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Chapter 1 Textbook C-Notes Life Science 7 Mrs. Goodale.

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1 Chapter 1 Textbook C-Notes Life Science 7 Mrs. Goodale

2 Chapter 1.1 Page 6 Jane Goodall was a scientist who studied chimps. Big Idea- Scientist use skills such as observing, inferring, predicting, classifying, and making models to learn more about the world and make scientific progress. Science= a way of learning about the natural world. Example- Jane Goodall wanted to learn about chimps in Africa.

3 Chapter 1.1 Pages 7 Observing= means using one or more of your senses to gather information. 5 Senses= Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Quantitative Observations= Observations that deal with a number or amount. Example- Jane Goodall, the scientist saw 3 chimps. Qualitative Observations= Observations that deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed with numbers. Example- Jane Goodall, the scientist noticed the chimps were black and tan.

4 Chapter 1.1 Pages 8-9 Inferring= to explain or interpret the things you observe or make an inference. Example- Jane Goodall OBSERVED a chimp take a handful of leaves, chew on them, push them into the hollow of a tree, pull them out, then squeeze liquid out of them. She INFERRED that this was how the chimp got water. Predicting= means making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence. Example- Jane OBSERVED when a chimp was frightened, its hairs would stand on end and it would make threatening gestures. She PREDICTED the chimp would attack when she saw its hair stand on end and it began throwing rocks at her. Analyzing Data= See graph on page 9. Reading graphs, interpreting data, calculating, predicting

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