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School Grading Update August 18, 2015. Senate Bill 1642- Education Accountability Revisions Refocuses the school grading formula on student success measures.

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Presentation on theme: "School Grading Update August 18, 2015. Senate Bill 1642- Education Accountability Revisions Refocuses the school grading formula on student success measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Grading Update August 18, 2015

2 Senate Bill 1642- Education Accountability Revisions Refocuses the school grading formula on student success measures of Achievement, Learning Gains, Graduation, Earning College Credit/Industry Certifications ELLs included in Achievement after 2 year Establishes a learning gains calculation that (1) requires students scoring below grade level to grow toward grade level performance, and (2) requires student already at grade level to progress beyond grade level performance. All students, except those in Level 5, are required to demonstrate learning growth

3 Ensures that the level of performance associated with an A-F school grade is transparently vivid. -Report all school grade components as percentages worth a max of 100 points Eliminates provisions that over-complicate the formula and muddle the meaning of the school grade : – No bonus factors or additional weighting – No additional requirements or automatic adjustments that may lower a grade

4 Middle School Grades Model The school grade based on the percentage of total points earned Each component is worth up to 100 percentage points Writing is included within the English/Language Arts components

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