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NS4301 Summer Term 2015 Demographic Dividend. Introduction U.N. projections suggest that Sub-Saharan Africa will experience the highest population growth.

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Presentation on theme: "NS4301 Summer Term 2015 Demographic Dividend. Introduction U.N. projections suggest that Sub-Saharan Africa will experience the highest population growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 NS4301 Summer Term 2015 Demographic Dividend

2 Introduction U.N. projections suggest that Sub-Saharan Africa will experience the highest population growth in the world: From 0.8 billion in 2010 to 2 billion by 2015 and 3.8 billion by 2100 Translates into SSA’s share of world population increasing from12% in 2010, to 22% in 2050 and 35% in 2100 In the past decade, SSA has had one of the highest economic growth rates in the world. Other regions that grew quickly in the past often benefitted from the “demographic dividend” Sometimes suggested that SSA could benefit from it as well 2

3 Demographic Dividend I Demographic Dividend As countries were getting richer, most underwent a demographic transition whereby A fall in mortality rates was later followed by A decline in the fertility rate As a result The share of the population that was in the productive working age grew While the share of dependents (children and elderly) dropped East Asia is often used as an example Estimated the demographic dividend accounted for one third of its economic growth between 1965 and 1990 3

4 Demographic Dividend II Currently, the dependency ratio is particularly high in SSA An economic burden but the projected fall provides SSA the opportunity to gain benefits in the long-run Mortality rates have been falling and are forecast to reach the global average around 2030 Fertility rates are projected to fall slowly and converge to the world average by the end of this century. The West is ageing and other emerging markets have already experienced a fall in the dependency rate SSA is the region where the biggest fall in the dependency rate is expected in the coming decades. 4

5 Change in Dependency Ratio 5

6 Demographic Dividend III Challenges Demographic dividend is a window of opportunity, not a given Will SSA manage to benefit from its demographic dividend? Two factors will be essential First recent data indicate that SSA is an outlier with resect to the decline in fertility rates Much lower in SSA than in other regions If the fertility rate falls less than anticipated the region will miss out on the demographic dividend The dependency rate will be lower than it was in other regions. 6

7 Change in Fertility Rate 7

8 Demographic Dividend IV Second, institutional strength is particularly important for allowing the young to be productive. What turns low dependency ratio into a potential economic benefit is the fact that, per capita, more resources are available for investments and education. If institutional weakness hampers such investments countries are simply faced with a growing number of unemployed young people Can lead to higher crime rates and social unrest Northern Africa is a good example While the region enjoyed the highest drop in dependency among all regions Low living standards and the large number of unemployed youth led to the Arab Spring 8

9 Demographic Dividend V From that perspective it is worrying that despite brisk rates of growth in the past decade, unemployment in SSA has remained persistently high. Data on unemployment for region scarce. Still available IMF data show unemployment rose in Nigeria from 13% in 2000 to 24% in 2011 Has remained persistently high in Sout Africa where it ranged between 23% and 25% between 2000 and 2013 Moreover the window of opportunity created by the demographic dividend is not endless. Lower mortality rate leads to an increasing number of elderly which will eventually lead to an increase in the dependency ratio If countries miss out on bulge of labor supply they will have missed out on the benefits and turn old before they turn rich. 9

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