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Telephone Etiquette Jolie Richards, Belmira Machado & Xander Jacques.

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Presentation on theme: "Telephone Etiquette Jolie Richards, Belmira Machado & Xander Jacques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telephone Etiquette Jolie Richards, Belmira Machado & Xander Jacques

2 How Should You Answer A Business Call? 1.Always answer the phone quickly - at least by the third ring. 2.Answer the phone in a professional and pleasant manner. People can sense your mood on the other end, so be enthusiastic. 3.If you’re answering a company phone always introduce yourself and the company. 4. Speak slowly and clearly to ensure the caller can understand you. Keep a calm tone of voice, you don’t want to sound like you’re yelling. 5.If you have callers on multiple lines, make sure you ask the caller if it’s alright to put them on hold BEFORE you do. Try not to keep them on hold for too long. 6.Don’t use speakerphone to answer a call. You want to caller to know they have your full attention 7.If you have an answering machine, be sure that your message includes an introduction to ensure the caller that they’ve reached the right number. You should also provide any other information they may need such a business hours, different extensions, etc.

3 How Can The Receiver Know Your Facial Expression? Once you pick up the phone, body language and facial expressions disappear. While a caller cannot see you, there is still a way for them to determine your mood. Your tone of voice gives off just as much information as your body language and face do. For example: -A monotone and flat voice says to the customer that you’re bored and uninterested in what they have to say. -Slow speed and low pitch communicate the message that you don’t want to be there. -A high-pitched and emphatic voice says you’re enthusiastic and interested in the subject. -An abrupt speed and loud tone says you’re angry and not interesting in anyone else’s input. -High pitch combined with drawn-out speed conveys that you’re surprised.

4 How is the person answering a call important to a company’s customer service image? Knowing the basics of telephone etiquette is important to a company because phone calls are a way that people can form their opinions of your business and your chance to give a good first impression, as well as the most important form of customer service. -First impressions last, whether we like it or not. Many business interaction begin with a phone call and if the person answering the phone doesn’t have proper phone etiquette, it can lead to the loss of potential clients/business. -Whether they’re talking to new customers or repeat customers, the way the person answering the phone handles phone calls and speaks to people can help the business flourish or diminish. Being polite goes a long way. People always remember customer service, good or bad.

5 Why is it important to be organized during a telephone call? ●It is important to be organized so if you need to find a file or item, you can quickly and efficiently. ●If you need to ask any questions or answer any you can give them a direct answer/question. ●It makes working with people easier.

6 Why is it important to pay attention to the telephone call recipient’s tone of voice? ●If they are upset it will affect the call. ●If they are motivated to help you or send you on your way or to another person. ●If they are being snarky with the person or sarcastic.

7 ●So they can remember if they want the same person again or not ●It gives the feeling of a one-on-one ●It gives a name since you can't see them Why is it important to identify yourself during a telephone call?

8 What verbal cues can help a telephone caller understand the call recipient’s underlying message? -When making a business call, make it clear who is on the line and where one is from as well as one's message when on the phone. Smile and have a positive attitude as the recipient will be able to read the caller and that will affect how they react and understand what the caller is trying to get across to the recipient. -One should state their name and who they are and the purpose for contacting them. -Always be polite, put yourself in the recipients position. -Words used, grunts, laughter, sighs, tone.

9 Why is it important to use company cell phones only for company business? Is it ethical to use a company phone for personal calls? -A whole host of problems can arise when employees use business equipment for personal purposes. Loss of productivity and the misuse of business resources can be curtailed with workplace policies that address the personal usage of business equipment. -Lost productivity, as employees use work time for personal tasks involving business equipment. -It is understood that using a company’s cell phone for personal calls may be used once in a while but if it becomes excessive problems can arise.

10 When is the use of text messaging appropriate? Inappropriate? -Appropriate: The use of text messaging can be appropriate if employees are using the companys work cell phone to text for work related reasons to customers or other colleagues and staff members. -Inappropriate: The use of text messaging can become inappropriate when an employee is using a work related cell phone to text for personal reasons unrelated to work.

11 Has the rise of cell phone usage created new considerations for telephone etiquette? -The use of cellphones has created a more casual feel within a work environment, sometimes this can be good but also bad. -Good: If the telephone caller is not in the work area and needs to reach a recipient, they can do so by texting or making a quick call to the recipient with the company’s cell phone. (wireless) -Bad: If the telephone caller loses the company’s cell phone and cannot reach recipients.

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