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Good morning!. Unit 11 Meetings I. Review 1. Taking part in a meeting a. Find out what the other people think: Mr. Smith, what ’ s your opinion? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning!. Unit 11 Meetings I. Review 1. Taking part in a meeting a. Find out what the other people think: Mr. Smith, what ’ s your opinion? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning!

2 Unit 11 Meetings

3 I. Review 1. Taking part in a meeting a. Find out what the other people think: Mr. Smith, what ’ s your opinion? What are your views on this, John? Mr. Brown, what do you think about this?

4 I. Reviewing 1. Taking part in a meeting b. Interrupt someone and put forward your own opinion: If I could just make a point here … Could I make a suggestion? Sorry to interrupt, but I ’ d just like to say that … It seems to me that …

5 I. Reviewing 1. Taking part in a meeting c. Find out if the others have understood or if they agree with you: Do you see what I mean? Are you with me? Don ’ t you agree, Simon? Does anyone object?

6 I. Reviewing 1. Taking part in a meeting d. Show that you don ’ t understand what someone has said: Sorry, could you say that again, please? I ’ m sorry, I didn ’ t catch what you said. Sorry, I didn ’ t quite understand. Sorry, I ’ m not quite with you.

7 I. Reviewing 2. One-to-one meetings a.Greeting to each other b.Starting the meeting c.Keep the meeting going d.Ending the meeting

8 II. Different kinds of meetings 1.Leading in ---- get the idea Formal Meetings Informal

9 II. Different kinds of meetings 1.Leading in ---- get the idea Large Meetings Small

10 II. Different kinds of meetings Large committee meeting Management meeting Staff meeting More than two persons meetings One-to-one meetings Meeting between a supplier and a customer Internal meeting between a manager and one of the staff member , etc. Social meetings ---- informal 1.Leading in ---- get the idea

11 II. Different kinds of meetings Possible way out for different cases (1)one-to-one meeting (two people involved) (2) a meeting of four or five people involved (heads of relevant departments, etc.) (3) a meeting of about ten people involved (heads of all departments, etc.) (4) a meeting of everyone in the department involved (staff meetings, etc.) (5) a meeting of everyone in the company involved (6) no meeting, but one person decide what to do and then inform everyone by phone or by sending out a memo.

12 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations a. A large, influential customer continually pays later. Your sales manager and credit controller have politely and repeatedly complained but this hasn ’ t made any difference. The time has come to decide what to do about this. Problems

13 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations b. In a small factory the older workers are ignoring safety rules and encouraging the younger ones to do the same. Some of these rules may be excessively cautions and the older workers ’ production rates are very good. Problems:

14 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations c. In a medium-sized factory, groups of workers operate as teams. One group has been getting poor results than the other teams and verbal warnings have had no effect. Problems:

15 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations d. The firm is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to make five members of the office staff redundant. The normal policy is “ last in ---- first out ”. Problems:

16 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations e. Someone has been leaking information about your firm ’ s products to your competitor. It may be a member of your staff or one of your preferred suppliers. Problems:

17 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations f. The board requires a report on your department ’ s long-term plans over the next ten years. Problems:

18 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations g. The territories covered by your sales force have been unchanged for ten years. A revision of the boundaries might make the team more efficient. Problems:

19 II. Different kinds of meetings 2. Situations h. There is to be a company picnic next month and everything has to be planned and organized. Problems:

20 II. Different kinds of meetings 3. Practice ---- an integral activity Hold a meeting: To investigate ways of improving working conditions in the office. Decide what kind of meeting should be held? how could the chairperson chair the meeting? How could you participate the meeting?

21 II. Different kinds of meetings 4. Summarizing: Different kinds of meetings Various problems and proposals

22 III. Homework What are the other cases that a meeting need to be held to make proposals to the management committee? if …, then we need to hold a meeting to … …, in this case, we need to hold a meeting to …

23 Good bye!

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