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Presentation on theme: "LOGISTICS HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Randy Fowler DAU November 20, 2006."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 LOG HCSP Link To Other Efforts EntryExpert Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Transforming for the 21 st Century Logistics Human Capital Strategic Plan High Performing, Agile, and Ethical Workforce Developing the Right Competencies Journeyman Superior Performance Performance Metrics, Performance Management, Performance Assessment, Pay for Performance Strategic Context: NDS, JV2020, QDR, Focused Logistics Roadmap AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan What competencies are desired in future? How to develop the next generation workforce?

3 3 Logistics Human Capital Strategic Planning (LOG HCSP) – Phase 1

4 4 * Tasks 1 and 5 tie into each other ** Task 2 drives Task 3, 4, and 6 * * ** Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 5 Task 4 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 DoD Logistics HCSP Project Scope – Phase 1 ** Option Year

5 5 26 August 2006 Workforce Categories with Present Baseline Technical Management Support (14,000, 6%) Reliability and maintainability analyses Technical data management Supply Chain Management ( 75,000, 32%) Integration of multiple material sources and processes to meet warfighter requirements Operational Logistics (38,000, 16%) Distribution to, from, and within theater Includes transportation, warehousing, storage, packaging and inventory, cargo scheduling, and dispatching Defense System Program Logistics*** (14,000, 6%) Planning, analysis, acquisition, sustainment and modernization of defense system support capabilities Maintenance Support (94,000, 40%) Planning and executing maintenance of defense system equipment ± 25,000; see “Task 5 Workforce Sizing Analysis” for discussion of sizing uncertainty ** Total Logistics workforce size and individual component sizes are based on existing data given by Logistics Management Institute, key Agencies and Services. Not all parties were able to contribute a breakdown of the five categories or to provide a precise picture of their Logistics workforce; therefore, one cannot assume that these figures are by all means accurate. *** includes DAWIA The current total civil service Logistics workforce is 235,000* personnel in five functional components; below are estimates of the relative component sizes**:

6 6 26 August 2006 Future Trends and Logistics Competencies Future CompetenciesKey Trends Shifting Workforce Demographics Aging/Shrinking workforce Per OPM, 60% of total Federal (and 90% of total Executive) workforce eligible to retire by 2015 Reduced DoD budget will lead to reduction of Logistics workforce Growing contractor workforce Business Acumen CPI (Lean, Six Sigma), Financial Management Contracting Management of contractor workforce, PBL Knowledge Management Preserving organizational knowledge Flattening DoD Organization Increasing Joint Operability Merging Logistics categories Joint Planning Data Interoperability Operate in System of Systems Operate in Network of Networks Interdisciplinary workforce Evolution from “I” to “T” to “star” Accelerating Rate of Change in Science and Technology Technological change is being driven by the commercial sector Increased competition for US technical students Logistics core models are increasingly engineering processes Software Engineering Systems Engineering Theatre Engineering

7 7 An Increasingly Multi-Functional Work Force Will Produce the Enterprise Logistician Leaders of 2015 - 2020 “I” People – Deep knowledge, narrow expertise in functional segment, with limited knowledge of other functional segments or fields “T” People – Broader knowledge across a field, possibly with depth in some but not all logistics segments; some knowledge of business or other fields; some development assignments and training. “ Multi-faceted” People – The “Enterprise Logistician” with expertise in many segments and knowledge of the logistics process end-to-end; business education; executive training; industry, multi-component experience. Current Near Future Far Future

8 8 Top Recommendations for DOD Action Create a Defense Logistics University that offers a dedicated logistics curriculum and web-enabled knowledge sharing Improve efficiency in human capital management with investment in incentives, retention bonuses, etc. to retain the near-retirement workforce as long as possible Position to recruit, train, and retain a multi-disciplined workforce through deployment of initiatives such as NSPS, which provide a consistent system to plan and realize professional growth and development Embrace advanced technologies such as on-demand logistics and requisite tools to make full use of new technology Foster collaboration with the private sector to expedite adoption of new business processes and advanced technologies Reduce long-term liabilities (including physical assets and work associated with them) through private sector collaboration and performance based logistics to balance use and ownership and maximize flexibility Develop and implement a common data dictionary for the DoD logistics workforce Modified contractor recommendations, per Exec Summary, 31 Oct 06

9 9 AT&L Workforce Competency Management

10 10 Roles of Competency Management HR-XMLHR-XML HR-XML HR-XML HR-XML HR-XML Competency Management System Competency Management System Human Resources System Performance Management System Training & Learning System Operate from a standard, integrated human capital architecture that implements competencies as the central data set informing, human resources processes, performance management within business processes, workforce development, and institutional educational programs Provide a common vocabulary to integrate all DoD agencies’ human capital programs Part of integrated strategic human capital management plan

11 11 Supporting Workforce Planning, Competency Management, New Certification Framework, Other Human Capital Initiatives Implementing OPM Methodologies – standard, repeatable process Phase II Phase III Phase I Continuing Updates Time-Phased Approach

12 12 Competencies Impact Readiness Readiness Impacts Operational Mission Success Defining the LCL Role: Building competencies based on what field Life Cycle Logisticians do to accomplish the mission Planning for the Future: Providing the information that management needs to identify what are the future requirements Aligning Competencies to Courses: Linking the learning assets at DAU to what is needed and used to successfully perform the job Measuring Progress: Standard and validated criteria by which we evaluate what impact our programs have on people and performance Life Cycle Logistics Workforce Application

13 13 Logistics Human Capital Strategic Planning (LOG HCSP) – Phase 2

14 14 Technical Management Support Reliability and maintainability analyses Technical data management Supply Chain Management Integration of multiple material sources and processes to meet warfighter requirements Operational Logistics Distribution to, from, and within theater Includes transportation, warehousing, storage, packaging and inventory, cargo scheduling, and dispatching Defense System Program Logistics Maintenance Support Planning and executing maintenance of defense system equipment Planning, analysis, acquisition, sustainment and modernization of defense system support capabilities Logistics Workforce Categories Competencies vary by workforce category

15 15 What Happens Next? Complete Life Cycle Logistics competency management process by Dec 06 Use Logistics HCSP Phase II effort to better define broader Logistics career field competencies –Apply process similar to AT&L workforce methodology –Leverage previous and existing Service/Agency efforts –Relate strongly to Joint Logistics and other strategic vectors Work with Logistics senior leadership to implement CM results into future professional development framework –Training –Recruitment –Career transition –Integration with industry

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