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Pressure Ulcer Prevention Local Community Education.

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1 Pressure Ulcer Prevention Local Community Education

2 Your Turn Launched in 2003 Your Turn is a national campaign designed to raise awareness of pressure ulcers In 2011 we launched a community support package that has since evolved to become React to Red Skin, a locally driven initiative that requires a multi-agency approach

3 React To Red Skin - Coventry In May 2014 Your Turn launched a campaign on behalf of Coventry and Rugby CCG, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust, UHCW and Coventry City Council This community focused campaign was aimed at education and prevention designed to help carers spot early signs of risk

4 Coventry Background Most reported pressure ulcers where not known to health when they developed Focus of the campaign had to be on prevention Consistent message across all organisations with an understanding of issues rather than blame

5 5 React to Red Skin Needed to have DN rapid response to Pressure Ulcer Triggers (part of the RTRS campaign) The risk was shared with the CCG because of the concern over increased referrals and need to still achieve activity targets and KPI’s

6 Training As part of R2RS we implement a training package to provide essential knowledge to all frontline care staff Over an 8 month period in Coventry over 1000 carers were trained Sustainability relies on different providers using the same training moving forward (CCG, council and Your Turn)


8 Accreditation Coventry was the first campaign to introduce accreditation A way of driving up the standards Knowledge leads to change in working practice = early identification of risk Actively promoted by CCG and council Monitored through QA as part of routine, built into new contracts

9 Results Over 1300 care staff have been trained in 8 months First two organisations have achieved accreditation Distribution of agreed materials Fall in point prevalence Fall in serious incident reports in the community Drop in recorded grade two pressure ulcers over a 6 month period

10 Future in Coventry Part of Coventry University curriculum to maintain awareness for professional staff Development of an app for general public/carers Domiciliary care pilots 5 star accreditation concept (PU, infection control, falls, dementia, end of life care)

11 Future of React To Red Skin Campaigns are currently underway in Coventry and East Lancashire New campaigns are being planned in South Warwickshire, Cumbria and Worcestershire The aim is to spread the React To Red Skin message across the whole of the UK The more people who understand that reacting to a patch of red skin on an at risk area can save someone’s life the closer to zero avoidable pressure ulcers we will be


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