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Wei Lu, Hwee Tou Ng, Wee Sun Lee National University of Singapore

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1 Wei Lu, Hwee Tou Ng, Wee Sun Lee National University of Singapore
A Generative Model for Parsing Natural Language to Meaning Representations Wei Lu, Hwee Tou Ng, Wee Sun Lee National University of Singapore Luke S. Zettlemoyer Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 Classic Goal of NLP: Understanding Natural Language
Mapping Natural Language (NL) to Meaning Representations (MR) How many states do not have rivers ? Natural Language Sentence Meaning Representation

3 Meaning Representation (MR)
QUERY:answer(NUM) NUM:count(STATE) STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) STATE:loc_1(RIVER) RIVER:river(all) How many states do not have rivers ?

4 MR production Meaning representation production (MR production)
Example: NUM:count(STATE) Semantic category: NUM Function symbol: count Child semantic category: STATE At most 2 child semantic categories

5 Task Description Training data: NL-MR pairs Input: A new NL sentence
Output: An MR

6 Challenge Mapping of individual NL words to their associated MR productions is not given in the NL-MR pairs

7 Mapping Words to MR Productions
QUERY:answer(NUM) NUM:count(STATE) STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) STATE:loc_1(RIVER) RIVER:river(all) how many states do not have rivers ? 7 7

8 Talk Outline Generative model Reranking Evaluation
Goal: flexible model that can parse a wide range of input sentences Efficient algorithms for EM training and decoding In practice: correct output is often in top-k list, but is not always the best scoring option Reranking Global features Evaluation Generative model combined with reranking technique achieves state-of-the-art performance

NL-MR Pair Hybrid Tree QUERY:answer(NUM) NUM:count(STATE) STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) Hybrid sequences STATE:state(all) STATE:loc_1(RIVER) RIVER:river(all) How many states do not have rivers ?

Model Parameters QUERY:answer(NUM) w: the NL sentence m: the MR T: the hybrid tree NUM:count(STATE) ? How many STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) do not STATE:loc_1(RIVER) states have RIVER:river(all) rivers P(w,m,T) =P(QUERY:answer(NUM)|-,arg=1) *P(NUM ?|QUERY:answer(NUM)) *P(NUM:count(STATE)|QUERY:answer(NUM),arg=1) *P(How many STATE|NUM:count(STATE)) *P(STATE:exclude(STATE STATE)|NUM:count(STATE),arg=1) *P(STATE1 do not STATE2|STATE:exclude(STATE STATE)) *P(STATE:state(all)|STATE:exclude(STATE STATE),arg=1) *P(states|STATE:state(all)) *P(STATE:loc_1(RIVER)|STATE:exclude(STATE STATE),arg=2) *P(have RIVER|STATE:loc_1(RIVER)) *P(RIVER:river(all)|STATE:loc_1(RIVER),arg=1) *P(rivers|RIVER:river(all)) MR Model Parameters ρ(m’|m,arg=k)

Model Parameters QUERY:answer(NUM) w: the NL sentence m: the MR T: the hybrid tree NUM:count(STATE) ? How many STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) do not STATE:loc_1(RIVER) states have RIVER:river(all) rivers P(How many STATE|NUM:count(STATE)) = P(mwY|NUM:count(STATE)) * P(How|NUM:count(STATE),BEGIN) * P(many|NUM:count(STATE),How) * P(STATE|NUM:count(STATE),many) * P(END|NUM:count(STATE),STATE) Pattern Parameters Φ(r|m)

12 Hybrid Patterns #RHS Hybrid Pattern # Patterns M  w 1 M  [w] Y [w] 4
M  w 1 M  [w] Y [w] 4 2 M  [w] Y [w] Z [w] 8 M  [w] Z [w] Y [w] M is an MR production, w is a word sequence Y and Z are respectively the first and second child MR production Note: [] denotes optional

Model Parameters QUERY:answer(NUM) w: the NL sentence m: the MR T: the hybrid tree NUM:count(STATE) ? How many STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) do not STATE:loc_1(RIVER) states have RIVER:river(all) rivers P(How many STATE|NUM:count(STATE)) = P(mwY|NUM:count(STATE)) * P(How|NUM:count(STATE),BEGIN) * P(many|NUM:count(STATE),How) * P(STATE|NUM:count(STATE),many) * P(END|NUM:count(STATE),STATE) Emission Parameters θ(t|m,Λ)

14 Assumptions : Model I, II, III
NUM:count(STATE) BEGIN How many STATE END Model I Model II Model III Θ(ti|M,Λ) = P(ti|M) Θ(ti|M,Λ) = P(ti|M,ti-1) Θ(ti|M,Λ) = [P(ti|M,ti-1) + P(ti|M)] * 0.5 Unigram Model Bigram Model Mixgram Model

15 Model Parameters MR model parameters Emission parameters
Σmi ρ(mi|mj,arg=k) = 1 They model the meaning representation Emission parameters Σt Θ(t|mj,Λ) = 1 They model the emission of words and semantic categories of MR productions. Λ is the context. Pattern parameters Σr Φ(r|mj) = 1 They model the selection of hybrid patterns

16 Parameter Estimation MR model parameters are easy to estimate
Learning the emission parameters and pattern parameters is challenging Inside-outside algorithm with EM Naïve implementation: O(n6m) n: number of words in an NL sentence m: number of MR productions in an MR Improved efficient algorithm Two-layer dynamic programming Improved time complexity: O(n3m)

17 Decoding Given an NL sentence w, find the optimal MR M*:
M* = argmaxm P(m|w) = argmaxmΣT P(m,T |w) = argmaxmΣT P(w,m,T ) We find the most likely hybrid tree M* = argmaxmmaxT P(w,m,T ) Similar DP techniques employed Implemented Exact top-k decoding algorithm

18 Reranking Weakness of the generative model
Lacks the ability to model long range dependencies Reranking with the averaged perceptron Output space Hybrid trees from exact top-k (k=50) decoding algorithm for each training/testing instance’s NL sentence Single correct reference Output of Viterbi algorithm for each training instance Feature functions Features 1-5 are indicator functions, while feature 6 is real-valued. Threshold b that prunes unreliable predictions even when they score the highest, to optimize F-measure

19 Reranking Features: Examples
QUERY:answer(NUM) log(P(w,m,T)) NUM:count(STATE) ? How many STATE:exclude(STATE STATE) STATE:state(all) do not STATE:loc_1(RIVER) states have RIVER:river(all) rivers Feature 1: Hybrid Rule: A MR production and its child hybrid sequence Feature 2: Expanded Hybrid Rule: A MR production and its child hybrid sequence expanded Feature 3: Long-range Unigram: A MR production and a NL word appearing below in tree Feature 4: Grandchild Unigram: A MR production and its grandchild NL word Feature 5: Two Level Unigram: A MR production, its parent production, and its child NL word Feature 6: Model Log-Probability: Logarithm of base model’s joint probability

20 Related Work SILT (2005) by Kate, Wong, and Mooney
A system that learns deterministic rules to transform either sentences or their syntactic parse trees to meaning structures WASP (2006) by Wong and Mooney A system motivated by statistical machine translation techniques KRISP (2006) by Kate and Mooney A discriminative approach where meaning representation structures are constructed from the natural language strings hierarchically

21 Evaluation Metrics Precision Recall F measure
# correct output structures # output structures Recall # input sentences F measure 2 1/Precision + 1/Recall

22 Evaluations Comparison over three models
I/II/III: Unigram/Bigram/Mixgram model; +R: w/ reranking Reranking is shown to be effective Overall, model III with reranking performs the best Model Geoquery (880) Robocup (300) Prec. Rec. F I 81.3 77.1 79.1 71.1 64.0 67.4 II 89.0 76.0 82.0 82.4 57.7 67.8 III 86.2 81.8 84.0 70.4 63.3 66.7 I + R 87.5 80.5 83.8 67.0 72.6 II + R 93.2 73.6 82.3 88.4 56.0 68.6 III + R 89.3 81.5 85.2 82.5 67.7 74.4

23 Evaluations Comparison with other models On Geoquery:
Able to handle more than 25% of the inputs that could not be handled by previous systems Error reduction rate of 22% System Geoquery (880) Robocup (300) Prec. Rec. F SILT 89.0 54.1 67.3 83.9 50.7 63.2 WASP 87.2 74.8 80.5 88.9 61.9 73.0 KRISP 93.3 71.7 81.1 85.2 Model III + R 89.3 81.5 82.5 67.7 74.4

24 Evaluations Comparison on other languages
Achieves performance comparable to previous system System English Spanish Prec. Rec. F WASP 95.42 70.00 80.76 91.99 72.40 81.03 Model III + R 91.46 72.80 81.07 95.19 79.20 86.46 System Japanese Turkish Prec. Rec. F WASP 91.98 74.40 82.86 96.96 62.40 75.93 Model III + R 87.56 76.00 81.37 93.82 66.80 78.04

25 Contributions Introduced a hybrid tree representation framework for this task Proposed a new generative model that can be applied to the task of transforming NL sentences to MRs Developed a new dynamic programming algorithm for efficient training and decoding The approach, augmented with reranking, achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark corpora, with a notable improvement in recall

26 Questions?

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