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Internal use only Slide 1 Anritsu RTD Automation Training Slides – Oct 2011.

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1 Internal use only Slide 1 Anritsu RTD Automation Training Slides – Oct 2011

2 Internal use only Slide 2 Contents RTD automation overview (S3)S3 Use of AT-MMI Proxy (S4)S4 Proxy.xml (S6)S6 Basic command remapping (S15)S15 Advanced command remapping - command (S19)S19 -Advanced commands (S20)S20 -Automated batch file execution using AAP TCP Server (S24)S24

3 Internal use only Slide 3 RTD Testcase MMI port AT port AT-MMI Proxy Application UE COM port TCP IP Socket AAP TCP Server (Optional) For executing batch files or executables on the control PC UE connected via USB Cable Remaps testcase commands to send specific commands to the UE and/or execute commands on the control PC. Uses xml file configured by the user to control automation.

4 Internal use only Slide 4 Use of AT-MMI Proxy There are two ways to run the AT-MMI Command Proxy application 1.Automatic execution by RTD (default) 2.Manual execution Automatic Execution -User configures xml file called proxy.xml -RTD automatically starts AT-MMI Command Proxy application at the beginning of a test execution, and closes it at the end -To setup automatic execution: -Open file RTD.ini in C:\Program Files\Rapid Test Designer\X.X.X\bin in a text editor -Change proxyLifeTime to =onDemand

5 Internal use only Slide 5 Use of AT-MMI Proxy Manual Execution -User can create multiple.xml files with any name, and select the desired one before each test run using a drop down menu -To setup manual execution: -Open file RTD.ini in C:\Program Files\Rapid Test Designer\X.X.X\bin in a text editor -Change proxyLifeTime to =manual -User runs atmmiCommandProxy.exe from the \bin folder before test execution. RTD will not open or close the application

6 Internal use only Slide 6 Proxy.xml The proxy.xml file is used to configure the RTD automation process. Stored in C:\Program Files\Rapid Test Designer\RTD X.X.X\bin Consists of three sections -Ports -Channels -Applications

7 Internal use only Slide 7 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 Port 7 Port 8 Channel 1 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 2 Port 9 BPL LTE Application 1 Application 3 Application 4 Application 2 COM Port Socket UERTD Application n Remap ABCD EFGH Remap IJKL MNOP Remap QRST UVWX

8 Internal use only Slide 8 Proxy.xml - Ports Sets up ports for use in automation process Ports 1,2,5 & 6 are used by RTD to send to/receive from AT-MMI proxy. These should not be edited Ports 3 & 4 are for sending commands to the UE for the RTD Basic Procedure Library (e.g. most Anritsu 2G/3G libraries) Ports 7 & 8 are for sending commands to the UE for other RTD Procedure Libraries (e.g. Anritsu LTE libraries) For ports 3,4,7 & 8 user should set the correct COM port for sending AT commands to the UE

9 Internal use only Slide 9 Proxy.xml - Ports

10 Internal use only Slide 10 Proxy.xml - Channels Users do not need to change anything in this section unless they wish to do automated batch file execution (covered in Advanced Command Remapping) Configures multiplexing of RTD ports and UE ports. MUX_AT channels are for RTD AT commands MUX_MMI channels are for RTD MMI commands Each MUX id can be configured with specific command remapping (see Proxy.xml - Applications)

11 Internal use only Slide 11 Proxy.xml - Channels

12 Internal use only Slide 12 Proxy.xml - Applications Used to remap testcase MMI and AT commands to UE specific automation commands Five sections: 1.Basic settings 2.Application name="MUX_MMI" id="1“ 3.Application name="MUX_AT" id="2“ 4.Application name="MUX_MMI" id="3“ 5.Application name="MUX_AT" id="4"

13 Internal use only Slide 13 Proxy.xml - Applications Basic settings: -DisplayOnly – -“yes” means AT and MMI commands in the testcase are only displayed as pop-up messages -“no” means AT and MMI commands in the testcase are sent to the UE via the specified COM port -BypassAllRemap – ignore command remappings -KeepSerialConnection – “yes” maintains connection to UE COM port between commands, “no” releases the COM port after sending a command -CreateLogFile – “yes” creates AT-MMI_log.txt in the \bin folder -ClearUeQueue – “yes” sends \r\n to the UE before sending an AT command, “no” does not send \r\n

14 Internal use only Slide 14 Proxy.xml - Applications Application name="MUX_MMI" id="1“ Contains remapping commands for Basic Procedure Library MMI commands Application name="MUX_AT" id="2“ Contains remapping commands for Basic Procedure Library AT commands Application name="MUX_MMI" id="3“ Contains remapping commands for all other procedure library MMI commands Application name="MUX_AT" id="4“ Contains remapping commands for all other procedure library AT commands

15 Internal use only Slide 15 Proxy.xml - Applications

16 Internal use only Slide 16 Basic Command Remapping For each Application, the user can configure any number of command remaps The set of remappings are enclosed by the Options tag Each command remap is enclosed in ClientReceiveRemap tags A remapping consists of one command and one or more commands

17 Internal use only Slide 17 Basic Command Remapping The tag indicates the command coming from RTD – this must match exactly what is sent by the testcase in order for the remapping to be used The tag indicates the command(s) to be sent to the UE over the COM port specified in the Ports section Because this is an xml file, special strings are needed to indicate characters: becomes <CR> becomes <LF>

18 Internal use only Slide 18 Basic Command Remapping MMI example – “Switch on the phone” string is remapped in the proxy.xml so “at+cfun=1” is sent to the UE

19 Internal use only Slide 19 Basic Command Remapping AT example – “AT+CGACT=1,1” is remapped to two commands. First at+cgdcont is sent to the UE, then at+cgact

20 Internal use only Slide 20 command tags allow the user to tailor the timing of commands sent to the UE, in order to produce stable automation Can be inserted between UE commands or at the start or end of a remapping Value is time is milliseconds Example:

21 Internal use only Slide 21 Advanced commands closePort -This command releases the AT-MMI proxy connection to the UE COM port after sending the specified command -Useful in situations such as UE reset Example:

22 Internal use only Slide 22 Advanced commands immediateReply -This command sends an immediate OK back to RTD, allowing the test case to continue whilst the AT-MMI proxy continues with the remap commands Example: Dummy command ‘AT’ sent to the UE RTD receives OK from AT-MMI proxy Proxy pauses for 20 seconds during which time RTD completes cell setup Power on command sent to the UE

23 Internal use only Slide 23 Advanced commands clientPortId -This command allows the user to explicitly specify a port id (from the Ports section) to send a command to -Only used when two client ports are specified in a channel multiplex. This is done for executing files from AT-MMI proxy (see Automated batch file execution) Example:

24 Internal use only Slide 24 ResponseExpected -This command allows the user to override the default AT-MMI proxy behaviour with respect to waiting for a response from the UE -Setting “no” means the proxy will not wait for a response (default behaviour is to wait a set time for a response) Example: Advanced commands

25 Internal use only Slide 25 Automated batch file execution Used to trigger.bat files or.exe files from AT-MMI proxy e.g. to automate use of a connection manager or dial-up connection First user needs to create a new port in the Ports section, and map this to the MUX_MMI id:3 and MUX_AT id:4 channels as shown in the next slide

26 Internal use only Slide 26 Automated batch file execution

27 Internal use only Slide 27 Automated batch file execution Next the user must install the AAP TCP Server application on the RTD Control PC The new port maps any commands sent to port 9 to the AAP TCP Server application, server 3

28 Internal use only Slide 28 Automated batch file execution The AAP TCP Server application can execute.bat and.exe files when passed the path and filename in a certain format The command used in the proxy file is: CMD PATH=C:\Automation;COM=ConnectionManager.exe Path is C:\Automation and filename is ConnectionManager.exe The end symbol string is needed to inform AAP TCP Server that the command is complete

29 Internal use only Slide 29 Automated batch file execution So an example remapping for running ConnectionManager.exe is:

30 Internal use only Slide 30 Automated batch file execution Please note, with this altered proxy.xml configuration the user needs to include closePort=“yes” and clientPortId=“x” for each remapped command. This is because channels 3 (MUX_MMI id:3) and 4 (MUX_AT id:4) are now mapped to two output ports each, so we must be specific where we send each command and release the connection after each command On the next slide we have an example for an LTE throughput testcase

31 Internal use only Slide 31 Automated batch file execution

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