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Now Hear This!! Active and Passive Voice. Verbs have a voice! There are two VOICES in grammar: ACTIVE VOICE and PASSIVE VOICE. Voice tells us the relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Now Hear This!! Active and Passive Voice. Verbs have a voice! There are two VOICES in grammar: ACTIVE VOICE and PASSIVE VOICE. Voice tells us the relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Now Hear This!! Active and Passive Voice

2 Verbs have a voice! There are two VOICES in grammar: ACTIVE VOICE and PASSIVE VOICE. Voice tells us the relationship of the verb in the sentence to its subject.

3 Active Voice = the subject performs* the action. The cat scratched the furniture. SubjectVerb * perform (verb)- to carry out or accomplish

4 Passive Voice = the subject receives the action. The furniture was scratched by the cat. SubjectVerb phrase

5 Here’s another example. Active Voice: My dad chased the cat out of the room. The subject (Dad) is performing the action (chasing the cat). Passive Voice: The cat was chased out of the room by my dad. The subject (the cat) is receiving the action (being chased out of the room).

6 If it’s active voice, hold up one finger. If it’s passive, hold up two. Ready? 1. My friend ate a whole pizza! One finger or two? Show me! The answer is ACTIVE VOICE. If you held up one finger, you are correct. The subject (my friend) performed the action (ate pizza). 2. He ended up being sick all night. One finger or two? Show me! This answer is also ACTIVE VOICE. If you held up one finger, you are correct. The subject (he) performed the action (ended up being sick). 3. His sickness was made worse by all that soda he drank with the pizza. One finger or two? Show me! This answer is in PASSIVE VOICE. If you held up two fingers, you are correct. The subject (his sickness) received the action (was made worse).

7 So Let’s Get This Straight.... If the subject __________ the action, it’s called ACTIVE VOICE. What goes in the blank? Everybody, on the count of three. 1.2.3.... performs If the subject __________ the action, it’s called PASSIVE VOICE. 1,2,3... receives

8 Pros and Cons Most books and grammar checkers will recommend that you LIMIT your use of passive voice. Here are some pros and cons for both active and passive voice.

9 Active Voice -Can be easier to understand --Emphasizes who or what is doing the action -- Captures the reader’s attention --Is more concise (to the point) than passive voice -Does not emphasize the receiver of the action -Makes the subject the most important part of the sentence (which may not be your intention)

10 Passive Voice -Emphasizes the receiver of the action --Lets the reader know that the performer of the action is unknown or not important (if that is the case) - Creates a passive, timeless mood -Makes the performer of the action less obvious -Is more “wordy” than active voice -May make your meaning less clear

11 Practice 1. The letter was written by my friend. Active or passive? WHY? This sentence is written in passive voice, because the letter receives the action (is written). In your notes, rewrite this sentence in active voice. Share your sentence with the student next to you. My friend wrote the letter. 2. The science class raised $100! Active or passive? WHY? This sentence is written in active voice, because the class performs the action (raises money). In your notes, rewrite this sentence in passive voice. Share your sentence with the student next to you. $100 was raised by the science class!

12 If you need clarification on how to tell active from passive voice, now’s the time to ask! 3. The baseball was hit out of the park by Pablo. Active or passive? WHY? This sentence is written in passive voice, because the baseball receives the action (is hit). In your notes, rewrite in active voice. Share your sentence with the student next to you. Pablo hit the baseball out of the park. 4. My sister baked a chocolate cake. Active or passive? WHY? This sentence is written in active voice, because my sister performs the action (bakes a cake). In your notes, rewrite in passive voice. Share your sentence with the student next to you. A chocolate cake was baked by my sister.

13 Assignment On a sheet of paper to be turned in, tell if each sentence below is active or passive voice, AND rewrite it (if it is passive voice, rewrite it in passive; if it is active voice, rewrite as passive). 1.A moving story was told by my grandmother. 2.A mistake was made by the scorekeeper, and it cost us the game! 3.Jack hosted that wonderful graduation party! 4.The children were eaten by the ferocious dragon. 5.The forest was illuminated by streaming sunlight. 6.A falling building crushed the abandoned car. 7.Millions of dollars were earned by that one invention. 8. Hey! My wallet has been stolen by somebody!

14 Answers 1. Passive. Rewrite: My grandmother told a moving story. 2. Passive. Rewrite: The scorekeeper made a mistake, and it cost us the game! 3. Active. Rewrite: That wonderful graduation party was hosted by Jack. 4. Passive. Rewrite: The ferocious dragon ate the children. 5.Passive. Rewrite: Streaming sunlight illuminated the forest. 6. Active. Rewrite: The abandoned car was crushed by a falling building. 7. Passive. Rewrite: That one invention earned millions of dollars. 8. Passive. Rewrite: Hey! Somebody stole my wallet!

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