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What did you observe?. What is the main difference between Subject A and Subject B?

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Presentation on theme: "What did you observe?. What is the main difference between Subject A and Subject B?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What did you observe?

2 What is the main difference between Subject A and Subject B?

3 Based on your observation, how do you think these organisms get their energy?

4 The difference between animals and plants on a cellular level Animal cellPlant cell chloroplasts

5 The structure of a chloroplast

6 Chloroplasts and photosynthesis

7 What is the main difference between animal and plant cells? CHLOROPLASTS

8 How does this difference allow plants to obtain energy? PHOTOSYNTHESIS

9 References: (Director). (2007). Plants: Photosynthesis [Motion Picture]. HowStuffWorks (Director). (2010). Cells and Genetics: Plant Cells [Motion Picture]. Michael, W. D. (2004, December 10). Cell Biology and Microscopy: Structure and Function of Cells & Viruses. Retrieved October 3, 2010, from Molecular Expressions: hloroplasts.html

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