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Scenario Project: Investigative Plan

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1 Scenario Project: Investigative Plan
CJ 499 Unit 7 Seminar Scenario Project: Investigative Plan

2 Scenario Project: Investigative Plan
You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

3 Scenario Project: Investigative Plan
Please address the following questions in detail. Be creative and utilize any and all investigative actions/resources that you can think of. Remember, you are to assemble a plan to address the crimes and ultimately catch the individuals responsible. The mayor and citizens of City X are expecting you to unveil this plan at the next town meeting.

4 Scenario Project: Investigative Plan
Create and outline/describe a list of 10 investigative steps you’d take to address this situation. What technological assistance would be needed to conduct this operation? What measures would you take to analyze the pattern of robbery activity? How would you go about synthesizing the data and coming to a conclusion based on the data? What types of investigative units would you use to assist in the operation to catch the perpetrators? What supplies / equipment would you purchase to enable the investigation and operation to be conducted? Given the fact that monies allocated for same are low, what steps would you take to procure more funds?

5 Introduction to Investigations
Police departments, like other public agencies, have limited resources. They are almost wholly dependent on taxpayer funds for their continued existence, and budgets dictate their daily activities. Although they can always ask for more money, departments everywhere must make the most of available resources. Consequently, there can be only so many officers on the ground, and only limited funds are available to pay for overtime and to hire additional officers. Through experience and research, police departments have also come to realize that traditional responses to crime, such as preventive patrol, have met with limited success.

What is intelligence? It is tempting to liken it to information, but they are not the same. Rather, intelligence has been defined as the sum of information and analysis. Another definition is “a formal process of taking information and turning it into knowledge while ensuring that the information is collected, stored, and disseminated appropriately.”

Intelligence is information that has been analyzed and integrated into a useful perspective. The information used in the development of effective intelligence is typically gathered from many sources, such as newspapers, surveillance, covert operations, financial records, electronic eavesdropping, interviews, and interrogations.

Law enforcement agencies at all levels depend on intelligence and cannot function adequately without it. The following subsections elaborate on the importance of intelligence for decision making, planning, strategic targeting, and crime prevention. Decision Making Planning Strategic Targeting Crime Prevention


10 New Investigative Technologies
What types of new investigative technologies do you think would assist you with this project?

It used to be that patterns of criminal activity were identified on pin maps. Colored stick pins would literally be stuck in various places on a map of a city, county, district, precinct, or other area.

A Geographic Information System Crime Map Created with Maptitude Mapping Software Showing Motor Vehicle Thefts in Newtown, MA

Geographic profiling, which makes use of crime-mapping technology, allows investigators to identify the likely whereabouts or residences of repeat or serial offenders.

14 How would you start the investigative process?
Create and outline/describe a list of 10 investigative steps you’d take to address this situation. How would you start the investigative process? You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

15 What type of technology is available to assist you?
What technological assistance would be needed to conduct this operation? What type of technology is available to assist you? You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

16 What measures would you take to analyze the pattern of robbery activity?
How would you analyze this? What type of equipment or assistance would you need? You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

17 How would you go about synthesizing the data and coming to a conclusion based on the data?
What would you do with the information? How would you put it all together? You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

18 What supplies / equipment would you purchase to enable the investigation and operation to be conducted. Given the fact that monies allocated for same are low, what steps would you take to procure more funds. What supplies do you need? How will you get more money for this project? You are elected the New Chief of your Department in City X and are charged with the responsibility of creating a plan to deal with the multiple daytime robbery attacks in your area. Your first order of business is to assemble the police reports on all of the attacks and create a strategic operational/investigative plan to address the crimes and ultimately present this plan to the mayor of City X at the next meeting, which will be held in a public forum.

19 Unit 7 Scenario Project Demonstrate the ability to utilize information and resources to make sound operational decisions in criminal justice agencies No set page limit No right or wrong answers—just answer each question to the best of your ability Cite all sources you use to assist you with developing your investigative plan

20 Thank you for attending the Unit 7 Seminar!

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