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Hunterdon Central Regional High School 8 th Grade Program of Studies & Freshman Course Selection Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Hunterdon Central Regional High School 8 th Grade Program of Studies & Freshman Course Selection Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunterdon Central Regional High School 8 th Grade Program of Studies & Freshman Course Selection Orientation

2 Your 4-Year academic experience is a journey. Make sure you think about your destination and work backwards. Use the Program of Studies Booklet as a guide. Your High School Experience!

3 “NJASK8” Take the 8th Grade “NJASK8” seriously! See Page 5 for High School Graduation Requirements Minimum Requirements for Graduation

4 Take the most challenging course load that you can handle without creating too much stress. Check “Prerequisites”, “Grade Level” and sometimes “Recommendation” See Page 99 for Freshmen Electives. Scheduling Guidelines

5 An important guide for your initial course selections is the Teacher Recommendation Form. If you have concerns about the recommended placement, your parents can initial the desired course in the “override” column. Please note that students selecting a Math, Science, English or Social Studies honors course will be required to take a departmental placement test this spring. More Scheduling Guidelines

6 #Course NameMid Year Recommendation (Teacher Initial) Override (Parent Initial) 011Honors English I 012English I 014Freshman Humanities If recommended for 012 you may choose 014 If choosing 014 rather than 012 initial here S019English I Teacher Recommendation Form

7 Health & Physical Education are scheduled automatically. Think about picking “Alternates” for each elective choice. Remember, every course you take, and every final grade you receive, will be on your permanent record. Scheduling Guidelines

8 #Course NameCr.Alt. # Alternate Course Name Cr. I will participate in Marching Band for Credit Electives and Alternates (In Order of Preference)

9 Beginning on February 6th, course requests can be entered using an internet based “HomeLogic” software. HCRHS online course selection will be open between 8:00 AM February 6th and 8:00 AM February 11th. You must complete your course selections online within this time frame. Home Logic

10 In order to access HomeLogic, you will receive an exclusive User Name and Password. KEEP IT SECURE!!!! You will be receiving detailed HomeLogic user name and instructions soon. They will be mailed home.

11 It makes no difference if you select courses first or last during the 2/6 to 2/11 time frame. However, if you fail to input courses during this time frame you will be assigned a lower scheduling priority. This may affect your ability to enroll in courses which are filled or are low enrollment courses. Selecting Courses

12 When selecting some courses such as… 332- Algebra 2, 221- French 2 222 – Spanish 2 Remember to select the Grade 9 option! Freshman Only!

13 At the end of the course listing, please find a list of Hunterdon Central sports identified with the prefix “XTR”. Please check off any sports that you may be interested in participating in. This information will be provided to our coaches. Athletics

14 If you are considering “Outside” Course Work this summer, please read Pages 7 -12 carefully. Applications must be received at the H.S. prior to May 15. Non Traditional “Credit Attainment Pathways”

15 1 - Weighted: AP (Advanced Placement courses) HNS (Honors courses) 2 - Unweighted: Any course not designated AP, or HNS Course Levels and Weighting


17 SEMESTER ONESEMESTER TWO Quarter 1 (Sept.- Nov.) Quarter 2 (Nov.- Jan.) Quarter 3 (Jan.- Apr.) Quarter 4 (Apr.- June) Block 1 Math US History I Block 2 Phys Ed Spanish II Block 3 English Science Block 4 Art I* Interior Design** Computer Applications** Typical Block Schedule


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