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Unit 9 Seminar Chapters 25 & 27 Michelle March, PhD Wednesday 9:00 pm EST.

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1 Unit 9 Seminar Chapters 25 & 27 Michelle March, PhD Wednesday 9:00 pm EST

2 Chapter 9 Monitoring the Services or Treatment Reasons why it is important to monitor your caseload… – Documentation of cases for reimbursement purposes – Monitoring allows you to check to see that services rendered by provider agencies are addressing goals developed with clients – Monitoring allows you to identify and address any early presenting issues of the plan preventing future situations

3 What a Case Manager does… Brings new clients into the agency Assessed their needs Listens to their desires and expectations Develops plans to address clients’ needs and short-term/long-term goals Makes referrals of clients to agencies that can work best with presenting issues This is the first half of what a case manager does….

4 Second Half … What a Case Manager Does Monitor clients regularly to assure clients are moving in a direction of meeting their desired goals Makes suggestions for midcourse corrections Encourages clients to participate in revising the plan Discusses with providers the changes in focus or goals

5 What is Monitoring Ongoing review of clients’ participation in the services to which they were referred. Reviews are carried out through the following: – Talking with clients – Corresponding with agencies or programs primarily responsible for clients working on goals – Making connections with other individuals, agencies, and services involved with your clients

6 Purpose of Monitoring To make sure public monies received help clients move from dependence to independence Make sure goals developed are being worked on and/or if additions or changed need be made – What are additional purposes of monitoring?

7 Collaboration Collaboration is not always simple – Why might collaboration present with obstacles? – How might you handle such obstacles or difficulties with collaboration?

8 Leave the Office It is important as a case manager to be motivated to leave the office and go out into the community to monitor your clients – Why is this important?

9 Responding to a Crisis Four steps to follow: 1.Respond immediately 2.Construct the best course of action under the present circumstances 3.Listen to your client 4.Help your client to begin to look ahead Follow-Up - What does the term Follow-Up mean in case management?

10 Chapter 27 Terminating the Case We know how clients enter the human service system, now lets look at how clients leave the system, moving forward in their lives… 1.The client and the case manager agree the client is ready to move on 2.The client dies or moves away 3.The funding source will no longer finance services 4.The client no longer wants the services 5.You cannot find the client Note: Not all clients will leave case management – Why?

11 Successful Termination The following apply to all clients leaving case management other than those who have died or have moved away… 1.An opportunity to meet with you to discuss the termination 2.Follow-up by letter outlining the main points in your final interview and inviting the client to return if the need arises.

12 Final Interview What should the final interview be used for?

13 The Letter What is the ultimate purpose of the Letter?

14 Documentation Should the final contacts such as the interview and letter be documented? Why or why not?

15 Discharge Summary Discharge summaries are not the same as a termination summary; although you include information from that contact note in the discharge summary, you are more importantly summarizing the most interactions with the client while working with them. Such summaries are also a public relations tool for your agency – showing off the excellence of your services!

16 What to include… Discharge Summary 1.Diagnoses 2.Any medication prescribed by physicians working with the case manager and indication of such was discontinued. If not discontinued note the dosage, frequency taken, adverse reactions. 3.The reason for discharge 4.The major presenting problem that brought the client to you 5.Your goals and objectives for the client 6.The extent to which the client participated in formulating these goals and objectives 7.Progress that was made or goals that were accomplished 8.Problems that were identified but were not addressed 9.How the client appeared to be at intake versus termination 10.Attempts to locate the client if disappeared.


18 Important Note… Take care of yourself while working with others. In doing such you will bring the best of yourself to work everyday!! Review Chapter 28 as it provides great information on taking care of yourself to assure you are an effective tool for your clients

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