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Internet User’s Guide The path to... GB757. Internet User's Guide2 Objectives  Understand the Internet architecture  Understand Internet Services 

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1 Internet User’s Guide The path to... GB757

2 Internet User's Guide2 Objectives  Understand the Internet architecture  Understand Internet Services  Understand Internet Clients  Note key Internet locations  Note special corporate considerations

3 Internet User's Guide3 Why?  Huge Impact Technology  Impacts all sides  Reduces costs  Increases Revenue  Almost Magic  Great Equalizer  Little is Big  Big is Little

4 Internet User's Guide4 The Hype  Overestimated in short run  Underestimated in long run

5 Internet User's Guide5 The Problem Your HereYour Information is here (and in different formats and types of devices)

6 Internet User's Guide6 The Basics  Network Protocol TCP/IP  Data Packets; bits are bits  Meaningful addresses?? URL  protocol://site:port/file&args...  DNS  Stateless Client/Server  Application Protocols  (Simple) N = Complex

7 Internet User's Guide7 The Basic Problems  Privacy  Spoofing locations, names  Altering Content  Listening  Legal Ambiguities  Financial Considerations  Response Time  Not Predictable  Sheer Chaos

8 Internet User's Guide8 The Major Services  HTTP (The Web)  SMTP/POP (Email)  NNTP (News Groups)  FTP (File Transfers)  Telnet (Remote Logins)  List Server (Broadcast Groups)  Proprietary  Real Audio  ICQ  Lots of others  Well Known Port

9 Internet User's Guide9 The Major Service Sites (HTML)  Search Engines  The crossroads of the Web  Two types: Catalog & Keyword Even the best only references 30%  Boolean criteria & “ “  Sites, people, & locations...  Businesses  News  Jobs  Academics  Radio stations  Personalization Sites  And on and on and on

10 Internet User's Guide10 The Major Client: The Browser  Two Choices  Basic Operations  Stop, Print, Save(what’s is missing)  Bookmarks  Downloads and compressed files  Embellishments  Java  Plug ins  Session Management  Cookies  SSL  URL/Hidden HTML  Security  SSL  SHTTP  Push???

11 Internet User's Guide11 The Other Major Client: Email  SMTP  POP3  MIME  Address Book  Individuals & Groups  Filters  SPAM  Threads  Limitations

12 Internet User's Guide12 The Minor Clients  FTP  Telnet  News  Up and coming  ICQ  Real Audio  NetMeeting  PointCast

13 Internet User's Guide13 The Corporate Internet User  Firewalls  Proxies  Monitoring  Archiving

14 Internet User's Guide14 Summary  Its Complex but Simple  Principals won’t change  Tactics will undergo major change  Get going…up the learning curve  Still Evolving  Be careful  Be watchful  Be excited

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