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Story Structure Foldable

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Presentation on theme: "Story Structure Foldable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Story Structure Foldable
Mrs. Fendrick




5 Characters Setting Story Structure Conflict Plot Resolution

6 Characters Setting Conflict Plot Resolution people or animals in
the story Conflict Plot Resolution

7 Characters Setting Conflict Plot Resolution people or where and
animals in when events the story take place Conflict Plot Resolution

8 Characters Setting Conflict Plot Resolution people or where and
animals in when events the story take place Conflict problem which is part of the plot Plot Resolution

9 Characters Setting Conflict Plot Resolution people or where and
animals in when events the story take place Conflict problem which is part of the plot Plot series of events that make up a story Resolution

10 Characters Setting Conflict Plot Resolution people or where and
animals in when events the story take place Conflict problem which is part of the plot Plot series of events that make up a story Resolution solution to the problem

11 Story Structure

12 Story Structure Characters Setting
Max, Maude, Oliva, Mrs. Plunkett, Mario, Dr. Carmody on the road from Ohio to Chicago in the present time Conflict Max is running late on his way to an audition. Plot 1. The car breaks down. 2. Maude has allergic reaction. 3. Max misses the contest. Resolution Max’s audition tape is played on the national news, and he is invited to perform at the Giggle Factory.

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