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Fixture 3: Poetry Slam.

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Presentation on theme: "Fixture 3: Poetry Slam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fixture 3: Poetry Slam

2 Fixture 3 Warm-up First Half: browsing the poems Second half: performing the poems Post-match Activities

3 Objectives To read a wide variety of poetry, some with a football theme To enjoy poetry through performance To practise presentation skills To work in a group

4 Warm-up Game Rhyme It Call out a football word e.g. goal or pitch
You have 30 seconds to list as many rhyming words as possible. GO!

5 What makes a good performance of a poem?
Watch the following video of Benjamin Zephaniah and in groups decide on five things that you need to do when performing a poem: Now watch Paul Cookson: Do you want to change anything? This is now your success criteria

6 Read one of these poems together
Paul Cookson’s Coolscorin’matchwinnin’celebratin’striker Why is it good to read out loud? For more poems see

7 The Second Half Now look at either a selection of poems or poetry books Choose a poem which is great to read out loud and perform Work in a group to decide: How will you say the words? How will you act the words? How will you use rhythm, beats, expressions and tone? How will you highlight words, phrases and lines to perform in different ways?

8 Perform Your Poem Perform your poem (don’t forget to refer to your success criteria) The rest of the group must watch and then vote for their favourite performance referring to the success criteria Be prepared to say why!

9 Post-match Activity Tell us about your online games and activities Share your training log and earn stickers Let’s update the Challenge Poster Who is Man of the Match? Instalment story

10 Cooldown Let’s Chant (to the tune of YMCA)
“Come on, there’s no need to feel down I said, come on, pick yourself off the ground I said, come on, when you’re having a frown There’s no need, to, be, un-happy It’s fun to read a book ev-er-y-day It’s fun to read a book ev-er-y-day.”

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