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Structural Analysis Chapter 10. Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-2 In this chapter, we will describe the specifics of a structural.

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1 Structural Analysis Chapter 10

2 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-2 In this chapter, we will describe the specifics of a structural analysis. The purpose is two-fold: –To reiterate the typical analysis steps that were introduced in Chapter 4. –To introduce you to structural loads and boundary conditions Chapter 10 – Structural Analysis Overview

3 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-3 Geometry Can either be created within ANSYS or imported. Include details to improve results: –Goal is to sufficiently model the stiffness of the structure –Add details to avoid stress singularities (e.g. fillets) –Exclude details not in region of interest (e.g. exclude small holes) –Add details to improve boundary conditions (e.g. apply pressure to an area rather than using concentrated load) Chapter 10 – Preprocessing Geometry

4 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-4 Element type The table below shows commonly used structural element types. The nodal DOF’s may include: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ. Commonly used structural element types Chapter 10 – Preprocessing Meshing Material properties –Minimum requirement is Young’s Modulus, EX. –Setting preferences to “Structural” limits the Material Model GUI to display only structural properties. Real constants –Primarily needed for shell and line elements.

5 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-5 Structural loading conditions can be: DOF ConstraintsRegions of the model where displacements are known. Concentrated ForcesExternal forces that can be simplified as a point load. PressuresSurfaces where forces on an area are known. Uniform TemperatureTemperatures applied as a body force used with a reference temperature to predict thermal strains. GravityAccelerations applied as inertia boundary conditions * Not covered in this course Chapter 10 – Solution Define Loads

6 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-6 Displacement Constraints Used to specify where the model is fixed (zero displacement locations). Can also be non-zero, to simulate a known deflection. To apply displacement constraints : –Solution > -Loads- Apply > Displacement Choose where you want to apply the constraint. Pick the desired entities in the graphics window. Then choose the constraint direction. Value defaults to zero. –Or use the D family of commands: DK, DL, DA, D. Question: In which coordinate system are UX, UY, and UZ interpreted? Chapter 10 – Solution Displacement Constraints

7 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-7 To apply a force, the following information is needed: –node or keypoint number (which you can identify by picking) –force magnitude (which should be consistent with the system of units you are using) –direction of the force — FX, FY, or FZ Use: –Solution > -Loads- Apply > Force/Moment –Or the commands FK or F Question: In which coordinate system are FX, FY, and FZ interpreted? Chapter 10 – Solution Concentrated Forces

8 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-8 Pressures To apply a pressure: –Solution > -Loads- Apply > Pressure Choose where you want to apply the pressure -- usually on lines for 2-D models, on areas for 3-D models. Pick the desired entities in the graphics window. Then enter the pressure value. A positive value indicates a compressive pressure (acting towards the centroid of the element). –Or use the SF family of commands: SFL, SFA, SFE, SF. Chapter 10 – Solution Pressure

9 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-9 For a 2-D model, where pressures are usually applied on a line, you can specify a tapered pressure by entering a value for both the I and J ends of the line. I and J are determined by the line direction. If you see the taper going in the wrong direction, simply reapply the pressure with the values reversed. VALI = 500 500 L3 500 VALI = 500 VALJ = 1000 L3 1000 500 VALI = 1000 VALJ = 500 L3 1000 500 Chapter 10 – Solution …Pressure

10 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-10 Uniform Temperature To uniform temperature –Solution > -Loads- Apply > Temperature > Uniform Temp –Or use the TUNIF command. Chapter 10 – Solution Uniform temperature To define reference temperature –Solution > -Load Step Opts > Other > Reference Temp –Or use the TREF command or as MP,REFT Recall,

11 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-11 Gravity To apply gravitational acceleration: –Solution > -Loads- Apply > Gravity –Or use the ACEL command. Notes: –A positive acceleration value causes deflection in the negative direction. If Y is pointing upwards, for example, a positive ACELY value will cause the structure to move downwards. –Density (or mass in some form) must be defined for gravity and other inertia loads. Chapter 10 – Solution Gravity

12 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-12 Modifying and Deleting Loads To modify a load value, simply reapply the load with the new value. To delete loads: –Solution > -Loads- Delete > –When you delete solid model loads, ANSYS also automatically deletes all corresponding finite element loads. Chapter 10 – Solution Modifying and Deleting Loads

13 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-13 Static vs. Dynamic Analysis A static analysis assumes that only the stiffness forces are significant. A dynamic analysis takes into account all three types of forces. For example, consider the analysis of a diving board. –If the diver is standing still, it might be sufficient to do a static analysis. –But if the diver is jumping up and down, you will need to do a dynamic analysis. Chapter 10 – Solution Solutions Options

14 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-14 Inertia and damping forces are usually significant if the applied loads vary rapidly with time. Therefore you can use time-dependency of loads as a way to choose between static and dynamic analysis. –If the loading is constant over a relatively long period of time, choose a static analysis. –Otherwise, choose a dynamic analysis. In general, if the excitation frequency is less than 1/3 of the structure’s lowest natural frequency, a static analysis may be acceptable. Chapter 10 – Solution Solutions Options

15 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-15 Linear vs. Nonlinear Analysis A linear analysis assumes that the loading causes negligible changes to the stiffness of the structure. Typical characteristics are: –Small deflections –Strains and stresses within the elastic limit –No abrupt changes in stiffness such as two bodies coming into and out of contact Strain Stress Elastic modulus (EX) Chapter 10 – Solution Solutions Options

16 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-16 A nonlinear analysis is needed if the loading causes significant changes in the structure’s stiffness. Typical reasons for stiffness to change significantly are: –Strains beyond the elastic limit (plasticity) –Large deflections, such as with a loaded fishing rod –Contact between two bodies Strain Stress Chapter 10 – Solution Solutions Options

17 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-17 Reviewing results of a stress analysis generally involves: –Deformed shape –Stresses –Reaction forces Deformed Shape Gives a quick indication of whether the loads were applied in the correct direction. Legend column shows the maximum displacement, DMX. You can also animate the deformation. Chapter 10 – Postprocessing Review Results

18 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-18 To plot the deformed shape: –General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape –Or use the PLDISP command. For animation: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Deformed Shape –Or use the ANDISP command. Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Review Results

19 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-19 Stresses The following stresses are typically available for a 3-D solid model: –Component stresses — SX, SY, SZ, SXY, SYZ, SXZ (global Cartesian directions by default) –Principal stresses — S1, S2, S3, SEQV (von Mises), SINT (stress intensity) Best viewed as contour plots, which allow you to quickly locate “hot spots” or trouble regions. –Nodal solution: Stresses are averaged at the nodes, showing smooth, continuous contours. –Element solution: No averaging, resulting in discontinuous contours. Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Review Results

20 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-20 To plot stress contours: –General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solu… or PLNSOL command –General Postproc > Plot Results > Element Solu… or PLESOL command You can also animate stress contours: –Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Deformed Results... or ANCNTR command Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Review Results

21 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-21 A Note on PowerGraphics It is the default graphics setting (/GRAPH,POWER). Plots only the visible surfaces and ignores everything “underneath.” Advantages: –Faster REPLOT, crisp graphics. –Smooth, almost photo-realistic displays. –Prevents stress averaging across material and real constant boundaries. To deactivate PowerGraphics (or activate “full graphics”): –Toolbar > POWERGRPH –Or issue /GRAPH,FULL Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Review Results

22 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-22 Reaction Forces The sum of the reaction forces in each direction must equal the sum of applied loads in that direction. Best viewed as a listing: –General Postprocessor > List Results > Reaction Solution… or PRRSOL command Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Review Results

23 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-23 It is always a good idea to do a “sanity check” and make sure that the solution is acceptable. What you need to check depends on the type of problem you are solving, but here are some typical questions to ask: Do FEA results agree hand calculations or experimental data. Is the displacement solution correct? Check the FEA displacement solution first since FEA stresses are second order results. Do the reaction forces balance the applied loads? Where is the maximum stress located? –If it is at a singularity, such as a point load or a re-entrant corner, the value is generally meaningless. (We will discuss more about this in Chapter 5.) Are the stress values beyond the elastic limit? –If so, the load magnitudes may be wrong, or you may need to do a nonlinear analysis. Chapter 10 – Postprocessing Verify Results

24 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-24 Is the mesh adequate? –This is always debatable, but you can gain confidence in the mesh by using error estimation data (discussed in Chapter 14). –Other ways to check mesh adequacy: Plot the element solution (unaveraged stresses) and look for elements with high stress gradients. These regions are candidates for mesh refinement. If there is a significant difference between the nodal (averaged) and element (unaveraged) stress contours, the mesh may be too coarse. Similarly, if there is a significant difference between PowerGraphics and full graphics stresses, the mesh may be too coarse. Re-mesh with twice as many elements, re-solve, and compare the results. (But this may not always be practical.) Chapter 10 – Postprocessing …Verify Results

25 Training Manual October 30, 2001 Inventory #001569 10-25 Stress Analysis H. Workshop This workshop consists of two problems: 10A. Lathe Cutter 10B. 2-D Corner Bracket Tutorial Refer to your Workshop Supplement for instructions.


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