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Introducing Atlas 2014 PCB Insertion loss test system November 2013 Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Atlas 2014 PCB Insertion loss test system November 2013 Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Atlas 2014 PCB Insertion loss test system November 2013 Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013

2 2 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Featuring support for SPP, SET2SEIL & SET2DIL

3 3 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas 2014 Introduces: Support for SPP testing Integrated environment for SPP / SET2DIL / Impedance Shortens training time. Built in multiple waveform view Support for 20GHz, 30GHz and 50GHz sampling modules New ergonomic ESD safe probe housings for SET2DIL test Snapshot – for archiving and recreation of test results Compliant with IPC-TM-650

4 4 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Support for SPP insertion loss measurement technique Integrated waveform view display – allows user to drill down for more detailed waveform analysis.

5 5 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013

6 6 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 SPP Impedance pre screening Built in waveform view allows user display expanded view at any time.

7 7 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas SPP: An SPP test comprises: A series of thorough impedance pre-screening tests (Test for line taper / impedance imbalance) Above tests performed on both a long and short line in both forward and backward directions. Followed by: Alpha (loss) / Beta (phase) tests / Calculation of Effective Er Compliant with IPC-TM-650

8 8 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas SPP: The following sequence of screens step through a typical SPP test: Pre-screening – Waveform windowing – Alpha (loss) and Beta (phase) measurements. The very first slide of the sequence explains the coupon layout and typical connectors used.

9 9 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Typical SPP coupon connectors and terminology Short line forward connectors. Legend denoting length and impedance of short line. in this case 4cm (40mm) and 85 Ohms differential. Short line backward connectors. Long line backward connectors. Long line forward connectors. All connectors typically Molex surface mount SMA. Each connector fitted to the board with screws sized to the thickness of the coupon Legend denoting length and impedance of long line. in this case 11cm (110mm) and 85 Ohms differential.

10 10 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 1 Pre screen impedance long line forward direction

11 11 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 2 Pre screen impedance long line backward

12 12 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 3 Pre screen impedance short line forward

13 13 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 4 Pre screen impedance short line backward

14 14 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 5 SPP test long line

15 15 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Step 6 SPP test short line

16 16 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Processed result screen Click on any individual result for detail view

17 17 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Pre-Screen Z differential impedance test Differential impedance measured forward / backward and delta impedance test

18 18 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Pre-Screen Odd impedance Short & long line odd impedance and balance test

19 19 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Even signal impedance pre screen Even signal impedance and balance test

20 20 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Pre-Screen one side of line pair (single ended) Single ended pre-screen of one side of differential pair.

21 21 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Pre-Screen second side of line pair (single ended) Single ended pre-screen of second side of differential pair.

22 22 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Raw Time domain transmission impulse waveforms Raw and unprocessed impulse waveforms as uploaded from the sampling oscilloscope prior to mathematical conditioning for FFT processing. Note the reduction in impulse height on the long line impulse owing to signal losses. Hence the name “Short pulse propagation”

23 23 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Windowed TDT Impulse response display Mathematically processed TDT waveform data per IPC-TM-650 prior to FFT extraction of loss and phase information.

24 24 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Spectra display The spectra display is an indication of how much energy remains in the short and long line at any given frequency. The upper frequency of the measurement is limited by the signal power being large enough compared to the noise in the system for the math to “dig out” the ratio of power in the long line to that in the short line..

25 25 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Alpha (insertion loss display) Alpha* is the measured insertion loss. This is similar to the “loss” graph seen on the Polar Si9000e. SPP denotes loss in dB/cm (10mm). Pass fail criteria are set in the test editor according to the limits laid down by the OEM. (*Alpha is the attenuation of the transmission line when driven and terminated by a matched load)

26 26 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Beta (phase shift in Radians per cm) Beta* (the phase shift) displays the phase shift of the transmission line (in Radians per 10mm). Phase angle increases with frequency and is directly related to propagation velocity (Vp = C/Sq root effective Er). Phase display is “unwrapped” displaying the constant increase in phase angle. (In the Si9000e you will see phase displayed in a “wrapped” sawtooth format which is a convenient way of displaying an ever increasing angle on a graph scale). As with Alpha, Beta denotes the phase shift of the line when driven and terminated with a matched impedance.

27 27 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Effective dielectric constant The ability to extract the phase along with an accurate knowledge of the line length gives the ability to calculate the effective dielectric constant at any given frequency. This result shows the typical characteristic of PCB laminates with a higher Er at low frequencies – gently sloping to a much smaller reduction in effective Er as the frequency rises.

28 28 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas SPP: The previous sequence has walked you through the testing process for SPP The following two slides show how simple it is to setup an SPP test with Atlas 2014.

29 29 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 SPP Pretest setup Simple yet flexible configuration for SPP test and pretest.

30 30 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 SPP insertion loss setup Simple yet flexible configuration for SPP test and pretest.

31 31 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas 2014 Featuring support for SPP SET2SEIL & SET2DIL Impulse forming networks for SPP test..

32 32 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Ergonomic ESD safe probe housing for SET2DIL GGB probe

33 33 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas test snapshot facility Tests may be saved and archived as “Snapshot files” complete with full waveform data. Snapshots may be recovered at any time for future reference.

34 34 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas 800 SET2DIL & SPP Protection unit Intelligent protection of sampling heads in the production environment Active management of probe discharge state and connectivity.

35 35 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Supporting product for insertion loss: Si9000e Speedstack Si CGen Si (Beta) Supports SET2DIL & SPP coupons

36 36 New Features Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013 Atlas 2014 Supporting: SPP SET2SEIL Bidirectional SET2DIL Impedance Compatible with Tektronix DSA8300 / DSA8200 / TDS8000 and 20GHz, 30GHz or 50GHz TDR sampling heads. Operates under XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8

37 Thank you Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013

38 For more information: Contact Polar now: Phone USA / Canada / Mexico Ken Taylor ( 503) 356 5270 Ken Taylor Asia / Pacific Terence ChewTerence Chew+65 6873 7470 Japan 45 339 0155 UK / Europe Neil Chamberlain +44 23 9226 9113 Neil Chamberlain Germany / Austria / Switzerland Hermann Reischer+43 7666 20041-0 Hermann Reischer Copyright © Polar Instruments 2013

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