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Final Review Final is tomorrow at 9:00 am!. What party were most of the education reformers during the Jacksonian age?

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Presentation on theme: "Final Review Final is tomorrow at 9:00 am!. What party were most of the education reformers during the Jacksonian age?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Review Final is tomorrow at 9:00 am!

2 What party were most of the education reformers during the Jacksonian age?

3 Why did Catherine Beecher think women should be teachers?

4 What did Emma Willard do that was significant?

5 What 3 things did Horace Mann advocate for regarding public schools?

6 Horace Mann  1. State standards of education  2. State support for teacher preparation from increased taxes  3. Public school system for improved morality

7 Why did Catholics dislike the public school system?

8 Catholic’s distrust  1. Didn’t want to pay taxes for a system that was anti- Catholic  2. Public school system used Protestant teachings and Protestant bible  3. Denied funds when they tried to start their own school system

9 What was the McGuffey Reader ?

10 Final exam format  Final exam is worth 200 points  22 multiple choice questions (5 pts each)  8 document-based questions (6 pts each)  1 short answer question (18 pts)  1 essay question (24 pts)

11 What made Andrew Jackson different from previous Presidents? Elias

12 Which Native American tribe had become the most assimilated by the time of Andrew Jackson? Sarah

13 What did the Supreme Court rule in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia? Maxwell

14 Why did Jackson hate the Bank of the United States? Phuong

15 What was the Nullification Crisis? Dani (you got it this time)

16 Who won the Nullification Crisis? Kyana

17 What effect did tariffs have on federal power? Montes

18 Chapter 10 Section 2 Second Great Awakening

19 Who was Charles C. Finney? Sandra

20 What was the main goal of the religious societies and interdenominational organizations that grew in 1820’s and 30’s? Jared

21 What was the role of women in the revival movement? Clarisse

22 Identify the reform causes that the movement focused on (Kailani)  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

23 Identify the reform causes that the movement focused on  1. Women’s rights  2. Abolition  3. Prisoner’s rights  4. Mentally ill  Dorothea Dix  5. Alcohol

24 How did events such as the Nullification Crisis and the Revival Movement lead to the Civil War? Critical Thinking

25 Give examples of new religious movements that were created in the early 1800’s Abraham

26 Religious Movements  Shakers  Mother Ann Lee  Human sexuality was the basis of all sin  Celibacy was the only way to live a godly life  Oneida Community  John Humphrey Noyes  Oneida, New York  Sexual pleasure was a gift from god, so many sexual partners  Community dissolved after authorities tried to arrest Noyes  New Harmony Community  Robert Owen  New Harmony, Indiana  Universal welfare  Community dissolved after leaders fought with each other  Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)  Joseph Smith and Brigham Young  Started in New York, moved to Missouri, then Illinois, then finally Utah  Most successful of these religions

27 Leaders Mother Ann Lee John Humphrey Noyes

28 Leaders Robert OwenJoseph Smith

29 What was Transcendentalism? Meagan

30 Transcendentalism  Theology that reflected powerful personal experience of life  Focus is on life experience, not religious thought or text  Desire for direct experience of the divine  Genders are equal  Impatience with “old ways”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

31 p. 298 Trail of Tears

32 p. 306 Nullification Crisis

33 Homework  Read Chapter 10 Section 3: Education  We will review Chapter 10 on Monday  Final:  Tuesday January 12 th at 9:00 am

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