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2010 Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan: 2015 Progress Report on Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan: 2015 Progress Report on Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Regional Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan: 2015 Progress Report on Implementation

2 Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology-based tools and systems used by local agencies and jurisdictions to manage the transportation network ▫Facilitate a connected transportation system ▫Increase safety and efficiency ▫Reduce the cost of moving people, goods, and services

3 The Regional ITS Plan Identified existing and future ITS communications networks and devices needed to: ▫Enhance transportation and economic competitiveness throughout the region ▫Maximize the safety and efficiency of transportation in the region

4 Regional Loop Fiber optic ring along US 98 to SR 231 in Bay County, north to I-10, west on I-10 to I-110 in Escambia County, and south on I-110 to US 98 ▫784,000 of 823,000 linear feet of fiber optic cable completed or currently being installed


6 Recommended ITS Improvements Fiber optic cable installation Connecting signalized intersections Closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Remote Weather Information Stations (RWIS) Transportation Management Centers (TMC)

7 Florida-Alabama TPO Advanced Transportation Management Systems Phase I project: ▫33,000 linear feet of fiber optic cable ▫18 signalized intersections ▫4 CCTV cameras Conducting a feasibility study and implementation plan for development and operations of a regional Transportation Management Center (TMC)

8 Okaloosa-Walton TPO – Okaloosa County Travel time monitoring system installed at four intersections on US 98 to assist with the Cody Avenue fly-over project ▫Parish Blvd, Florosa Elem, Cody Ave, Doolittle Blvd 10 CCTV cameras installed at various locations throughout the County 6 radar type detection systems installed 8 battery back-up systems for traffic signals installed

9 Okaloosa-Walton TPO – Walton County Walton County has entered into a Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT to fund a traffic engineer ▫Facilitate ITS deployment in Walton County ▫Maximize capabilities of existing signal system ▫Procure additional resources to support ITS implementation

10 Bay County TPO Recent Projects: ▫Two adaptive traffic control systems installed  Panama City Beach Parkway from SR 79 to Woodlawn Drive  23 rd Street from SR 77 to Lisenby Avenue ▫Extended the fiber optic system north along SR 79 from Panama City Beach Parkway to SR 388 Total System: ▫137 intersections running in the ITS system ▫86 pan/tilt/zoom cameras ▫4 Dynamic Messaging Systems ▫2 remote weather stations

11 Questions? Kate Daniel, Regional Planner (850) 332-7976 ext. 245

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