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Presented by: Francine Fast Horse Supply Management Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Francine Fast Horse Supply Management Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Francine Fast Horse Supply Management Officer

2 Manage the acquisition, maintenance and disposition of government owned real and personal property Provide internal guidance to all program managers and employees to ensure accountability of government leased and owned property.

3 Eligible Tribal programs may obtain excess property from Indian Affairs. Eligible Tribal Programs may obtain the authority to screen for excess government property available through the GSAXcess website.

4 Currently over 100 programs may be eligible to participate. The Self Determination Office determines eligibility to participate under a P.L 93-638 Contract or Self Governance Compact or Government to Government Contract.

5 Web-based property system available to federal agencies, authorized non-federal recipients and surplus customers. Eligible Tribal Programs may obtain the authority to screen for excess government property available through the GSAXcess.

6 Valid Activity Address Code Authorized Access to Screen Completion of the required donation documents: BIA 4335 Statement of Acquisition/Use Letter from the Tribe identifying the items as a requirement.

7  FMR 102-36.115 Indian Affairs must provide the individual’s name, organization, period of time and location in which screening will be conducted as well as the number and completion date of the applicable contract, cooperative agreement or grant.

8  Submit a letter from the Tribal President or Chair Person addressed to the Self Determination Awarding Official for review and completion of the Findings and Determinations.

9 Letter of Request  Request for the AAC to screen for excess property  Identify contract/compact or government to government data  Description of requested property  Identify specific individuals as authorized screeners (limit 2)  Identify a point of contact, with address, number and fax number for issues regarding screeners.

10 Documents are submitted to the Supply Management Officer to process the request for the AAC.  Findings & Determinations  Letter from the Tribal Organization This information is submitted to the National Utilization Officer and GSA to establish the AAC for the Tribal program.

11  FMR 102-36.120  Indian Affairs must ensure the non-Federal Screener:  Certifies any and all property requested will be used only for authorized and official purposes.  Maintains a record of the authorized screeners under our authority, this will include names, addresses, telephone number and any additional identifying information such as driver’s license and/or social security numbers; and  Retrieves any expired or invalid screener’s authorization forms.

12  Individuals identified by the Tribal program are required to complete and submit the Non- Federal Screener Application to the Awarding Official.  The Awarding Official issues a letter of designation and provides the documents to the Supply Management Officer.

13  Block 1: Full Name and Title  Block 2: E-mail address of screener  Block 3: Address of Organization  Block 4: Telephone No./Fax Number  Block 5: Activity Address Code  Block 6: Contract/Grant No.  Block 7: Period of performance  Block 8: Listing of organizations where the applicant has had screener’s authority  Block 9: Question if ever been suspended or debarred in any federal program  Block 10: Signature of Applicant  Block 11: Print/Type name of Tribal Representative  Block 13: Signature of Tribal Representative

14  Supply Management Officer receives a copy of the designation letter, and completed non- federal screener application.  Supply Management Officer authorizes the individual access to the GSAXcess website.  The Non-Federal Screener will receive an e- mail from GSA providing the access code and password.

15 The non-federal screener reviews and researches GSAXCess for items. The individual requests allocation of items. GSA allocates items temporarily with an SF-122 GSA Transfer Order. GSA notifies the Area Property Officer, (BIA- Regional Property Officer) and the screener of SF-122 GSA Transfer Order allocation. The program has 7 days to complete and submit the required documents to the individuals within Indian Affairs for review and approval.

16  FMR 102-36.155 –when acquiring excess personal property for use by a non-federal recipient the authorized official must:  Ensure the usage of excess personal property is authorized and complies with applicable Federal regulations and agency guidelines.  Determines the cost effectiveness of best interests to the federal government for the use of excess personal property.

17  Reviews and approves excess personal property transfers as the sponsoring Federal Agency.  Ensures the non-federal recipient knows his/her obligations under the FMR and your agency regulations regarding the management of excess personal property.  Ensures the non-federal recipient does not stockpile the property.  Ensures the placement of excess property into use within a reasonable period of time and;

18  Establishes a system to prevent nonuse, improper use or unauthorized disposal or destruction of excess personal property.  Establishes provisions and procedures for property accountability and disposition when the government retains title.  Identifies excess personal property furnished to non- federal recipients annually.

19  Letter from the Tribe identifying the items as a requirement, with self-determination contract, or self-governance compact.  Completion of the BIA 4335 form  Completion of the Statement of Acquisition and Use form.  Allocated SF-122 GSA Transfer Order

20  Documents are reviewed by the Approving Official applicable to the contract or compact data, and recommends approval by the Self Determination Awarding Official.  Documents are reviewed by the Awarding Official and provided to the Supply Management Officer for the completion of the transfer/donation process.

21  Letter of Request  Addressed to the Tribal President or Chair person.  Lists Personal property items and identifies the specific Contract or Compact data under which the program intends to utilize the items.

22  BIA 4335 Form  Requires review and the approving signature of the Tribal President or Chair person.  Awarding Official  Accountable Property Officer

23  Statement of Acquisition/Use  Tribal Program Manager/Director  BIA Approving Official  Relevant to the contract or compact referenced  BIA Awarding Official

24  SF-122 Transfer Order Form requires approval  Indian Affairs Awarding Official  Indian Affairs Supply Management Officer  GSA Accountable Property Officer

25  The completely approved transfer order is provided to the Indian Affairs Supply Management Officer, as well as the Non- Federal Screener.  The non-Federal Screener along with the Tribal organization represented arranges to acquire the items approved on the SF-122 with the holding agency.

26  Tribal Programs are responsible to pay for the transportation or shipment of the items to their locations.  Coordinate with the Supply Management Officer and staff to obtain the items.

27  The request for a transfer or donation of excess personal property may be denied for the following reasons:  Based on the review of the supporting documents the Self Determination office and/or the Approving Official concluded the items do not meet the specific contract/grant requirements.

28  The required documents were not provided within the specified time to meet the 7 day period as identified by GSA on the SF-122 Transfer Order.  Invalid access authority, or expired contract/grant referenced on the documents or screening authorization.

29 Obtain Activity Address Code Self Determination Office Authorized Access to Screen Property Management Office Completion of the required forms utilized to document the donation of excess federal personal property. Non-Federal Screener, Self Determination Office, BIA Approving Official, Property Management Office, and GSA.

30 Francine Fast Horse Supply Management Officer (907) 271-4508

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