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Mastigophora Alex Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "Mastigophora Alex Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastigophora Alex Lee

2 Definition A phylum of protozoans the kingdom Protista, consisting mainly of free-living flagellated unicellular organisms. Phytomastigophorea –resembling plants Zoomastigophorea- resembling animals

3 characteristics Many flagellates have a thin, firm pellicle (outer covering) or a coating of a jellylike substance. Asexual (by binary fission) Sexual (Meiosis) Has one or more flagella Unicellular with one nucleus Heterotrophic Ancient- links plants and animals

4 Impact on human Some of them are important pathogens of humans and other animals. Parasitic members of the Mastigophora are the causative organisms of disease in humans and other animals. Trypanosomes, for example, are the cause of African sleeping sickness and Chagas' disease, and giardiasis is caused by the mastigophoran Giardia lamblia.

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