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Was Sudan colonised in 1885? Standard – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened Super – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they.

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Presentation on theme: "Was Sudan colonised in 1885? Standard – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened Super – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Was Sudan colonised in 1885? Standard – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened Super – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened considering the role of the metropole and periphery What had happened to Egypt from 1875 to 1882? Be detailed! How would this affect the Sudan?

2 Egyptian civilianBritish civilianSudanese civilian 1. Angry at the Westernisation of the administration, high Egyptian taxation, halt of the slave trade (for the people aren’t slaves) and being controlled by Egypt.

3 British civilianSudanese civilian

4 As part of its modernisation programme Egypt wanted to get the Sudan completely under their control. As part of this modernisation they wanted to westernise the administration, which Muslims in the Sudan disagreed with, and they wanted to end slave trading and raiding, which was a central feature of the Sudanese economy. The Egyptians also enforced aggressive and high taxation. They sent Samuel Baker and then General Gordon to enforce this change in administration, suppression of the slave trade, and getting the Sudan under their control. They managed to achieve this by 1881. Then Britain took control of Egypt by 1882, which meant they ruled Sudan as it was administered by the Egyptians. Add to your speech bubbles!

5 However, in 1883 Mohammed Ahmed, who claimed he was the long-awaited Mahdi, gathered an army to repel Egyptian/Britain rule. They defeated three Egyptian armies in quick succession, including one led by the British Colonel Hicks. There were Egyptian garrisons dangerously isolated in the South and there were vulnerable non-Sudanese civilians in Khartoum. What will the British do? Add to your speech bubbles!

6 Gordon reached Khartoum on 18 February 1884 and began to organize an evacuation. Some 2000 people - mainly women, children and the sick - escaped by the time the Mahdi's forces close in, on March 13, to begin the siege of the city. Gordon had only a demoralized Egyptian garrison under his command, but he contrived to defy the Mahdi's forces for a space of ten months. For nine of these London has no news of what is happening, for the Sudanese cut the telegraph line to Cairo in mid-April. Add to your speech bubbles!

7 The unknown but all too imaginable fate of Gordon, already a hero from past campaigns, galvanized public opinion in Britain and eventually forcesda vacillating government to plan for the relief of Khartoum. In September 1884 Garnet Wolseley sailed from London to lead an expedition up the Nile. On 26 January 1885 the Mahdi's forces finally breached the walls of Khartoum and massacred Gordon and the starving troops and citizens. Wolseley’s vanguard reaches Khartoum on 28 January 1885 - too late by just two days. Wolseley's small army withdrew. The remaining Egyptian garrisons in the Sudan make their way north as best they can. Add to your speech bubbles! whNQo

8 Did they colonise the Sudan in 1885? Why didn’t they? – The Russians invaded Afghanistan

9 What does this suggest about British attitudes? Was it correct? Ext. Why is Gordon saying the Egyptian government need ‘civilising’?

10 What happened in Sudan in 1885? Pair-work

11 Why did the British attempt to colonise Sudan in 1885? Pair work Bullet point the reasons why Britain attempted to colonise the Sudan Write some detail next to each one.

12 Standard - Write 5 steps explaining what happened to the Sudan in 1885 and write 5 reasons why it was colonised Ext. Were metropole forces or periphery forces stronger in the colonisation of the Sudan? Was Sudan colonised in 1885? Standard – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened Super – to explain events in Sudan in 1885 and why they happened considering the role of the metropole and periphery


14 Homework – due Thursday 9 th October Number the boxes in the correct order. Was it inevitable that the Sudan would be eventually colonised?

15 How did the British actually colonise the Sudan? Standard aim: to explain how the British actually colonised the Sudan Super aim: to explain the most important reasons for the colonisation of the Sudan

16 How was the Sudan colonised? Summarise this in a sentenceSummarise this in a word European countries were asserting their rule near and around the Sudan. Britain ruled Egypt, British missionaries had penetrated Uganda, the British Imperial East Africa Company, which was given money by the government was encouraged to expand trade and influence on East Africa. The Germans had gathered treaties in modern day Mozambique. Italy was trying to get Ethiopia and France was trying to gain influence on the South West border of the Sudan. In June 1885 the Mahdi died and was replaced by his son the Khalifa. The Sudan were left to rule themselves for now, mostly as they didn’t pose a great threat to Egypt as the Sudanese lost a battle in 1889 near the border. In 1888 a German was stranded in Southern Sudan after Khartoum fell. Explorers were racing to try and rescue him. Sir Stanley was one of them. He worked for King Leopold. Sir Stanley won, rescued him, and raised King Leopold II’s flag over Southern Sudan (Equatoria). The British government authorised a reconquest of the Sudan in March 1896. They officially said it was for the Egyptians. Lord Kitchener led an army of mostly Egyptian, ex-Sudanese slaves and some British troops into the Sudan. Kitchener believed he was waging war in the name of civilisation. They built a train line to go faster so that Kitchener didn’t face the same gruelling trek down the Nile and across the desert, In September 1898 Kitchener’s army and the Khalifah’s army met. The Sudanese were massacred by long-range rifles, machine guns and frontal attacks. Winston Churchill was one of the commanders. The next day the British and Egyptian flags were raised in Khartoum and a memorial service was held for Gordon. The leaders of Khalifah’s army were shot. After Kitchener captured Khartoum, the province was governed jointly by Britain and Egypt through the British governor-general. Meanwhile, the French were marching from the Congo towards Southern Sudan. The British government panicked and obtained diplomatic agreements saying that the British had control over the Nile valley. France got annoyed and sent an explorer to raise the French flag in Fashoda in Southern Sudan. Kitchener was supposed to be paid £30,000 reward for Sudan. Allegations of inhumanity meant he risked not receiving the money, whereas another Tory MP stated ‘we are bringing into the Dark Continent civilisation’. Eventually he received the money. He contributed some of the money to Gordon Memorial College in Khartoum, machine-gun manufacturers also contributed to this college. Cover up your table like this. Explain to your partner how the Sudan was colonised using your words to prompt you.

17 What caused the actual colonisation of the Sudan? What links can you make between these causes?

18 The ‘man on the spot’ was the driving force for the colonisation of Africa. Do you agree? What do we mean by the ‘man on the spot’? AgreeDisagree

19 QUIZ Standard aim: to explain how the British actually colonised the Sudan Super aim: to explain the most important reasons for the colonisation of the Sudan

20 Strike day on Thursday 17 th October – come to the department to collect work It will also be on Mock – Thursday 24 th October on everything covered so far

21 Homework Read the chapters and highlight – The causes of the colonisation of Egypt and the Sudan Answer this question – How responsible were the ‘men on the spot’ in the colonisation of Egypt and the Sudan?

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