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The effects of competition in non-profit organizations Jolie Richards Belmira Machado Xander Jacques.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of competition in non-profit organizations Jolie Richards Belmira Machado Xander Jacques."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of competition in non-profit organizations Jolie Richards Belmira Machado Xander Jacques

2 What is a non-profit organization? A non-profit organization is an organization that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue societal goals that can’t be accomplished by the government or by for-profit organizations. Ex: feeding the poor, helping the sick and mentoring children

3 Concerns about competition Nonprofit groups compete with each other just like any other business. Many times in a for-profit company, better technology is what puts you ahead of others. For-profit organizations happen to be more well known than some non-profit organizations.

4 Competition between non-profit and for-profit organizations A nonprofit entity has a mission that benefits the "greater good" of the community, society, or the world. For-profit organizations want to maximize profits and forward these profits to the company's owners and shareholders, which means maximizing revenues while minimizing costs, ensure the revenue is greater than costs.

5 Public sector and private sectors Public sector: part of the economy, directed by the government Ex: education, healthcare, police Private sector: part of the national economy that is not under direct government contract. They are privately owned Ex: corporations, partnerships, charities

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