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Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies1 Presentation 11 Presentation 11 How to promote cleaner production in national.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies1 Presentation 11 Presentation 11 How to promote cleaner production in national."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies1 Presentation 11 Presentation 11 How to promote cleaner production in national policies?

2 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 2 What will we learn here? Need for Policy Advice to different stakeholders Target audience for policy advice Ways to extend policy changes to stakeholders Potential Areas for introducing cleaner production Avenues of providing Policy Advice

3 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 3 Need for Policy Advice Policy at all levels can promote or dissuade cleaner production Cleaner production needs to be mainstreamed For sustaining cleaner production and for promoting the centre as a key player in the region - Centre needs to dialogue with policy makers

4 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 4 Target Audience for Policy Advice At the national level: ministries of environment and other line ministries, advisory and standard setting bodies At the local level: environmental authorities, local municipal corporations, local trade promotion boards, industrial development authorities, etc

5 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 5 Ways to extend policy changes to stakeholders Studies for governments on linkages between cleaner production and public policies Studies for business organizations on implications of a particular government policy or lack of one (international trade related issues that impact local businesses) Studies for financial institutions on ways to minimize environmental risks in lending and improving their appraisal process

6 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 6 Potential areas for introducing cleaner production Key concepts of cleaner production to be considered while advocating cleaner production to policy makers Environmental standards and regulations – move from concentration to load based approach, benchmarks, product based regulations Environmental Impact Assessment regulation – introduce cleaner production thinking to select process / technologies in analysis of alternatives Worker Safety and Health - banning harmful substances

7 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 7 Potential areas for introducing cleaner production Market based instruments – Promote ecolabels on products, ISO 14000 based EMS Energy related regulations - Promoting use of renewable energy sources, natural resource management, cleaner fuels Industry and Commerce - Removing subsidies, growth of economic sectors Finance and Fiscal Policy making - Favouring cleaner production based investments through tax rebates or special subsidies on cleaner equipment / materials

8 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 8 Avenues for providing policy advice Influence key stakeholders to become signatories to the International Declaration on Cleaner Production Assist stakeholders to translate this commitment into action through counseling Taking advantage of networking capabilities of the centre directors should get appointed on policy advisory boards Conduct specific studies that influence policy making (as discussed earlier)

9 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 9 Key questions: Policy issues in Cleaner Production 1.How can policy advice contribute to mainstreaming cleaner production? 2.In what ways could a centre outreach the target institutions for policy advice? How and why should they listen to a CPC on policy? 3.What policies could benefit from the concept of cleaner production? 4.What could be the various avenues of providing policy advice? 5.What have been the experiences of some of the existing CPCs on generating revenues from policy advice?

10 Presentation 11 – How to promote cleaner production in national policies 10 Key questions: Policy issues in Cleaner Production 6.A new challenge facing cleaner production is the extension to its logic and activity into areas that concern sustainable consumption of goods and services, as well as their production. Comment. 7.How do we mainstream cleaner production at all levels of decision-making: international, national, local and individual? 8.How can we improve the effectiveness of Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) via cleaner production? What can your own CPC / NCPC do?

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