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Energy Forms of Energy Forms of Energy Continued Conservation of Energy Heat Transfer 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Forms of Energy Forms of Energy Continued Conservation of Energy Heat Transfer 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Forms of Energy Forms of Energy Continued Conservation of Energy Heat Transfer 100 200 300 400 500

2 Jan turns on a lamp so she can read. What type of energy provided by the lamp helps Jan read? A.Nuclear energy B.Electromagnetic energy C.Chemical energy D.Thermal energy Answer

3 100 points B. Electromagnetic Energy Home

4 What kind of energy is produced by the vibrating particles when the strings of an acoustic guitar are plucked? A.Chemical energy B.Nuclear energy C.Electrical energy D.Sound energy Answer

5 200 points D. Sound Energy Home

6 What kind of energy is involved in the movement of the blades of a windmill when moving air or wind strikes it? A.Mechanical energy B.Nuclear energy C.Electrical energy D.Electromagnetic energy Answer

7 300 points A. Mechanical Energy Home

8 This is the energy associated with the motion of an object. A.Thermal Energy B.Electrical Energy C.Sound Energy D.Mechanical Energy Answer

9 400 points D. Mechanical Energy Home

10 This is the total amount of energy in all of the particles contained in a sample of matter. Heat is often associated with this type of energy. A.Mechanical Energy B.Thermal Energy C.Sound Energy D.Electrical Energy Answer

11 500 points B. Thermal energy Home

12 This is the type of energy that is stored in chemical bonds. For example, batteries have this type of energy. A.Nuclear energy B.Sound energy C.Electromagnetic energy D.Chemical energy Answer

13 100 points D. Chemical Energy Home

14 Computers, radios, televisions, and lamps are all examples of devices that operate using this type of energy. A.Electrical energy B.Nuclear energy C.Thermal energy D.Mechanical energy Answer

15 200 points A.Electrical energy Home

16 This type of energy results from the motion of particles within atoms. Light, x-rays, and microwaves are all examples of this type of energy. A.Nuclear energy B.Sound energy C.Electromagnetic energy D.Electrical energy Answer

17 300 points C. Electromagnetic energy Home

18 This energy is given off by a vibrating object and travels in the form of waves. A.Nuclear energy B.Sound energy C.Electromagnetic energy D.Chemical energy Answer

19 400 points B. Sound energy Home

20 This is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom as a result of the nuclear forces. A.Mechanical energy B.Thermal energy C.Chemical energy D.Nuclear energy Answer

21 500 points D. Nuclear energy Home

22 Which of the following correctly states the law of conservation of energy? A.Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another B.Energy can be created or destroyed, as well as being converted from one form to another C.Energy is created when it is converted from one form to another D.In most systems, some energy is destroyed and lost as heat Answer

23 100 points A. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another Home

24 At what point in the picture is the kinetic energy the greatest and potential energy lowest? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 Answer 1 2 3 4

25 200 points D. 4 Home

26 Using the formula Potential Energy = mass x height what is the potential energy of a rock with a mass of 50 kg that rests at the edge of a cliff 125 meters high? A.2.5J B. 50J C. 125J D. 6,250J Answer

27 300 points D. 6250 J Home

28 If energy is never lost, then what causes a rolling ball to eventually stop? A.Momentum B.Potential energy C.Chemical energy D.Friction Answer

29 400 points D. Friction Home

30 When energy is transformed from one form to another, some energy is often wasted in the form of A.Heat B.Water C.Ice D.Atoms Answer

31 500 points A. Heat Home

32 Earth receives energy from the sun by A.Convection B.Conduction C.Radiation D.Temperature Answer

33 100 points C. Radiation Home

34 You have four containers of water. The water in each container is at the same temperature. Which container has the greatest thermal energy? A.A 5-mL container B.A 10-mL container C.A 15-mL container D.A 50 mL container Answer

35 200 points D. A 50 mL container Home

36 In what direction does heat move? A.From warmer to cooler objects B.From cooler to warmer objects C.Between objects of equal temperature D.In all directions Answer

37 300 points A. From warmer to cooler objects Home

38 The picture below shows the movement of thermal energy from a hot liquid to a metal spoon. What method of heat transfer is occurring? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.Temperature Answer

39 400 points A. Conduction Home

40 In a toaster, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy within the coils inside the toaster. Heat from the coils is used to toast the bread. How is the heat from the coils transferred to the bread? A.Convection B.Conduction C.Radiation D.Currents Answer

41 500 points C. Radiation Home

42 What type of heat transfer is occurring in the picture below? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.None Answer

43 100 points A. Conduction Home

44 What type of heat transfer is occurring in the picture below? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.None Answer

45 200 points B. Convection Home

46 What type of heat transfer is occurring in the picture below? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.None Answer

47 300 points C. Radiation Home

48 What type of heat transfer is occurring in the picture below? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.None Answer

49 400 points B. Convection Home

50 What type of heat transfer is occurring in the picture below? A.Conduction B.Convection C.Radiation D.All of the above Answer

51 500 points D. All of the above Home

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