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Ashwin Ravikrishnamoorthy Krishna Prasad Jayanarayanan Martina de la Cruz Nishanth Krothapalli.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashwin Ravikrishnamoorthy Krishna Prasad Jayanarayanan Martina de la Cruz Nishanth Krothapalli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashwin Ravikrishnamoorthy Krishna Prasad Jayanarayanan Martina de la Cruz Nishanth Krothapalli

2  THE TAX FIRM is an American software company that develops financial and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses, accountants and individuals.  Our headquarters is in Houston, TX.  We have been in business since 2000.  We have 500 employees.

3  Help upper management do detailed reporting  Forecast revenue for projects  Sales forecasting  Sales tracking  Error Tracking  Enhance error handling  Improve customer service

4  To provide strategic and tactical support to the Sales departments across the enterprise.  Integrate data from multiple source systems, enabling a central view across the enterprise. This benefit is always valuable, but particularly so when the organization has grown by merger.  Improve data, by providing consistent codes and descriptions, flagging or even fixing bad data.  Present the organization's information consistently.  Restructure the data so that it makes sense to the business users.

5  fact  sales(date_id,shop_id,customer_id,product_id, amount,quantity)  Error(date_id,product_id,error-code,status,resolution,duration)  dimensions  date (date_id,transaction_date,month_id)  month (month_id,month_name,quarter_id)  quarter (quarter_id,quarter_no,year)  shop (shop_id,shop_name,city_id)  city (city_id,city_name,state_id)  state (state_id,state_name)

6  customer (customer_id,customer_name,customer_address,cust_type_id...)  customer_type (cust_type_id,single,auditors,company..)  product name (product_id,description,prod_type_id)  product_type (prod_type_id,cd,online,service...)  error_type (err_code,name...)


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