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Cadency for Entity Owners and Close Administrators

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1 Cadency for Entity Owners and Close Administrators
Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Financial Close Management Tool Content for this section of guide *Course Length: min *Instructors Pre-course Checklist Coordinate training logistics with Training Manager Training schedule Conference Room A/V Equipment Mobile Lab (if needed) Review all training materials including Instructor Guide Demonstration Scripts: Student Exercise (located in Participant Guide) Open & Print Out Course Demonstrations from SP Demonstration Scripts: To access demonstration scripts go to Cadency SP Site and access the Trainer Resources folder under Training on the Home Page. Pre-Training Classroom Set-Up Set up classroom Make sure materials are present A/V equipment set up Sign in sheet Level 1 evaluations Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

2 Course Introduction SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS
Welcome to Cadency 105: Cadency for Entity Owners and Close Administrators Before we get started there’s some general information we want to share with you Course Introduction Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

3 Cadency Curriculum 101 Introduction to Cadency
102 Cadency for Performers, Reviewers & Secondary Reviewers 103 Additional Functionality for Reviewers and Secondary Reviewers 104 Cadency for Entity Viewers 105 Cadency for Entity Owners and Close Administrators 106 Additional Functionality for Close Administrators SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS SPE offers 6 courses about Cadency Each course and its title is shown here You are assigned courses based on the role(s) you have been assigned in Cadency Depending on close responsibilities you maybe be assigned more than one role All users take this course: Cadency 101 Depending on role(s) you will take an additional 1-5 courses Each course lasts between 30 and 50 minutes Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

4 Curriculum Materials & Key
Participant Guide Cadency Site on mySPE Follow Along! Participant Page Guide ## SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS All Cadency courses have training materials to accompany the course. The training materials for each course are listed on this slide Participant Guide: you should all have your guide with you during this course. Follow along using the page numbers listed on the book icon. Guide contains Additional context/information Demonstration scripts with screenshots to help you follow along Student Exercises Cadency SharePoint Site: copies of training materials and job aids. Additional information on Cadency, close policies and procedures Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

5 Cadency 105 Overview This training course is designed students to prepare participants to use Cadency, SPE’s financial close management tool. Specifically targeted to Entity Owners and Close Administrators, during this course you will learn: Monitor the status of SPE’s financial close in Cadency Viewing Entity Set-Ups Manage Close Task Management Configure and Run Reports Create and Generate eBinders SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS This training course is designed to prepare students to use Cadency, SPE’s financial close management tool. Targeted for users assigned the roles of Entity Owner and Close Administrator, during this course will cover how both roles Monitor the status of SPE’s financial close in Cadency Viewing Entity Set-Ups Manage Close Task Management Configure and Run Reports Create and Generate eBinders 4 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

6 Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles View entity set-ups in Cadency Set-up and manage Close Tasks and action plans Start ad-hoc tasks as needed Configure and run reports Create and Generate eBinders SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS These are the learning objectives for this course Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles View entity set-ups in Cadency Set-up and manage Close Tasks and action plans Start ad-hoc tasks as needed Configure and run reports Create and Generate eBinders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

7 Course Agenda Monitoring Close in Cadency Viewing Entity Set-Ups
Close Task Management Cadency Reports eBinders in Cadency Course Conclusion SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS There are five chapters in this course, they are: Monitoring Close in Cadency Viewing Entity Set-Ups Close Task Management Cadency Reports and eBinders Course Conclusion Each chapter covers some of our learning objectives for this course Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

8 Entity Owner Responsibilities Key Take Away
Maintain entities they have been assigned Update tasks and create new tasks as needed Manage user groups Configure and run reports Create and generate eBinders Monitor close status as needed via Cadency consoles Primarily an administrative role within Trintech – they manage tasks and entities within Cadency. SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Before we begin – lets review your role as an Entity Owner or Close Administrator with Cadency Entity Owners are primarily an administrative role within Trintech – supporting SPE through the management of tasks and entities within Cadency View is limited based on the entities they have been assigned Entity Owners have the ability to manage entities and tasks within Cadency. They can also run and customize reports as well as generate eBinders Like Entity Viewers, Entity Owners can monitor the status of the close using Cadency Consoles Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

9 Financial Close Administrator
Responsibilities Key Take Away Manage the Cadency close calendar Open/Close periods in Cadency Manage and update Cadency set-ups Manage tasks, entities as needed View status of close via consoles as needed Primarily an administrative role within Trintech – they have the same abilities as an Entity Owner as well as the ability to manage the close calendar within Cadency. SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Before we begin – lets review your role as an Entity Owner or Close Administration with Cadency Close Administrators Same abilities as an Entity Owner PLUS the ability to manage the close calendar and open/close periods See the entire hierarchy within Cadency whereas Entity Owners can only see the hierarchy for entities they have been assigned In this course we will focus on features and functionality available to both Entity Owners and Close Administers. Functionality, like Calendar Management, available to Close Administrators only, will be covered in Cadency 106 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

10 Entity Owner Do’s & Don’ts
SPE has placed the following governance around the role of Entity Owner in Cadency Do’s Don’t’s Follow SPE task naming conventions for all new tasks Use the next number in the Task ID sequence for the new tasks Identify any close tasks important to your specific group as “Key Close Tasks” Add/update/delete any entities Add/update/delete any tasks that you/your group do not own Edit/delete the tasks flagged with “Minimum Standard ID” Do not check the “Critical” checkbox for any tasks other than the one’s flagged as Minimum Standards SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS We will be referencing this list of Do’s and Don’t’s throughout today’s training Keep these in mind as we go through the Viewing Entity Set-up and Task Management chapters. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Lets get started with our first chapter: “Monitoring Close in Cadency” MONITORING CLOSE IN CADENCY Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

12 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Customize your Home Tab to view status of close for assigned entities Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has two objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Customize your Home Tab to view status of close task and close task issues for assigned entities Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

13 Close Tasks vs. Close Issues
Activities necessary to complete each Close Can occur on monthly, quarterly or annual basis Action Plan is created for every relevant period Challenges or roadblock Close Task Performers or Reviewers encounter when conducting close Tied to a specific Action Plan SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Here is a quick reminder of what Close Tasks and Close Task Issues are in Cadency Close Tasks Activities necessary to complete each Close Can occur on monthly, quarterly or annual basis Action Plan is created for every relevant period EXAMPLE: Allocations, Reconciliations Close Issues Documented challenges or roadblocks encountered by task performers/reviewers when completing close activities Tied to a specific action plan EXAMPLE: Data not reconciling as expected, Data from bank not received on time, unexpected system maintenance impacts ability to complete close task Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

14 Home Page Review Home Tab contains customizable information specialized to each user Entity Viewers have additional windows they can use to monitor Close status SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Recall from Cadency 101 the Home Tab on Cadency contains customizable information specialized to each user As an Entity Owner/Close Administrator you have additional options in customizing your Home Tab Allow you to view the overall status of Close Tasks across your assigned entities. Let’s take a look at each of these customized windows in turn. Close Summary Close Calendar Close Task Status Close Issues My Reports My Scheduled Reports 4 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

15 Having 2 Roles : Entity Owner & Reviewer
SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS If you are assigned the role of Entity Owner for one entity in Cadency and the role of Reviewer for another entity you will be able to see all Action Plans assigned to you for Review as well as the overall status of the close from your home page This screenshot shows how that looks when you log-in 4 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

16 Close Summary Summary of the most recent open period
“Completed Task” will go to Task Status console “Open Issues” will show list of issues for the relevant period and their status SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Shows the summary of the most recent open period in Cadency Clicking on completed task will bring up the Task Status console Clicking on open issues will show a list of issues the relevant period and their status Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

17 Close Calendar Graphical view of the current close calendar
Click on date to see all Action Plans due that day Default View = Current Open Period SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Provides a graphical view of the current close calendar on home page. Green color represents due dates mapped to close days Click on date to show all Action Plans due that day Default view is current open period. If multiple periods are open it shows the latest period. NOTE: The Close Calendar is maintained by the Close Administrator. Close Administrators will learn about Calendar Management in Cadency106 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

18 Close Task Status All Close Tasks within assigned entities
Click on chart for list view with RYG status SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS A pie chart view of all Close Tasks for the period. Click on chart to view list of all tasks in period for the entities you have permissions to view Red, Green Status Dot shows tasks as on time or overdue Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

19 Close Issues All issues created within assigned entities
Click on chart for list view of all issues SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Pie chart view of the issues created against your assigned entities for this period. Click on pie chart to view all issue Action Plans for the current period Issue management and resolutions is an important part of financial close management at SPE As an Entity Owner you have the ability to view issues created for the entities you have been assigned. As close Administrator you would see the issues created for all entities Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

20 My Reports Lists reports you have configured in Cadency
Learn report configuration in upcoming chapter SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Easy access to reports you have configured Learn to configure reports later in this course Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

21 Scheduled Reports Lists reports you have scheduled to run automatically Reports delivered to Inbox Learn to schedule in upcoming Chapter SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Lists the reports you have schedule to run automatically and their next run will take place Reports will be delivered to your Inbox You will learn to schedule reports later in this lesson Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

22 Cadency Consoles Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Consoles are an additional tool for monitoring status of Close Filter and drill down to show detailed information Bookmark for easy return to information Chapter XX, pp. ##-## 3 Consoles Available: Task Status Task list Dependencies SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Along with the Home page Sub Tab, Entity Owners can monitor the status of the close for their assigned entities using the Consoles tab. Consoles allow you to filter and drill down to detailed information on Close Tasks You can set bookmarks to return to the Consoles quickly and easily Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

23 Task Status Console Real-time monitoring of all Action Plans for assigned entities Shows issues for related Close Tasks as well SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Provides real time monitoring of the status of all Action Plans Entity Owners see Action Plans for entities they have been assigned Close Administrators see all Action Plans for current period. Useful for viewing the status of all task types across your assigned entities and drilling down to look at the status of close across a specific entity or period. Also shows the status of all issues associated with Close Tasks for your assigned entities. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

24 Tasklist Console Tasks grouped by due day Quick view of status
Can start ad-hoc tasks from here SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Shows tasks grouped by due day and provides a quick view of their status, dependent and critical tasks. Can also be filtered to show specific information Useful console because you can start an “Ad Hoc” task from this console You will learn to start an Ad Hoc task later in this course OUTLINE NOTES Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

25 Dependency Console Status and Relationship between all dependent Action Plans for assigned entities Filter by Period and Task Name SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Shows the status and relationship between all dependent tasks REMINDER: Dependent tasks require another tasks Action Plan be completed before its Action Plan can be submitted in Cadency Dependent tasks help to insure proper flow of Close Tasks during the close Dependencies can exist between Close Tasks within an entity or across entities Can also be filtered to show specific information Dependency console you can access tasks directly if needed. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

26 Demonstration #1 5 Demonstration Topics To Follow Along
Monitoring Close from Cadency Home Page Three Cadency Consoles: Close Task Status, Dependency and Tasklist Bookmarking Consoles 5 SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Lets take a look at all this in Cadency. The upcoming demonstration will cover Customizing Home Page to show close status/reporting information Three Cadency Consoles: Status, Dependency and Tasklist Bookmarking Consoles You can follow along with this demonstration in your participant guide 5 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

27 Monitoring Close in Cadency
Demonstration #1 Monitoring Close in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Get demonstration from Cadency Sharepoint Site Trainer Resources Folder under Training on Home Page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

28 Demonstration #1 Recap Demonstration Topics
Monitoring Close from Cadency Home Page Three Cadency Consoles: Status, Dependency and Tasklist Bookmarking Consoles SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Review the list of topics covered Query audience for questions etc. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

29 You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to:
Customize your Home Tab to view status of close for assigned entities Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS You have reached the end of this chapter. You should now be able to : Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues Customize your Home Tab to view status of close for assigned entities Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Lets begin our next chapter “Viewing Entity Set-ups & Managing Tasks” VIEWING ENTITY Set-ups Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

31 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Understand the Entity Hierarchy and how it is used to organize data Search for entities in Cadency View entity set-ups in Cadency SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has three objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand the Entity Hierarchy and how it is used to organize data Search for entities in Cadency View entity set-ups in Cadency Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

32 Entities & Entity Hierarchy Overview
Entities represents various business units, functions and territories Organized into a hierarchy for status management and reporting Each entity serves as a repository of Close Tasks and their assigned Action Plans SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS In Cadency 101 we introduced, Entities and the Entity Hierarchy. Lets quickly review this content before moving on. Entities = represents the various business units, functions and territories that participate in the financial close at SPE. Each entity serves as a repository of Close Tasks and their respective Action Plans. Entities are organized in a hierarchy that allows SPE to roll data up under one corporate umbrella for status monitoring and reporting 9 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

33 Entity Hierarchy Samples
Level 1 SPE SPE SPE Management Reporting View Level 2 LOB MP MP Level 3 Profit Center Group DOM INT Level 4 Sub-Profit Center COL EMEA SLIDE LENGTH 2 min TALKING POINTS Slide shows the generic entity hierarchy and two samples from SPE’s complete hierarchy Allows data to roll up from Level 7 up to Level 1 for reporting proposes Hierarchies were created with financial close subject matter experts Managed by the Close Administrator and can be updated if there is a change to SPE’s financial reporting structure Level 5 Territory US AT Close Tasks Within These Entities Level 6 Function AMT COS 10 Level 7 SSC/ITF ITF SSC Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

34 Entity Management Governance
Entity Owners should not make any changes to the entities or entity hierarchy in Cadency. All updates/additions/deletions to the entities or entity hierarchy should be made by Close Administrators or System Administrators ONLY SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Entity Owners should not make any changes to the entities or entity hierarchy in Cadency. All updates/additions/deletions to the entities or entity hierarchy should be made by Close Administratiors or System Administrators 11 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

35 Viewing the Entity Hierarchy
Entity Owner can only view entities you have been assigned in the hierarchy “Tree View” is most common Tasks appear under lowest level in hierarchy SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Entity Hierarchy is often shown as a tree Allows you to view the entity hierarchy by expanding and contracting the levels shown. Tasks for each entity appear under the lowest level in that hierarchy Remember: Entity Owners can can only view the entities you have been assigned. . Close Administrators can see the entire hierarchy Remember: You should not make any changes to the hierarchy. To make changes, contact your Close Administrator.   Technically as Entity Owner you will see buttons to Add or Edit an Entity. Per SPE Goverannce, Entity Owners should not use these buttons, instead they should contract support Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

36 Demonstration #2 12 Demonstration Topics To Follow Along
Viewing the Entity Hierarchy Accessing the Entity Details Page Running an Audit Report for an Entity SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Let’s take a look at all of this in the actual tool. The upcoming demonstration will show you how to view Entity Hierarchies and Close Tasks set-ups in Cadency. Specifically this demonstration will cover Viewing the Entity Hierarchy Accessing the Entity Details Page Running an Audit Report for an Entity You can follow along with this demonstration in your participant guide Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

37 Viewing Entity and Close Task Setups
Demonstration #2 Viewing Entity and Close Task Setups LINK TO CADENCY SLIDE LENGTH 10 min DEMONSTRATION SCRIPT Get demonstration from Cadency Sharepoint Site Trainer Resources Folder under Training on Home Page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

38 Demonstration #2 Recap Demonstration Topics
Viewing the Entity Hierarchy Accessing the Entity Details Page Running an Audit Report for an Entity SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Review the list of topics covered Query audience for questions etc. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

39 Viewing Entity Set-ups Helpful Hints
Use trees and breadcrumb trains to quickly move through the entity hierarchy Bookmark entities or hierarchies you might need to revisit Use the Console to view the entity hierarchy sorted by entity and task numbers Contact support to request changes: SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Here are some helpful hints to help when managing entities in Cadency Use trees and breadcrumb trains to quickly move through the entity Bookmark entities or hierarchies you might need to revisit Use the Console to view the entity hierarchy sorted by entity and task numbers 16 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

40 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Understand the Entity Hierarchy and how it is used to organize data Search for entities in Cadency View entity set-ups in Cadency SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has four objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand the Entity Hierarchy and how it is used to organize data Search for entities in Cadency View entity set-ups in Cadency Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

Lets begin our next chapter “Task Management” TASK MANAGEMENT Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

42 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Understand how Close Tasks are managed within Cadency View, Add, Edit Close Tasks Maintain Tasks by updating references, fields and assignments View and manage task dependencies Start Ad Hoc Tasks SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has five objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Understand how Close Tasks are managed within Cadency View, Add, Edit Close Tasks Maintain Tasks by updating task profiles, references and assignments View and Manage task dependencies Start Ad Hoc Tasks Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

43 Close Tasks Overview Specific tasks that comprise financial close at SPE Cadency collects variety of information on each task Each close task will have an Action Plan for every relevant period SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Review of Close Tasks from Cadency 101 Each close task will have an Action Plan for each relevant period in Cadency. Ex. A monthly close task will have 12 Action Plans at the end of the year (1 for each period the close task needs to be completed) A submitted Action Plan indicates that the close task has been completed for that period. 17 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

44 Task Management Overview
Creating new tasks Assigning Users to Close Tasks Tells Cadency where to send Action Plans Manage Dependent Tasks Start Ad-Hoc Tasks SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Task Management is the administrative management of Close Tasks and Action Plans within Cadency. Updating Action Plan content, required fields and dependencies are all part of task management. As an Entity Owner and Close Administrator you have the ability to create and update the Close Tasks that comprise SPE’s financial close process. Important to keep Close Tasks up to date because content from the Close Task populates the Action Plan and ensures all Close Tasks are completed correctly and on-time. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

45 Close Task Fields Task Name Dependencies Task Number Instructions
Task Description Task Performer, Reviewer (if needed), Secondary Reviewer (if needed) Task Type Frequency Start and Due Date Links to support docs SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Cadency collects the following information on each of SPE’s Close Tasks. Task Name Task Number Task Description Task Type Frequency Start and Due Date Dependencies Instructions Task Performer, Reviewer (if needed), Secondary Reviewer (if needed) Links to support documentation As part of Task Management you will need to maintain these fields within Cadency. When creating a new close task you need to have at least this much information available to create the new task Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

46 Task Management Governance
SPE has determined the following governance for Task Management in Cadency. Always follow Close Task Naming Convention TASKNAME-TASKID-COMPANYCODE Use the next number in the Task ID sequence for new tasks Identify close tasks important to your group as “Key Close Tasks” Do not edit/delete any task marked as Minimum Standard ID Only check the “Critical” box for close tasks flagged as a minimum standard task SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS SPE has set up the following governance for Task Management. As Entity Owners and Close Administrators you must follow this guidance when managing tasks in Cadency. Always follow Close Task Naming Convention TASKNAME-TaskID-COMPANY CODE i.e. VAT Management-T Use the next number in the Task ID sequence for new tasks Identify close tasks important to your group as “Key Close Tasks” Do not edit/delete any task marked as Minimum Standard ID Only check the “Critical” box for close tasks flagged as a minimum standard task 17 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

47 3 Ways to Creating New Tasks
“New Close Task” Button Copy an Existing Task Import Manager Upload Opens a template Good for 1-off, new close task entry Not good for creating multiple updates Copies existing task and creates a new task using information in the existing task Good for 1-off task creation where information is consistent between tasks Uses an excel spreadsheet to upload multiple tasks at once Good for mass additions and updates to Cadency Entity Owners & Close Administrators System Admin ONLY SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS There are three ways to create new tasks in Cadency. Each method is listed below along with a description of when to consider using each method As Entity Owners and Close Administrators you have the ability to create new tasks either via The “New Close Task” button Copy an Existing Task You cannot use Import Manager – but it is important to know about so you can contact a System Administrator to help you with bulk changes. Lets take a look at the two options available to you Click “New Close” Task Opens a template for creating a new close task Good for 1-off, new close task entry Not good for creating multiple updates Copies existing task and creates a new task using the information populated in the existing task Good for 1-off task creation where information is consistent between tasks Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

48 Assigning Users Specific User Group Queue
Specific user is assigned the task as Performer, Reviewer or Secondary Reviewer They can proxy the task to another person in light of a planned or unplanned absence Each group member gets their own action plan in their inbox Only available for Performers Minimizes maintenance of task definitions. A single action plan is sent to the queue Only one member of the queue needs to work on the task Available for performer and reviewer Key usage is for SSC SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Part of task management is assign the user who will perform/review the close task/Action Plan in Cadency When creating or updating a task you can assign a user in one of three ways Assign a specific user Assign a group to complete the task Assign a queue to complete the task Specific User Assign a specific individual to performer or review task Group Each group member must perform the task Each group member gets their own action plan, data is pulled together into a single action plan for review Cannot assign a group as a Reviewer/Secondary Reviewer only as a Performer Queue A single action plan is sent to queue Each queue contains a list of users who can complete the Action Plan Only one member of the queue needs to work on the task Queues can be used for Performer, Review or Secondary Reviewer assignments Example for a Queue: GBS – where several people are able to complete Close Tasks or when work is managed on a first come first serve basis. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

49 Dependent Tasks Some Close Tasks are dependent on another task being completed first Dependencies can exist between tasks in the same hierarchy and tasks across hierarchies. Cannot make monthly tasks dependent on quarterly or annual tasks   SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS As an Entity Owner or Close Administrator you can create or remove task dependencies.   When a task is dependent on another task, it’s Action Plan cannot be submitted until the preceding task has been submitted.   NOTE: Task Frequency is an important factor in setting up Task Dependencies A monthly task cannot be dependent on a quarterly task because the quarterly task does not happen every month A quarterly task can be dependent on a monthly task because the monthly task happens before/during each quarter end close A close task can never be dependent on an Ad Hoc Task. This is because ad-hoc or as needed tasks do not occur on a regular basis Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

50 Ad Hoc Tasks Infrequent or on-demand tasks that need to be completed as part of the close from time to time Create an “As Needed” Task in the system and it will stay in the system until it is initiated and a start and due day is assigned to the task. Once assigned the task will move through the Cadency workflow SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Also called “As Needed” Tasks. Infrequent or on-demand tasks that need to be completed as part of the close from time to time. Entity Owners and Close Administrators can create an “As Needed” Task in the system and it will stay in the system until a start and due day is assigned to the task for the current period Once assigned the task will move through the Cadency workflow the same as any other task. Use the Close Hierarchy Page to start these Ad-Hoc Tasks Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

51 Viewing Updates in Cadency
Changes Appear Immediately Changes Appear in Next Period Task has not yet launched (the start date has not passed) The current period if open but the task has not been launched The task has already launched or been started by a user. SLIDE LENGTH: 1 min TALKING POINTS Depending on when you make changes to a task the changes may not appear right away in the system The grid above outlines the circumstances that impact when updates populate in Cadency Changes to tasks will be reflected if Task has not yet launched (the start date has not passed) The current period if open but the task has not been launched Changes to the task will appear in the next period if The task has already launched or been started by a user. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

52 Demonstration #3 19 Demonstration Topics To Follow Along
Creating new Close Tasks in Cadency Completing the close task details Viewing and updating close task dependencies Starting ad hoc tasks 19 SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Let’s take a look at all of this in the actual tool. The upcoming demonstration will show you how to: Creating new Close Tasks in Cadency Completing the close task details Viewing and updating close task dependencies Starting ad hoc tasks You can follow along with this demonstration in your participant guide (Chapter XX, pp. ##-##) Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

53 Task Management in Cadency
Demonstration #3 Task Management in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY SLIDE LENGTH 10 min DEMONSTRATION SCRIPT Get demonstration from Cadency Sharepoint Site Trainer Resources Folder under Training on Home Page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

54 Demonstration #3 Recap Demonstration Topics
Creating new Close Tasks in Cadency Completing the close task details Viewing and updating close task dependencies Starting ad hoc tasks SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Review the list of topics covered Query audience for questions etc. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

55 Step By Step Instructions
Student Exercise #1 Exercise Activities Step By Step Instructions Find and Update Tasks Add a New Task 26 SLIDE LENGTH 2 min TALKING POINTS Turn to page 26 in your participant guide for the Task Management exercise.  You must follow the script exactly – we have chosen data sets that highlight this chapter’s learning objectives. You will have an opportunity to ask questions related to your specific line of business following the exercise. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

56 Find and Update Entities Find and Update Tasks Add a New Task
Task Management in Cadency Find and Update Entities Find and Update Tasks Add a New Task SLIDE LENGTH 10 min TALKING POINTS You must follow the script exactly – we have chosen data sets that highlight this chapter’s learning objectives. You will have an opportunity to ask questions related to your specific line of business following the exercise. To begin your exercise, click on “Task Management in Cadency” link in the mySPE Cadency Training page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

57 Student Exercise Debrief
Exercise Activities Find and Update Tasks Add a New Task SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Query audience for experience with Student Exercise How did you do? Were you able to complete the exercise? What questions do you have from the exercise? Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

58 You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to:
Understand how Close Tasks are managed within Cadency View, Add, Edit Close Tasks Maintain Tasks by updating references, fields and assignments View and Manage task dependencies Start Ad Hoc Tasks SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to: Understand how Close Tasks are managed within Cadency View, Add, Edit Close Tasks Maintain Tacks by updating their profiles, references and assignments View and Manage task dependencies Delegate tasks and view proxies assigned to a given user Start Ad Hoc Tasks Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

59 Reports in Cadency SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS
Our final chapter is “Reports and eBinders in Cadency” Reports in Cadency Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

60 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency Configure and run reports in Cadency Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has five objectives. Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency Configure and run reports in Cadency Add graphics to your reports Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency Generate eBinders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

61 Reports & eBinders Overview
Shared Features Run by individuals for your own reporting purposes Filterable and customizable Scheduled to run automatically Publish in HTML, Excel, .csv or PDF Created/Maintained by Entity Owners & Close Administrators Contain all Action Plans and support documentation for a given period Exportable for offline user Accessible from home page Entity permissions determine data shown Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Cadency offers two options for reporting: Reports and eBinders Table provides and overview of each option and lists the common features they share In general Reports are: Run by individuals for their own reporting/informational purposes Filterable and customizable to show information in a variety of layouts and levels Can be scheduled to run automatically Published in HTML, Excel, .csv, Word or PDF file formats In general eBinders are: Pre-set binders that contain all In Progress or Completed Action Plans for Close Tasks assigned to the binders Generated on demand by Entity Viewers, Entity Owners and Close Administrators Exportable for offline use; output format is .zip Created and maintained by Entity Owners and Close Administrators Cover eBinders in the next chapter Both reports and eBinders Limit data shown in report or eBinder based on the entities you are assigned in Cadency Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

62 29 3 Report Types Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Framework & Setup Results
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Framework & Setup Results Analytics Provides set-up and descriptive information on the Cadency tool Provides detailed information contained in task Action Plans or issue Action Plans Provides analytical information on dependent tasks and close task issues Audit Trail Report Task Questions Report Task Issues Report Task Information Export Task Analytics SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Lets look at Reports in particular 3 types of reports you can run Framework & Set-up Provides set-up and descriptive information Sample of Reports Audit Trail Report – highlights changes made to Close Task set-ups overtime Task Questions Report – provides information about task definitions and related questions (if included) Results Provides detailed information contained in Close Task Action Plans or Close Issue Action Plans Sample Reports Task Issues – Status and related information related to Issues Action Plans created from tasks Task Responses – Answers to task questions if applicable Analytics Provides analytical information on dependent tasks within Cadency as well as issues created within an Action Plan by a Performer, Reviewer or Secondary Reviewer. Task Analytics – results of Action Plans and related dependent tasks 29 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

63 Configuring Reports Standard report customizations include:
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Standard report customizations include: Adding/removing fields Defining report filters Perform groupings Add totaling Sort data Define highlights Adding graphics SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS You can configure your reports to show information more pertinent to use Here’s a list of the configurations available to you. We will be demonstrating them in the tool shortly Adding/removing fields Defining report filters Perform groupings Add totaling Sort data Define highlights Adding graphics Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

64 Report Graphics Matrices Charts Tables of data Placed at end of report
User defined row/column/summary fields Graphically represents data Placed at beginning of the report User defined fields in charts Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Cadency lets you add graphics to your reports There are two types of graphics you can add: Matrices and Charts Matrices are: Tables of data Located at end of report You define row/column and summary fields Charts are: Graphic representations of data (i.e. bar, line, pie) Located at the start of report You define row/column/summary fields Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

65 30 Scheduling Reports Run reports automatically
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Run reports automatically Delivered to Cadency inbox Ability to not run report if not new data exists SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Can schedule the reports you customize to run automatically Will deliver reports to your Cadency Inbox as scheduled You can also set the report not to run if no new data exists For example: you customize a report to show overdue tasks for a specific entity each week. If there are no overdue tasks for a week the report will not run as schedule 30 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

66 30 Demonstration #4 Demonstration Topics To Follow Along
Running a report Configuring reports Scheduling Reports 30 SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Lets take a look at all this in Cadency. The upcoming demonstration will cover Running a report Configuring reports Scheduling Reports You can follow along with this demonstration in your participant guide Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

67 Reports & eBinders in Cadency
Demonstration #4 Reports & eBinders in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY Get demonstration from Cadency SharePoint Site Trainer Resources Folder under Training on Home Page SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Demonstration Script can be found in SharePoint Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

68 Demonstration #4 Demonstration Topics Running a report
Configuring reports Scheduling Reports SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Review the list of topics covered Key Takeaways on Reports Formats to show most relevant information Consider multiple page view for reporting on large amounts of data Add/remove fields and set filters to show only the pertinent data Matrices and Graphs/Charts can be added to any report and filtered to show useful data Data shown is limited by your permissions and assigned entities Query audience for questions etc. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

69 Step By Step Instructions
Student Exercise #2 Exercise Activities Step By Step Instructions Run & customize reports in Cadency Schedule reports 35 SLIDE LENGTH 2 min TALKING POINTS Turn to page 38 in your participant guide for the Cadency Reports exercise.  You must follow the script exactly – we have chosen data sets that highlight this chapter’s learning objectives. You will have an opportunity to ask questions related to your specific line of business following the exercise. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

70 Run & Customize Reports Schedule Reports Generate eBinders
Reports in Cadency Run & Customize Reports Schedule Reports Generate eBinders SLIDE LENGTH 10 min TALKING POINTS You must follow the script exactly – we have chosen data sets that highlight this chapter’s learning objectives. You will have an opportunity to ask questions related to your specific line of business following the exercise. To begin your exercise, click on “Reports and eBinders in Cadency” link in the mySPE Cadency Training page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

71 Student Exercise Debrief
Exercise Activities Run & customize reports in Cadency Schedule reports SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Query audience for experience with Student Exercise How did you do? Were you able to complete the exercise? What questions do you have from the exercise? Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

72 Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency
You have now reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to: Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency Configure and run reports in Cadency Add graphics to your reports Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to: Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency Configure and run reports in Cadency Add graphics to your reports Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

73 Creating e-binders SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS
Lets get started with our first chapter: “Creating eBinders” Creating e-binders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

74 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Define the attributes of an e-Binder Create e-Binders from eBinder Setup Page Add close tasks to existing e-Binders SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has four objectives. At the end of this chapter you should be able to: Define the attributes of an e-Binder Create e-Binders from eBinder Setup Page Add close tasks to existing e-Binders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

75 eBinders Review Created by Close Administrators
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Created by Close Administrators Maintained by Close Administrators and Entity Owners Contain all Action Plans and support documentation for a given period Exportable for offline user Chapter XX, pp. ##-## SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Review what we learned about e-Binders from Cadency 105 Exportable binders of all action plans and supporting documentation for a given period Downloads as a .zip file Action Plans are in PDF format Supporting documentation is in original format Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

76 eBinder Management Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Create eBinders by mapping entities and assigning tasks to eBinder Define eBinder attributes Update eBinders Add close tasks Add documents Chapter XX, pp. ##-## SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS As Close Administrator you will be responsible for creating eBinders in Cadency and updating them within Cadency Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

77 Creating New eBinders 37 Chapter XX, pp. ##-##
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Create new eBinder Assign entities to eBinder Map close tasks to eBinder for those entitles Select attributes for eBinder Save eBinder SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS This slide shows the workflow for creating an eBinder in Cadency Attributes are the supporting documentation that go into the eBinder. Attributes are: Documents Issues References Attachments Comments In Progress 37 Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

78 eBinder Attributes Chapter XX, pp. ##-##
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Attribute Description Documents Documents attached for a given period Issues Non-close task issues are placed in a single folder Close task issues are placed in sub-folder within relevant Action Plan References Documents listed in References Tab Attachments Documents attached to an Action Plan Comments Feedback listed in Comments Tab In Progress Select to include In Progress Action Plan in eBinder Chapter XX, pp. ##-## SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Here’s some additional information on the eBinder attributes When you select one of these attributes, Cadency will include the following information in the eBinder each time a user generates that eBinder Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

79 Update eBinder Content
Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan Delegating tasks in Cadency Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Update Location Update Description Mass or Single Close Binder Setup Page Update name, description and attribute included in eBinder. Mass select entities to be included in a specific binder Mass Close Task Details Page Update eBinders that a specific Close Task is included in from Details page Single Task Manager – Entities Mass update the entities assigned to one or more eBinders Task Manager – Tasks Mass update the tasks assigned to one or more eBinders SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Once an eBinder has been created, you can update the eBinder’s content from several locations in Cadency. Each location has its advantages for use based on the kind of update you want to make. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

80 Demonstration #5 38 Demonstration Topics To Follow Along
Creating an eBinder Adding a close task to an existing eBinder Updating eBinders Deleting eBinders Generating an eBinder SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS Let’s take a look at all of this in the actual tool. The upcoming demonstration will show you how to create eBinders. Specifically this demonstration will cover Creating an eBinder Adding a close task to an existing eBinder Updating multiple eBinders at the same time You can follow along with this demonstration in your participant guide Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

81 Creating eBinders in Cadency
Demonstration #5 Creating eBinders in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY SLIDE LENGTH 10 min DEMONSTRATION SCRIPT Get demonstration from Cadency Sharepoint Site Trainer Resources Folder under Training on Home Page Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

82 Demonstration #5 Recap Demonstration Topics Creating an eBinder
Adding a close task to an existing eBinder Updating eBinders Deleting eBinders Generating an eBinder SLIDE LENGTH 1-5 min TALKING POINTS Review the list of topics covered Query audience for questions etc. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

83 You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to:
Define the attributes of an e-Binder Create e-Binders from eBinder Setup Page Add close tasks to existing e-Binders SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS This chapter has four objectives. At the end of this chapter you should be able to: Define the attributes of an e-Binder Create e-Binders from eBinder Setup Page Add close tasks to existing e-Binders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

84 Course Conclusion SLIDE LENGTH 1 min TALKING POINTS
We’ve reached the end of the course Course Conclusion Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

85 Course Key Takeaways Entity Owners and Close Administrators can view and monitor the status of the close from their Home Tab or via Consoles Entity Owners should only view Entity Set-ups in Cadency. Close Administrators handle all Entity Management in Cadency Task Management is the shared responsibility of Entity Owners and Close Administrators Reports can be customized and run by Entity Owners and Close Administrators  eBinders can be created and generated by both Entity Owners and Close Administrators SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Now that we have completed all the chapters in this course, let’s review some of the key takeaways Entity Owners and Close Administrators can view and monitor the status of the close from their Home Tab or via Consoles Task Management are the shared responsibility of Entity Owners and Close Administrators Reports and eBinders can be customized and run by Entity Owners and Close Administrators Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

86 Additional Resources Here are some additional resources to help you use Cadency upon returning to work. Task Management Simulation Reports Simulation Cadency Help Button (in the tool) SPE Close Calendar List of Abbreviations, Task Type, Task Functions, Key Definitions Time Conversion Chart List of Minimum Standard Tasks All resources can be found on the Cadency SharePoint site  and you can contact support directly at SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Here are some additional resources to help you in your role as an Entity Owner or Close Administrator  upon returning to work. Proprietary and Confidential: Sony Pictures Entertainment

87 You have reached the end of the course. You should now be able to:
Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles View entity set-ups in Cadency Set-up and manage Close Tasks and action plans Start ad-hoc tasks as needed Configure and run reports Create and Generate eBinders SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS You have reached the end of the course. You should now be able to: Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles View entity set-ups in Cadency Set-up and manage Close Tasks and action plans Start ad-hoc tasks as needed Configure and run reports Generate eBinders Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

Please take the End of Course Survey SLIDE LENGTH TALKING POINTS Proprietary and Confidential Sony Pictures Entertainment

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