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Type the subject in footer (View|Header and Footer) 1 28/01/2016 EU CLRTAP Emissions Inventory Compilation 2015 TFEIP Meeting, 11/12 May 2015, Milano ETC/ACM.

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1 type the subject in footer (View|Header and Footer) 1 28/01/2016 EU CLRTAP Emissions Inventory Compilation 2015 TFEIP Meeting, 11/12 May 2015, Milano ETC/ACM Elisabeth Kampel

2 Outline of presentation 1.Emission trends and sector shares 2.Inventory preparation process 3.Changes to 2014 reporting 4.Adjustments 5.Gapfilling procedures 6.Completeness and data problems 7.MS communication 8.Submission status & next steps Note: Whole presentation based on submission received until 12th March

3 Emission trends for the main air pollutants CO Rel. Change 1990-2013: NO x : – 54% NMVOC: -60% SO x : -87% NH3: -27% CO: -67% TSP: -53% PM 2,5 : -37% PM 10 : -38% BC: -38% Note: Based on submission received until 12th March

4 Share of EU-28 emissions of the main pollutants by sector group Main pollutants PM HM POPs

5 1)EU Member States: CLRTAP emission inventory  CDR 2)EEA/ETC-ACM collects the data from CDR 3)QA and QC analysis: data checks 4)gap-filling 5)gap-filled data  compiled into first draft EU LRTAP inventory 6)Review by MS 7)Preparation of final draft EU LRTAP inventory and Informative Inventory Report (IIR) Inventory preparation process

6 Changes in 2015 reporting Early data checks new reporting guidelines to be applied from 2015 onwards (only reporting of gridded data in new resolution is postponed to 2017) Use of NFR 14 templates, including BC, excluding HCH Updated sector aggregation according NFR 14 template Gap filling improvements for BC, PM 2.5 and PM10 Recalculations: for main pollutants negligible

7 adjust emission reduction commitments or inventory data in extraordinary circumstances „new“ emission source categories „new“ emission factors Changes in methodology In 2014 two inventory adjustment application were accepted by the EMEP Steering Body Germany – NO x Denmark – NH 3 Belgium, France, Spain: open status In 2015 six Parties submitted adjustment applications (BE, DK, FI, FR, DE, LU, ES) Adjustments under the GP

8 Why gap-filling? Ideally: no need to gap-fill reported inventory data Regarding the EMEP Reporting Guidelines submitted emission inventories should be complete as possible.  inventories of the Member States have to be gap-filled in order to submit a "complete as possible" EU Inventory.

9 9 1 Basis: Submission under LRTAP provided in 2015 2 Gapfilling with data submitted under the NEC Directive 3 Gapfilling with notation keys submitted under the NEC Directive 4 Gapfilling with LRTAP Convention data submitted to EMEP/CEIP in 2015 5 gapfilling with LRTAP Convention and GHG emission inventories provided in previous years 6 gapfilling with older LRTAP Convention data submitted to EMEP/CEIP 7 further gap-filling through predefined calculation procedures Gapfilling procedure Results in more or less complete EU inventory

10 Completeness (before the gap-filling)

11 Completeness (before gap-filling) Main Pollutants Particulate MatterCO

12 Completeness after gapfilling  Complete Inventories: NO x, NMVOC, SO x, NH 3, CO  All others are incomplete, i.e. with gapfilling not all gaps could be closed  incomplete EU inventory

13 Main data problems Identified during early data checks TSP > PM10: 16 MS PM10 > PM2,5: 9 MS PM 2.5 > BC: 6 MS Other problems: strong increases, strong decreases, low emission values and peaks  Letters sent to MS for clarification (End Feb. 2015)

14 Reaction of MS To 22 MS issues for clarification were sent 11 MS answers received Very positive feedback received – THANKS! Reaction by MS:  Improvements/Corrections will be made in 2016 submission  Resubmission  Explanations provided 14

15 Submission overview MS1 st Sub- mission Resub- mission NFR template IIR AT 12.02.2015 15.04.2015  BE 13.02.2015 14.03.2015  BG 13.02.2015 15.03.2015, 30.04.2015  HR 11.02.2015  CY 13.02.2015 17.03.2015, 30.04.2015  CZ 15.02.2015 30.03.2015, 04.05.2015  DK 13.02.2015  EE 12.02.2015 13.03.2015, 27.03.2015  FI 13.02.2015 27.02.2015 10.03.2015, 29.04.2015  FR 12.02.2015  DE 04.02.2015 29.04.2015  GR  HU 20.02.2015  IE 13.02.2015  MS1 st Sub- mission Resubmi ssion NFR template IIR IT 01.04.2015  LV 14.02.2015 15.03.2015, 23.03.2015, 30.04.2015  LT 13.02.2015 10.03.2015, 23.04.2015  LU 16.02.2015 05.05.2015  MT 25.03.2015  NL 15.02.2015 30.04.2015  PL 06.02.2015  PT 13.02.2015 13.03.2015, 24.03.2015  RO 13.02.2015 13.03.2015, 30.04.2015  SK 16.02.2015 16.03.2015, 02.04.2015  SI 12.02.2015  ES 13.02.2015 23.02.2015, 13.03.2015  SE 10.02.2015 11.03.2015  GB 13.02.2015 13.03.2015 

16 Current status & next steps Draft has been sent to MS for review on April 16th  closing date for comments is 15 May 2015 Deadline for resubmissions was on 6th May 2015 ETC/ACM to prepare final version by end of May

17 Contact & Information Elisabeth Kampel Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt) Tel. Nr. 0043-(0)1-31304-5949 E-Mail: TFEIP Meeting 2015 Milan ■ 12.05.2015 Thanks for your attention!

18 Back up slides

19 19 1 Emission trends of all pollutants were compiled from 1990 onward using the Member State LRTAP Convention emission inventories provided to the EEA in 2015. 2 For Member States that did not report complete data, emissions data reported in 2015 officially by Member States under the NEC Directive (NOx, NMVOCs, SO2 and NH 3 ), were used in the first instance to fill gaps. In this step, notation keys were not used. 3 In a further step, notation keys reported in 2015 by Member States under the NEC Directive (NOx, NMVOCs, SO2 and NH 3 ), were used to fill any remaining gaps. 4 LRTAP Convention data submitted to EMEP/CEIP in 2015 was the next source used to fill remaining gaps (in fact, there should be no difference between the MS LRTAP Convention emission inventories provided to the EEA and the data submitted to EMEP/CEIP). 5 In the next step, Member State LRTAP Convention emission inventories provided to the EEA in previous years were used to fill gaps still remaining, followed by emission data reported in previous years under the EU Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. 6 Older LRTAP Convention data submitted to EMEP/CEIP were the final source of official information used to fill gaps. 7 Finally, for all remaining cases of missing data, further gap-filling procedures were applied in accordance with the procedures described by the EEA (2009). Gapfilling procedure

20 1 st Submission and Resubmission To be updated if needed

21 21 Completeness for HM (before gap-filling)

22 22 Completeness POPs, PAHs (before gap-filling)

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