agencies strive to spend less on IT than in years past, how do we continue the innovation pace while moving from efficiency to effectiveness? Results-based accountability techniques are measuring whether government programs are making an impact. Are we getting it right? Culture is important. What techniques are important and what are the most important /effective leadership approaches that are needed? ELC will use carefully-crafted design challenges … to frame problems and opportunities and bring focus to the conference’s activities

26 OLD PARADIGM 20 TH CENTURY CULTURE OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Project Definition & Direction Research Agenda Concept Development Development Process Don’t question. Deliver! Top down. Execution minded. Ideas & Technology First Then we consider how they apply to people Lot’s of Ideas Divergent thinking. Brainstorming. Suggestion boxes. Rapid Development Linear thinking Spec then build “Don’t show anyone until it’s right!” Failure is bad. Risk Averse Speed to market Problem Framing Make sure we’re solving the right problem. Putting People First Ideas and Technology are inspired by Empathy with customers/stakeholders Valuable Concepts Divergent and Convergent Thinking. Concepts are what we need a lot of. Rapid Iteration & Improvement Agile, Non-linear thinking Experiment “What can we prototype and test?” Fail early, small and often Informed risk taker Speed to market traction NEW PARADIGM 21 st CENTURY CULTURE OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT

27 Design Challenges Innovation 1. How does Government establish and nurture a culture of Innovation in the face of reduced budgets and aversion to risk? · Is the OPM Innovation Lab a good model? · How does investment in innovation translate to efficiency and reduced costs in the future? · How do we encourage the fail fast, fail forward mentality and encourage risk taking? Sharing: Data; Mission Applications 2. What should be the goal for Data Sharing at the next level (beyond that will promote efficiency and spur economic growth? (talk to Simone about his thoughts on this and the connection to the Sunday keynote by the Commerce Secretary) 3. How can Gov’t and Industry work together to overcome barriers and accelerate change in the Acquisition process to better support “as a service” and “shared service” delivery models? · Funding/budget by agency and organization is a deterrent · Overcome the culture of “mine” (I’m different, I need my own) · Competing interests between the parties that need to consume the mission application or system? There needs to be one accountable party in a contract.

28 Agility 4. How can Government and Industry better apply Agile principles to deliver program outcomes more consistently and at lower cost? · Agile development methodology, smaller components? · Agile program management? · What other Agile principles can be applied? · How does Governance need to change? Citizen Centric 5. How can agencies more effectively collaborate around Citizen’s Life Events thereby identifying opportunities to work across program boundaries with a citizen-centric focus? Life events can help to frame: · Resources and the capacity to respond to public needs, · Common information needs and sources, and · Means to be more responsive to the public in a measurable, cost-conscious way. 6. How can public sector organizations engage citizens and leverage expertise and knowledge more effectively during the software and application development life cycle · Co-creation / Ideation? · Requirement validation? · User Acceptance Testing? · Incident management a problem identification? · Solution architecture confirmation? Design Challenges

29 Leadership, Policy and Technology 7. Technology · has an impact on sharing as parameters need to be in place to ensure data protection, or that access to the mission application and is limited to what you need to see – · impacts innovation, example: Infrastructure, geospatial solutions tax existing infrastructure; how do we deal with the aging infrastructure and at the same time enable innovation 8. OMB sets policy, CIO’s implement in their own way, how to get all to speak the same language, standards Mobility 9. Where does the government want to be in 2020 with mobile solutions and services and how can mobile acquisition support this goal? How do we design procurements that have consistent incentives, milestones, and review processes to encourage collaboration toward a mutual objective? Design Challenges

30 Citizen Services GOAL STATEMENT: Deliver world-class customer services to citizens by making it faster and easier for individuals and businesses to complete transactions and have a positive experience with government. Shared Services GOAL STATEMENT: Strategically expand high-quality, high value shared services to improve performance and efficiency throughout Smarter IT Delivery GOAL STATEMENT: Improve outcomes and customer satisfaction with Federal services through smarter IT delivery and stronger agency accountability for success.

31 MOC Outbrief Is Agile Real in Federal IT? Open, Flexible Government Open Data: What is in it for US? Should Government Act as IT’s Own System Integrator Implementing Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Going out on a Limb — Risk-taking, Innovation, and Failing Fast look at the specifics as they become available and work to roll them into our ELC agenda.

32 MOC / SIG’s / Fellows MOC - working with the workshop chairs to determine outcomes Then passing to SIG‘s. SIG‘s - We briefed ELC last week – they will determine how they wish to use their time slot (Mon 3:30 – 4:30 and get back to ELC team Fellows Forum – we will follow outcomes as they become available We will look at all these specifics as they become available and work to roll them into our ELC agenda. Important: Must have actionable outcomes.

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