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Life is… “Life is a search for the secrets of growth and no one is expected to have them all; we are judged not by what we know but by the honesty of our.

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Presentation on theme: "Life is… “Life is a search for the secrets of growth and no one is expected to have them all; we are judged not by what we know but by the honesty of our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life is… “Life is a search for the secrets of growth and no one is expected to have them all; we are judged not by what we know but by the honesty of our search.” M. Shain

2 The I-Search Your Senior Project The Undiscovered Country: Challenge Yourself Explore Grow

3 Choosing a topic :  You decide!  Meaningful, engaging, fun.  Compelling and personal  Active engagement  Be an expert, a warrior, an artist, a thinker, a learner

4 Brainstorming Dance Arts and crafts Drama / Film Eastern Medicine Sports Medicine Religion Careers Computers Photography Architecture

5 Requirements oMaintain a Senior Project Binder and a 2 Column Work and Product Log oLetter of Intent oProposal o3 Interviews (one in class ) oVisitation oSecondary Research oI-Search Paper oProduct & Product Log oPresentation

6 LAUNCH Brainstorm Sell your topic/Question Strategize Start you Letter of Intent

7 Proposal Persuasive voice Explain your motivation Inventory of what you know A list of resources 2-3 pages. Why have you chosen this topic? What do you know to be true about this topic? What questions do you have about this topic? What do you hope to discover?

8 Mentors  Consider a mentor A coach A problem-solver A resource A proofreader Over 21 Professional in the field

9 Mentor Meetings First Meeting Second Meeting Third meeting Review Review work to-date Show 2 nd or Requirements 3 rd draft of paper An Interview Brainstorm about Perhaps give paper The FOCUS of Paper Resources to mentor ahead of time research Journals Review outline of Discuss Interviews presentations Ideas for product Visitation Ask mentor to attend Outline of paper presentation Presentation and write letter to Ms. Sutherland

10 Mentor Documents Mentor Requirements Mentor Editing Sheet Mentor Agreement Form Turned In Mentor Letter included In Final Portfolio

11 Interviews Interview two people who will help answer your research and challenging questions Individual must be integral to Project 2 typed pages Interview format, no scripts On topic writing Reflect preparation

12 Visitation Silent Observation Reflection Fly on the Wall Third Person Show Not Tell Writing Choose well grasshopper

13 The Paper 8-10 Pages + Work Cited Page An Integration of your Research Visitations Interview Reflection

14 Paper, Paper, Paper Make sure your paper reflects your search Discuss and show how you obtained your knowledge How the combination of visitation, interviews, research dovetailed to a new understanding Weave these elements throughout your paper

15 Mentor Letter Your mentor reflects on: The process Product Paper You Enclosed in Senior Project Portfolio

16 Product Representation of how you have grown from the Senior Project Product Log documenting 15 hours

17 Teaching or Leadership Product Teach junior high health class about marine archaeology Teach about knights and armor to a 6 th grade class Coach a little league team Set up a neighborhood action committee

18 Written Product Book of poems Newspaper Novelette

19 Physical Product Stained glass window Computer program Outfit Rebuilt engine Or Learn to scuba dive Run a marathon Start a fitness program Go on a wilderness survival trip

20 Performance Product Dance Instrumental or singing recital Speed Racing Magic show

21 Career-related product “Shadow” a police offer Write or speak about an experience to others View and document medical procedures Volunteer time at a local veterinarian (Note: simple shadowing without an extension of the experience, such as a presentation or written document is lightweight

22 Presentation One 3x5 card 3 visual aids 15 minutes long Dress professionally

23 Most importantly Take time to choose Passion is not always easily accessible Challenge yourself Strive for excellence Have fun Remember: Make Sacrifices in the Short- Run for the Life you Want in the Long-Run.

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