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“Changes Of Laredo” Interviewing Mr. Ezequiel Aceves By: Angelita Aceves & Maria Palomo.

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Presentation on theme: "“Changes Of Laredo” Interviewing Mr. Ezequiel Aceves By: Angelita Aceves & Maria Palomo."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Changes Of Laredo” Interviewing Mr. Ezequiel Aceves By: Angelita Aceves & Maria Palomo

2 Information of Mr. Aceves He was in Texas since 1956. Mr. Aceves has 2daughters, a wife and a son. Mr. Aceves is 52 years old. He has been working since he was 12 years. He got his residence in 1986.

3 In what ways has Laredo changed? Mr. Aceves said that Laredo changed in the population that in today's life its bigger. He also said that the in today's life there is a lot of unsecure and people that there is a lot of robbers. He also said that there was less traffic on the pass and now there is a lot of cars and traffic.

4 The economy Ezequiel said that the money would last longer. Mr. Aceves said that the food and things were cheaper than now a days. Before there was a day in every year that in the border they would let the people pass without asking them for there passports or things like that.

5 The people In those days The people were more nice in those days. The people also trusted more there neighbors than now a days. The people would waist there money more wisely and the people would be strict in the education. In the American side the Border patrol would be more strict with the people that were going to pass to laredo.

6 The family Before the kids would respect there fathers more. The Family would be more together before than now. The kids had to work with there parents to help them.

7 Education The education in those days was stricter like they had to have there hands clean or they could not enter class. The education was richer in those days like students would try there best in school. Education was a great sacrifice for people in Laredo because before there were less school and there was less ways of transportations.

8 Work The people now a days is harder to find jobs because most of the peoples don’t finish there studies like Mr. Ezequiel. There would be more possibilities of getting a job in those old days because there was less people in Laredo.

9 What has been the greatest effect in Laredo? The commercial is the principal one. There wasn't that much before like there weren't that populated as its now. We are the 2 nd greatest city on doing import and export.

10 Did any of your members went to war? My brother in law went to war. He went to help in the second world war. He stayed in the war till it ended. After that war ended he was send to the war of Hiroshima but Mr. Aceves doesn't know how much his brother in law stayed in the war. When he came back from war he had the “War sickness” he would get up at night with the knife.

11 What do you think of Laredo as a whole? Mr. Aceves said that Laredo as a whole is like good for people that want to do commercial but not for a living place. He said this because there is a lot of population and this makes a great effect on everything.

12 What do we rely on? We relay on Commercial like import and export. We are in the top 10 of the world in commercial. Without commercial we would be really low in economy we are mostly into export and import

13 Has Laredo changed in a positive or in a negative way? Laredo has change in a negative way. There is a lot more of population. There is less security. There is also more contamination in the place like for example Lake Casa Blanca.

14 Pictures Mrs. Aceves Marisol Aceves (Right) Mr. Aceves Mom and sister (left) (right) Angelita and Marisol (the two daughters Angelita and her mom (Marisol) Mr. Aceves

15 Special Thanks Special thanks to Mr. Ezequiel Aceves for his time with being with us and helping us know all this new facts about Laredo. Thanks!!!!!

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