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AR Time until 10:29 1. Student Planner March 27, 2015 Place this in the proper place Notebook collection starts April 8 (3 class days) Vocab Test April.

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Presentation on theme: "AR Time until 10:29 1. Student Planner March 27, 2015 Place this in the proper place Notebook collection starts April 8 (3 class days) Vocab Test April."— Presentation transcript:

1 AR Time until 10:29 1

2 Student Planner March 27, 2015 Place this in the proper place Notebook collection starts April 8 (3 class days) Vocab Test April 9 You need planner, notes, pen/pencil (per 2 AR book) Earth

3 2 End Planner Entries


5 Summary: We had a standard opening. We wrote the vocabulary words onto flash cards, then took notes. We started watching a video on the inner planets.

6 Answer the last class’s EQ which was: Essential Question: What are the 2 names given to the inner planets?

7 Topic/Objective: Name: Astronomy Class/Period: Date: Mar 27, 2015 Essential Question: How do the inner planets differ from the outer planets?

8 Warm Up

9 1. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Sun to the next star is: a) miles b) AU’s c) Light years d) kilometers

10 2. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Sun to the Mercury is: a) parsecs b) AU’s c) Light years d) kilometers

11 3. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Earth to the Moon is: a) Miles b) AU’s c) Light years d) parsecs

12 4. The distance a light beam travels in 365 days a) Mile b) AU c) Light year d) Kilometer

13 Answers

14 1. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Sun to the next star is: a) miles b) AU’s c) Light years d) kilometers


16 2. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Sun to the Mercury is: a) parsecs b) AU’s c) Light years d) kilometers


18 3. The best unit of measurement for distance from the Earth to the Moon is: a) Miles b) AU’s c) Light years d) parsecs

19 4. The distance a light beam travels in 365 days a) Mile b) AU c) Light year d) Kilometer

20 Today’s Homework Start putting notebook together. Due Apr 8 th. Make up missing work.

21 Today Vocabulary definitions Astronomy Video 39vLfZE

22 22 Vocabulary Definitions 1.Mercury 2.Mars 3.Venus 4.Earth 5.Elliptical galaxy 6.Irregular galaxy 7.Spiral galaxy 8.Astronomical unit (AU) 9.Light year 10.Meteor 11.Meteoroid 12.Asteroid

23 23 121 5 Standard: 4 Astronomy Inner Planets Inner Planets called Rocky planets or terrestrial planets 1.Mercury Smallest Planet and closest to the sun Mercury moves very slowly No Moons Rotation-spin on its axis 59 days Revolution- orbit around the Sun - year is equal to 88 Earth days EQ: What is common between the inner planets?

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