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Corporate Networks and IPv6 Dec. 4, 2001 Panel coordinator Akihiro Inomata FUJITSU LMITED.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Networks and IPv6 Dec. 4, 2001 Panel coordinator Akihiro Inomata FUJITSU LMITED."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Networks and IPv6 Dec. 4, 2001 Panel coordinator Akihiro Inomata FUJITSU LMITED

2 Focus of Panel Administrators and engineers who plan to use IPv6 in practice discuss expectations and concerns from operational issues in corporate networks.

3 Configuration of IPv4 Fire wall Network The Internet RR Application Gateway DHCP Server PC NAT LAN Private AddressGlobal Address

4 Operation of corporate network(1) Network Management Configuration  Design of network Expansion, Relocation, Layout change  Address allocation Number estimation of PCs, Care for conflict of address Management of terminals  Setting(Addressing, etc) Notice for user, DHCP  Environment of various terminals OS, Legacy terminals

5 Operation of corporate network(2) Security Internal security  User Management Protection from illegal access Security on Internet access  From Internet Protection and monitoring against illegal intrusion, Virus checking  To Internet Check of corporate information leak End user security  Check of the destination and the content Elimination of fraudulent and private use  Limitation of Internet access Cost Issue, Elimination of private use

6 Example of Problem in IPv4 Complication of address management Address conflict with other company Address management in DHCP NAT Problem Some applications can not act in NAT environment

7 Merit of IPv6 Expansion of address allocation area IPv4:Normally assigned /29 - /27 address  ~ 30 addresses in one network IPv6:/48 per contract  65,255 networks as /64 Auto configuration Default support notice the address information ? Simple assignment system  Use MAC address Standard support of IPSec Enable end-to-end security

8 IPv6 Network model IPv4 Router (IPv4) IPv6IPv4 Router (IPv6) IPv6 Router (IPv6) IPv4 Internet IPv6 Internet IPv6 IPv4 Router (IPv6/IPv4) GW Corporate network

9 Question for IPv6 Network issues What difference does IPv6 network have from IPv4? Will current system be usable in IPv6 era? How costly will it be for introduction? Security issues Does administrator agree a user oriented security? Will it be safe to assign global address to all networks? What will firewall be in IPv6?

10 Discussion Expectations Why do you use IPv6? What do you use IPv6 for? Concerns Network management  Address assignment  Network configuration Security Management  Internal security  Internet security Introduction of IPv6 What and how will IPv6 be applied? What relation will exist with IPv4?

11 Panelists Network administrator Kumagai (Information Services International - Dentsu, ltd) SIer Tachibana(ani & company Inc.) ISP Nakai(NTT Communications) Security engineer Shirahashi(Net One Systems Co.,Ltd.) Router vendor Fujimoto(NEC)

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