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MPCA: An Agency & Legislative Update Brad Moore, Commissioner June 22, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "MPCA: An Agency & Legislative Update Brad Moore, Commissioner June 22, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPCA: An Agency & Legislative Update Brad Moore, Commissioner June 22, 2007

2 MPCA Mission  Working with Minnesotans to protect, conserve and improve our environment and enhance our quality of life.

3 MPCA Priorities  Core environmental programs Permitting Permitting Compliance and enforcement Compliance and enforcement Monitoring and assessment Monitoring and assessment Cleanup and emergency response Cleanup and emergency response Environmental assistance Environmental assistance  Impaired waters

4 What’s New  Annandale-Maple Lake implications  Clean Water Legacy implementation & TMDLs  Ethanol/mining initiative and biofuels study  Mercury TMDL  Air permitting improvements  Greenhouse gas reduction efforts  PFCs in groundwater

5 Annandale – Maple Lake  MPCA has authority to interpret environmental laws it enforces  MPCA made a reasonable interpretation of the Clean Water Act

6 NPDES Permitting: Moving Forward  Pre-TMDL Phosphorus Trading Phosphorus Trading  Water Quality Trading Rule  Final TMDL

7 Impaired waters  Clean Water Legacy Protect, restore and preserve the quality of Minnesota's surface waters Protect, restore and preserve the quality of Minnesota's surface waters Quality of Minnesota’s surface waters closely tied to economy Quality of Minnesota’s surface waters closely tied to economy  MPCA receiving $31 million during FY08- 09 to address impaired waters Funds to be used to monitor, assess and restore polluted surface water Funds to be used to monitor, assess and restore polluted surface water

8 Permittees Affected by Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Studies

9 Ethanol/Mining/Biofuels  $6 million from Environment Fund to speed permitting in fast-growing sectors  Process improvements to permitting  $300,000 for biennium on biomass gasification air emission study

10 Mercury emissions in Minnesota

11 Air Quality: How are we doing in Minnesota?

12 Air regulatory program  Permit and inspect facilities that emit air pollutants 3,310 permitted facilities across state 3,310 permitted facilities across state Permits limit amount of pollution, set operating conditions, require data collection and reporting Permits limit amount of pollution, set operating conditions, require data collection and reporting  Major facilities have 95% compliance rate  Air program budget FY08-09: $22.2 million FY08-09: $22.2 million

13 Improving Rate of Permit Completion

14 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction  New legislation: Next Generation Energy Act of 2007  Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group  The Climate Registry

15 Other Issues  Update on new PFC developments  E-waste legislation  SCORE grants  Working with stakeholders

16 Brad Moore — 651-296-7305 

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