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200720082009201020112012201320142015 2007- 2015 2014- 2015 Q1 Linguistics 375405510535500530665625585 56%-6% Q9 Others in Linguistics, Classics & related.

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Presentation on theme: "200720082009201020112012201320142015 2007- 2015 2014- 2015 Q1 Linguistics 375405510535500530665625585 56%-6% Q9 Others in Linguistics, Classics & related."— Presentation transcript:

1 200720082009201020112012201320142015 2007- 2015 2014- 2015 Q1 Linguistics 375405510535500530665625585 56%-6% Q9 Others in Linguistics, Classics & related 95125557595 115170175 84%3% QQ Combinations within Linguistics, classics & related 870935745750805790805795775 -11%-3% R0 European Langs, Lit & related: any area 10012595120550000 -100%0% R1 French studies 620690790740685585530520430 -31%-17% R2 German studies 245 285 290200210 175 -29%-17% R3 Italian studies 807080606545254025 -69%-38% R4 Spanish studies 310350385415465395 315325 5%3% R5 Portuguese studies 005005000 0% R6 Scandinavian studies 15 10 -33%0% R7 Russian and East European studies 7585110100906555 50 -33%-9% R8 European studies 02202509511585100105 105%0% R9 Others in European langs, lit & related 83085580085010501015105010401295 56%25% RR Combinations within European langs, lit & related 176018151810199017301660162514851410 -20%-5% T1 Chinese studies 135130155175205170180145170 26%17% T2 Japanese studies 155170220225190145165155235 52% T3 South Asian Studies 3545 356040 7025 -29%-64% T5 African studies 20153025 1015 10 -50%-33% T6 Modern Middle Eastern studies 140125 135100115 90 -36%-22% T9 Others in non-European langs, lit & related 6854353152602651751657595 -86%27% TT Combinations within non-European langs & related 404595706590759065 63%-28% Y Combs of languages 169018001570165015951430141514051380 -18%-2% Y Combs of languages with arts/humanities 852586357865766573756535667564156340 -26%-1% Y Combs of phys/math science with arts/humanities/languages 295029102675280025301980193016001190 -60%-26% Y Combs of science/engineering with arts/humanities/languages 759580508105840586157260672553954145 -45%-23% Y Combs of social studies/bus/law with languages 382538402730259525002145222022052375 -38%8% TOTALS 311703213529865300702948525575253052305521480 -31%-7% UCAS end of cycle data 2015 - acceptances into languages degrees


3 UCAS end of cycle data 2015 - acceptances into languages degrees COMBINATIONS OF Q/R/T/Y Source: UCAS DR3_015_01 Acceptances by detailed subject group (all)

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