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What should the Military Strategy for War Be? Create a chronology of how the US should proceed in WWII. ~Who do we go after first? ~When do we attack?

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Presentation on theme: "What should the Military Strategy for War Be? Create a chronology of how the US should proceed in WWII. ~Who do we go after first? ~When do we attack?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should the Military Strategy for War Be? Create a chronology of how the US should proceed in WWII. ~Who do we go after first? ~When do we attack? ~Where do we attack? ~How do we mobilize our military? ~ Do we attack Germany and Japan at the same time? ~defense and offense strategy. 10/26: Do Now!!

2 U.S. Mobilization for War!!!

3 U.S. Mobilization for War!!! Japanese Internment camps Nationwide Drives Rationing War BondsFactory conversion Women go to work -Executive order 9066 -Japanese-Am Placed in camps -48 hours to one Week to report -thought they Were spies Americans Collect: -rubber -metals -paper A fixed portion Of goods: -coupon books -gas -clothes -food: coffee Sugar, butter - bonds sold To raise money -Hollywood Actors get Involved to Help sell bonds - factories are Changed to Make war Materials: -cars=tanks/jeeps -guns/bombs -ships -planes Women go to Work in the Factories: -Rosie the Riveter -build ships & Planes -join the military As secretaries & Nurses.

4 Do Now: List 3 ways women got involved in the war effort. What about Minorities?

5 Most Minorities faced inequality in the US…But were better off than living under Nazi control One African-American stated when his draft card was pulled: “Just carve on my tombstone, ‘Here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man.’”

6 Contributions of Minorities Latinos: All-Latino units saw heavy action in Europe & Asia African Americans: over 1 million served in all black, segregated units. most did not see action until the end of the war. Chinese & Japanese: were used as spies & translators. Many crawled right up to Japanese officers to hear the commands. Native Americans: Were very eager to enlist, the Navajo Language was used to send messages, because it cannot be translated by the enemy.

7 A. Philip Randolph Threatened to lead a protest in Washington DC against discrimination in the war industries. FDR backed down – demanding that employers provide full & equitable participation of all workers in defense industries, no discrimination due to race, creed, color or national origin. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

8 Manhattan Project OSRD: Scientific Research & Development Developed Radar & Sonar Pesticides Miracle Drugs-Penicillin The Atomic Bomb

9 German invasion of Russia June 1941 The US sends aid to Stalin….. FDR= “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”

10 German invasion of Russia in WW II

11 Dec. 22, 1941 War Plans Churchill & FDR meet in Washington to draw up plans to fight the war. Attack Germany first - then Japan ~accept Only unconditional surrender

12 1942-Battle of the Atlantic ~Allies use convoys to escort merchant ships ~Destroyers equipped w/ Radar & Sonar (New Technology to detect planes & U-Boats) German wolf packs destroy 681 ships ~87 off the East Coast of the US ~Many merchant ships with much needed War supplies lost

13 Do Now!! Take out Folders & Timelines….. Think about this….. How did FDR (US) & Churchill’s personal relationship help the war effort? How do you think it can hurt the war effort?

14 Operation Torch 1. Invasion of North Africa 2. Go up through Italy: the soft underbelly ~Allied commander: Dwight D. Eisenhower ~Axis commander: General Erwin Rommel “The Desert Fox” 1942

15 Early 1943 Prior to the US involvement in WWII: ~ 102 ships per year ***Crash ship building*** ~140 Liberty ships were built per MONTH! ~This helped turn the Battle of the Atlantic around – the Allies begin to WIN!

16 Hitler’s invasion of Russia


18 Battle of Stalingrad: Winter of 1942-1943 German ArmyRussian Army 1,011,500 men1,000,500 men 10,290 artillery guns13,541 artillery guns 675 tanks894 tanks 1,216 planes1,115 planes

19 Stalingrad Stats ~Hitler needed resources ~Attacked Russia *Caucasus Mountains for oil. *Stalingrad for its industrial center ~Nazis were winning ~Nov. Soviets launched a counter attack. Feb.2, 1943 Nazis Surrender ~Soviets lost: 1,200,000 people ~Nazis lost: 239,000 people

20 May 1944-Bloody Anzio Italy: “The soft underbelly of the Axis” This battle, 40 miles from Rome….fought 4 months ~25,000 Allies ~30,000 Axis DEAD

21 June 6, 1944 - D-Day Largest land-sea-air operation in history ~2 years US & Britain were building an invasion force. ~3 million troops ~Paratroopers dropped behind German lines ~4,000 landing crafts ~600 warships ~11,000 planes

22 Operation Overlord D-Day

23 By Land, Air and Sea

24 173DDayNormandy Normandy, France

25 August 1944, Liberation of Paris French & US troops liberate Paris, France They were occupied by the Nazis for 4 years! Sept. 1944 - the allies freed France, Belguim, Luxembourg,Netherlands

26 Freedom…At Last!

27 October 1944 – Allies take the first German Town! Aachen, Germany: Allies are moving toward Berlin.

28 Dec. 16, 1944 Battle of the Bulge Allied front pushing the Nazis back into Germany. A weak American line was pushed back 1 month of fighting Finally pushed the Germans back

29 July 1944: Soviet liberate death camps Majdanek death camp. many dead, or near death, The rest were taken to 800,000 shoes found Auschwitz

30 Apr. 25,1945 – Soviets Storm Berlin ~ Soviets bombed Berlin before they came in… ~Many Nazi soldiers tried to escape…they were shot on sight or hung on a tree!

31 April 29, 1945 ~Hitler marries Eva Braun the next day he…. April 30, 1945 ~shoots himself in the head, while Eva takes poison. ~Their bodies are burned beyond recognition.

32 May 8, 1945 – V-E Day!! Victory in Europe Unconditional Surrender! The Third Reich surrenders to the Allies The first part of the War is OVER!!!

33 The Pacific Theater


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