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Fall of Communism & the end of the Cold War! Why did the Communism Fail? In groups come up with a Theory or reason.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall of Communism & the end of the Cold War! Why did the Communism Fail? In groups come up with a Theory or reason."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fall of Communism & the end of the Cold War!

3 Why did the Communism Fail? In groups come up with a Theory or reason

4 Think about which factors were most important Leaders Social unrest Intervention in other countries Economic problems Pressure from democracies Diverse ethnic groups

5 Revolutions of 1989 Poland: Free elections, Communist Party fails

6 Cont’d Austria and Hungary open borders –Allows East Germans to flee –Opening in Iron Curtain

7 Revolution in Romania and Czechoslovakia Gorbachev does not interfere Denounces Brezhnev Doctrine

8 FALL OF BERLIN WALL Riots and demonstrations in East Germany in 1989 New govt. in Nov. Orders opening of Berlin Wall- symbols end of war




12 Implosion Theory USSR collapsed from within No creativity, Competition, and Incentive Communism = problem

13 Personality Theory – People made the difference 1.Gorbachev’s reform Perestroika + glasnost

14 Cont’d 2. Ronald Reagan - defense spending - Strategic Defense Initiative 3. Yeltsin- pushed for more reforms



17 Strategic Overstretch Theory: Too big Interfered too much

18 1. Superpowers withdraw 2. Spread of Democracy 3. 15 New countries enter international politics

19 Break up of the Sov Union left 15 independent countries! * Armenia*Latvia *Azerbaijan*Lithuania *Belarus*Moldova *Estonia*Russia *Georgia*Tajikistan *Kazakhstan*Turkmenistan *Kyrgyzstan*Ukraine *Uzbekistan


21 4.Nuclear Legacy??? 5.Greater use of United Nations 6.Ethnic/national tension

22 European Union A movement toward unity

23 European Economic Community Formed 1957 Also Called Common Market

24 Goals Eliminate Tariffs Similar wages and benefits

25 EEC a Huge Success Other countries join Britain, Denmark, Ireland admitted in 1973.

26 The Common Market becomes the European Union Becomes known as the EU in 1993. Euro, common currency 1999

27 Possible Problems for EU 1.independent states in E. Europe? 2.Influence of Germany makes others uneasy.

28 THE EURO The currency of twelve European Union countries: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal and Finland.

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