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 Andorra is a small country in western Europe that borders France and Spain.  Its capital is Andorra La Vella. It is 1,000 miles above sea level. 

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Presentation on theme: " Andorra is a small country in western Europe that borders France and Spain.  Its capital is Andorra La Vella. It is 1,000 miles above sea level. "— Presentation transcript:


2  Andorra is a small country in western Europe that borders France and Spain.  Its capital is Andorra La Vella. It is 1,000 miles above sea level.  Its main tourist attraction is the ski slopes with Andorra receiving 10 million tourists every year.  The average Andorran's life expectancy is 82 years-the 7 th highest in the world.


4  7 parishes of Andorra: Andorra la Vella, Canillo, Encamp, Escaldes-Engordany, La Massana, Ordino, Sant Julià de Lòria.  The longest river in Andorra is called The Gran Valira.  The highest point in Andorra is called The Coma Pedrosa at a height of 2,942 metres.  Andorra is the 193 rd biggest country in the world.  Although there is lots of small earthquakes in Andorra there has never been a big one.


6  The most popular food in Andorra is Trinxat which is made from cabbage, pork and potatoes.  They also eat pizza and have votes for the best pizza from every parishes.  Andorra is home to lots of folk dances including the contrapa.  Andorra's national holiday is Our Lady of Meritxell Day, on the 8th of September.  There is only one television channel-RTVA.


8  The most famous Andorran is Albert Celades who played 72 times for Barcelona.  During World War 2 Andorra provided an important smuggling route from Vichy France and Spain.  In 1993 Andorra became part of the United Nations and the Council of Europe.  In 1934 adventurer Boris Scossyreff declared himself ‘ Boris 1 of Andorra ‘even though Andorra is part- owned by France and The bishop of Urgell.  He was arrested in Spain after trying to run away.


10  Here is a link for the Andorran national anthem- pg2W3.Pxk pg2W3.Pxk

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