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Global Agricultural Monitoring GLAM Team Curt A. Reynolds (FAS) Edwin Pak, Amir Majedi, Jenn Small, Assaf Anyamba, & Compton Tucker (GSFC) FEWS NET Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Agricultural Monitoring GLAM Team Curt A. Reynolds (FAS) Edwin Pak, Amir Majedi, Jenn Small, Assaf Anyamba, & Compton Tucker (GSFC) FEWS NET Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Agricultural Monitoring GLAM Team Curt A. Reynolds (FAS) Edwin Pak, Amir Majedi, Jenn Small, Assaf Anyamba, & Compton Tucker (GSFC) FEWS NET Science Meeting October 2-3, 2012 University of California, Santa Barbara Agricultural Drought: New Directions in Risk Assessment, Monitoring, & Forecasting

2 GLAM Overview  Second generation MODIS-based agricultural system to support FAS monitoring activities  Successor to the Pekko system (@ UMD) – proof of concept...  Improvements – wall to wall global coverage, rapid query, & simplicity  Currently classified as “Beta” but operational version – testing different component technologies, architecture and data base  Future improvements to follow when VIIRS data operationally ingested  Includes:  NRT production -- therefore operational  Two processing nodes set up (glam0 for USDA/FAS/IPAD, glam1 as fail-safe/other agency/public system)  Data: provides Terra and Aqua data (NDVI, NDWI)  GUI  Data query and plotting by Crop mask and administrative region  Capture AoI /current map view with visible crop and shape layers in PNG or JPEG formats.  Keyboard shortcuts to improve data set navigation and querying

3 Server Nodes (3 for 2) Intel X5667+X5677 ≤ 144 GB RAM RAID Subsystems 8 Gb FC 200 TB LANCE-MODIS L2:NRT MODAPS-MODIS L2:STD GIMMS GLAM L3:NRT+STD GSFC 614.5 GSFC 614.4 SYSTEM DIAGRAM Land and Atmospheres Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE-MODIS) system GLAM0, GLAM1

4 System Overview Map Layer Options { { Data Query Options { Map Tools

5 1/23/12





10 DB Results: Plot 1 After changing plot configurations, click [Update] to refresh plot image. All plots can be downloaded and saved offline

11 DB Results: Plot 3 (Interactive) Custom range scaling with tool-tip data point highlighting Dynamically enable or disable years or the mean

12 DB Results: Table download CSV format can be opened as text file or with any spreadsheet application

13 1/23/12

14  Browser Compatibility – on going issue, but big strides have been made. Best viewed on Firefox/Chrome with at least a 1280 x 768 screen resolution - javascript engine outperforms IE. IE supported but slower: if user experiences IE problems, screenshots of the errors should be forwarded to Amir and Ed  Official release to FAS happened when GLAM0 was updated with the reprocessed dataset and running NRT production ~ 6/22: system was declared as an operational prototype.  The public release of the GIMMS GLAM (beta) system is now available and online at  the public glam1 system runs about 6-12 hours behind the private glam0 system on data production days under normal operations. This is to prioritize and balance system loads to ensure the highest performance for primary users (IPAD/FAS) on the glam0 system.  Choice of MapQuest over Google maps is based on the legal terms of use: Open MapQuest has less red tape and is free to use and share under Created Commons.  For documentation on HTTP retrieval of GIMMS GLAM internal DB files, please see This method may be used to access database tables outside the web browser user interface.  For more information please visit:  User feedback to Please include error messages, screenshots, and steps to duplicate the Summary

15 GIMMS 3g NDVI Data Set 1981-2011... Arctic AVHRR-MODIS Comparison

16 1/23/12 MODIS Terra NDVI – GIMMS 3g NDVI Fensholt & Proud 2012 RSE

17 1/23/12 MODIS Terra – MODIS Aqua NDVI Comparison Fensholt & Proud 2012 RSE

18 Arctic Tundra Biomass Work: How?

19 Arctic Tundra Biomass Work: Where? Raynolds et al. 2012

20 Change in zonal Arctic phytomass Epstein et al. 2012 ERL 33(5) and Reynolds et al. 2012 RSL 3(5)

21 Questions?

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