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University of Ottawa Medical School Curriculum Sharon Chih MBBS, FRACP, PhD Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa January 13h, 2016
Learning Objectives Define acute heart failure and describe its pathophysiology with reference to: impaired -contractility or ventricular filling and increased afterload. List examples of conditions that cause left and right-sided heart failure. Review the clinical manifestation of heart failure. Review the treatment of heart failure with reference to: diuretics, vasodilators, inotropic drugs Distinguish between pulmonary edema of cardiogenic vs noncardiogenic origin.
Management of Acute HF - Outline
Review of the clinical presentation of acute HF Causes Clinical signs and symptoms Diagnosis What are the important management strategies? What are the important prognostic markers? How do we use diuretics? How and when do we use inotropes or vasodilators 3
Definition: Heart Failure
Condition where the heart cannot pump an adequate supply of blood at normal filling pressures to meet the metabolic needs of the body Clinically Reduced cardiac output Congestion Impaired quality of life Reduced life expectancy Complex syndrome in which abnormal heart function results in, or increases the subsequent risk of, clinical symptoms and signs of low cardiac output and/or pulmonary or systemic congestion”
Distinguish from cardiomyopathy:
Pathologic abnormality of myocardium resulting in abnormal myocardial structure - cardiac dilatation and hypertrophy All patients with cardiomyopathy do not have HF
Acute vs. Chronic HF? Acute HF or Acute heart failure syndrome or ADHF
First presentation of new onset HF symptoms Acute worsening of symptoms Previously stable HF that has deteriorated
Acute vs. Chronic HF Management Management Beta blockers
Acute HF Management Beta blockers ACE inhibitors / ARB Spironolactone ICD /CRT Management Symptom based Relieve congestion Diuretics Improve perfusion Inotropes Remove precipitating agent
General Causes of HF Coronary artery disease Myocardial infarction
Valve disease Idiopathic cardiomyopathy Hypertension Myocarditis / pericarditis Arrhythmias Thyroid disease Pregnancy Toxins (alchohol, chemotherapy) Inherited cardiomyopathies
Mechanisms and Causes of HF
Impaired Contractility Myocardial infarction Transient ischemia Chronic volume overload MR/AR Dilated cardiomyopathy Increased Afterload AS Uncontrolled HTN Systolic Dysfunction Left Sided HF Diastolic Dysfunction Impaired ventricular relaxation LVH Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Restrictive cardiomyopathy Transient ischemia Obstruction of LV filling MS Pericardial constriction or tamponade
Mechanisms and Causes of HF
Cardiac Causes Left sided HF Pulmonary stenosis Right ventricular infarction Right Sided HF Parenchymal pulmonary disease COPD Interstitial lung disease Chronic infections Adult respiratory distress syndrome Pulmonary Vascular Disease Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary HTN Right ventricular infarction
Heart Failure: Pathophysiology
Increased contractility Normal Stroke volume (cardiac output) A Heart Failure B C -in a normal heart, cardiac output increases as a function of preload. Decreased LV contractility is characertized by a heart that is shifted downward. Point a is normal person at rest. Point B is the same person after developing systolic dysfunction. , stroke volume has fallen (decreased LV emptying) and the LVEDV has increased. This increase in EDV is compensatory (on the ascending part of the curve) because it will increase SV for the next beat. BUT further augmentation in LV filling in the heart puts patients on C – where SV is not increased but symptoms of pulmonary congestion develop Hypotension Pulmonary congestion Left ventricular end diastolic pressure (volume) 11
Heart Failure Neurohumoral Activation
Myocardial insult LV dysfunction Neurohormonal Activation Sympathetic Renin-angiotensin ADH LV Remodeling Initially restores CO and organ perfusion Ultimately highly negative impact on ventricular function
Functional Classification
ACC/AHA STAGES OF HEART FAILURE STAGE A High risk for developing HF (diabetes, CKD, HTN) No structural disorder of the heart STAGE B Structural disorder of the heart (e.g.. Previous MI) Not yet developed symptoms of HF STAGE C Past or current symptoms of HF Symptoms associated with underlying structural heart disease STAGE D End stage disease Requires specialized treatment strategies NYHA FUNCTIONAL CLASS The ACC defined 4 stages of heart failure in the last consensus guidelines. (ref:ACC/AHA 2005 Chronic Heart Failure Guideline Update, Journal of the American College of Caridiol, 2005;46: ) This highlights the point that we should think of HF in those who are at risk (stage A and B) even before they have developed symptomatic HF. The NYHA functional classification is a well-accepted definition of exercise capacity in the setting of HF. CLASS I No symptoms and no limitations in physical activity No shortness of breath when walking, climbing stairs etc. CLASS II Mild symptoms and slight limitation during ordinary physical activity CLASS III Marked limitation in activity due to symptoms (fatigue, shortness of breath) with less than ordinary activity (e.g.. Short distances or ADL’s) CLASS IV Severe limitation, may experience symptoms at rest INCREASING SEVERITY OF HEART FAILURE
AHA Classification LV dysfunction – Natural History
Mechanism of death: 40% SCD 40% ↑CHF 20% Other Stage A Stage B 100 Stage C % Survival Stage D Annual Mortality <5% % % % Risk Factors Asymptomatic-Mild Moderate Severe Time
Diagnosis of HF There is no single diagnostic test that can confirm the diagnosis of heart failure Constellation of symptoms and signs CXR findings Confirmation of cardiac abnormality Invasive hemodynamic studies Echocardiogram Serum BNP testing
Symptoms and Signs of HF
Increased filling pressures Poor Cardiac Output Congestion Poor Perfusion
Congestion – left sided
Symptoms Dyspnea Orthopnea Shortness of breath when supine Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Acute awakening from sudden dyspnea Fatigue Signs S3 gallop Displaced apex MR Pulmonary rales Loud P2
Congestion – Right Sided
Symptoms Peripheral edema Abdominal bloating Nausea Anorexia Signs Elevated JVP Hepatomegaly Ascites Edema
Evaluating the JVP Consensus: <2 cm above the sternal angle considred normal and >4cm ASA is abnormal /gemp/ClinicalSkills/clinskil/ year1/cardio/cardio04.htm
Assessing Perfusion Symptoms Signs Fatigue Confusion Dyspnea Sweating
Hypotension Tachycardia Cool extremities Altered mental status Decreased urine output/Rising creatinine Liver enzyme abnormalities
Pulmonary Edema General Considerations Pathophysiology
Increase in the fluid in the lung Generally, divided into cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic categories. Pathophysiology Fluid first accumulates in and around the capillaries in the interlobular septa (typically at a wedge pressure of about 15 mm Hg) Further accumulation occurs in the interstitial tissues of the lungs Finally, with increasing fluid, the alveoli fill with edema fluid (typically wedge pressure is 25 mm Hg or more)
Cardiogenic vs. Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Heart failure Coronary artery disease with left ventricular failure. Cardiac arrhythmias Fluid overload -- for example, kidney failure. Cardiomyopathy Obstructing valvular lesions Myocarditis and infectious endocarditis Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema - due to changes in capillary permeability Smoke inhalation. Head trauma Overwhelming sepsis. Hypovolemia shock Acute lung re-expansion High altitude pulmonary edema Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) Near-drowning Overwhelming aspiration Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Re-expansion By drainage of a large pleural effusion with thoracentesis Of the lung collapsed by a large pneumothorax
CXR Findings of Pulmonary Edema
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema Kerley B lines (septal lines) Seen at the lung bases, usually no more than 1 mm thick and 1 cm long, perpendicular to the pleural surface Pleural effusions Usually bilateral, frequently the right side being larger than the left If unilateral, more often on the right Fluid in the fissures Thickening of the major or minor fissure Peribronchial cuffing Visualization of small doughnut- shaped rings representing fluid in thickened bronchial walls Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema Bilateral, peripheral air space disease with air bronchograms or central bat-wing pattern Kerley B lines and pleural effusions are uncommon Typically occurs 48 hours or more after the initial insult Stabilizes at around five days and may take weeks to completely clear On CT Gravity-dependent consolidation or ground glass opacification Collectively, the above four findings comprise pulmonary interstitial edema The heart may or may not be enlarged When the fluid enters the alveoli themselves, the airspace disease is typically diffuse, and there are no air bronchograms \ -cuffing – is fluid in the bronchial wall – looks like donuts Correlates with LAP – Normal (5-10) Cephalizatioin 10-15, kerly b 15-20, pulmonary interstital edema 20-25, alveloar edema >25
cuffing Alveolar edema Kerley B
Clinical Presentation of Acute HF
Gradual worsening of symptoms -less pulmonary congestion and more edema or weight gain ->70% ADHF is worsening chronic HF -50% of these patients may have SBP>140 Hypertension and acute pulmonary edema 10-20% 60-80% Hypotension and markedly low CI <10% Symptoms are the most sensitive method for diagnosing HF but can vary. Orthopnea and PND are the most specific, but other symptoms have ssensitivity ranges of 23-66% with specificity of 52-81%, 80% of pts may not have pulmonary rales, hTN and PE –increased sympathetic tone leads to redistribution of fluides to the pulmonary circulation. These patients are older and more likely to be female Shock – manifested by cool extremities, end organ hypoperfusion, and overt pulmonary edema (3%) or shock (1%) ADHERE data suggests that 50% of ADHF pts have normal or elevated BP on admission – but most of these also have LV systolic dysfn -clues to HF with normal LVEF- wide pulse pressure more important than absolute SBP alone, -also tend to be women, older HTN and poor renal function 25
Presentation – Symptoms and Signs
Patient profile Older - median 75y.o Female ~50% HFpEF ~50% Comorbidities common: AF, DM, CKD Dyspnoea 70-90% Other: oedema, fatigue, subtle Young: abdo pain, nausea, anorexia Old: confusion and lethargy JVP most sensitive Estimate of left sided filling pressures (PCWP) R = 0.64 for JVP and PCWP Dissociation b/w JVP and PCWP in lung disease, obesity, PE, RV infarct Poor sensitivity: rales, oedema, S3 Majority hypertensive 50% SBP >140 mmHg; 45% SBP 90 – 140 mmHg; 5% SBP <90 mmHg Registry data US: ADHERE and OPTIMIZE HF Europe: Euro HF HFpEF 60-90d post-discharge morbidity/mortality similar to HFrEF R=0.64 ie ~40% of PCWP variability due to variability in RA pressure Pulmonary findings (eg. Rales) less pronounced in decompensated CHF due to compensatory changes (eg lymphatic hypertrophy with increased capacitance) allowing accomodation of a high PCWP
Predictors of Adverse Outcome During Acute HF
Clinical Hypotension (SBP <100) Older age Ischemic etiology Recurrent hospitalisations NYHA IV (>90 days) Laboratory Renal dysfunction (Cr >220) Anemia (acute or chronic) Hyponatremia (Na <132) EF<40% Elevated troponin or BNP (>500)
ADHF Treatment Goals Relieve symptoms: congestion and low out-put
Optimise volume status Identify aetiology Identify precipitating factors Initiate and optimise chronic oral therapy Minimise side effects Educate patient/family: medications and self assessment Goal of therapy is to relieve symptoms, for most congestion +/- low out-put, and initiate management to improve cardiac function Focussed on prevention rather than treatment ie limitation of therapy Very few controlled trials in ADHF. Available data limited by: Predominant inclusion of pts with systolic dysfunction. ADHERE registry: ~50% of ADHF had preserved EF Symptoms and not mortality as endpoints HFSA guidelines: Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 16 No
Precipitants of HF Increased metabolic demands
Fever, anemia, infection, tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy Increased circulating volume Excessive salt or fluid in diet Renal failure Increased afterload Hypertension PE Impaired contractility Negative inotropes Ischemia Failure to take medications Progression of underlying disease
ADHF Evaluation and Treatment According to clinical haemodynamic profiles Dry & Warm Wet & Warm PERFUS I ON Diuretics ± IV Vasodilators ACEI/BB/Aldost inhib Dry & Cold Wet & Cold The hemodynamic profiles of patients with HF are shown above - good approach guide therapy and inform prognosis for ADHF The majority (90%) of patients presenting with ADHF are volume overloaded (wet). These patients may have a cardiac index that is unchanged or decreased. Most patients with a decreased cardiac index have SVR, although a minority have unchanged or low SVR. The signs and symptoms of congestion include orthopnea/PND, jugular venous distention, and peripheral edema. Signs and symptoms of low perfusion include hypotension, narrow pulse pressure, cool extremities, and decreased mental status. HR mortality 2.1 for wet and warm and 3.66 for wet and cold vs. dry and warm ↓Vasodilators ↓Diuretics Diuretics Inotropes/Vasodilators ↓BP ↑Cr ↑JVP Crackles Oedema CONGESTION Stevenson et al. Eur J Heart Failure 1999: 1:
Therapy Reduce fluid overload Decrease preload and/or afterload
Diuretics Reduce fluid overload Vasodilators Decrease preload and/or afterload Inotropes Augment contractility Mechanical circulatory support Unresponsive to medical therapy Little progress
Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Pulmonary Edema
Respiratory Benefits Hemodynamic Benefits -alters cardiac transmural presures -increases tidal volume -unloads respiratory muscles -decreases dead space ventilation -Decreases venous return (preload) -decreases afterload -no change or increase in cardiac index Transmural pressures – difference b/w inside of heart and intrathoracic pressures -bipap provides pressure support coupled with PEEP to further decrease the work of breathing -hypothetical advantage of BIPAP not yet demonstrated in clinical trials
Intravenous Diuretics
Essential for the management of congestion Restore volume by increasing excretion of Na and water Loop diuretics are first line Diuretic resistance Dosing Combination therapy with thiazide Neurohormonal blockade Loop diuretics primarily inhibit the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransport system located within the ascending limb of the Loop of Henle. Inhibition of this ion transport system prevents the reabsorption of these ions and a subsequent diuresis occurs -should never use qd only -consider thiazides when not effective to block distal reabsorption of sodium/water: distal tubule hypertrophy – with decreased effect of loop diuretics
Lasix Administration and Dosing
Bioavailability of oral dosing variable (20-80%) Gut wall edema, reduced blood flow, protein binding IV rate preferred in acute HF Initial dose should be double maintenance or mg IV – titrate to clinical response Consider continuous infusions if large bolus ineffective Dose trial: no difference between bolus vs. infusion Associated with hypotension, renal dysfunction, electrolyte disturbance (K, Mg, Ca), RAAS activation variable inter/intraindividual oral bioavailability. Therefore IV administration preferred in ADHF Lasix: peak effect (urine vol and Na excretion) at 1-2 hrs, effect lasts 6 hrs. May reduce left/right filling pressures within 15mins after administration ie symptomatic imprvt even before diuresis. Due to secretion of prostaglandins inducing venodilatation. Diuretics have problems -Intravascular depletion can cause hypotension, diminished CO, reduced GFR and renal dysfunction – hyponatremia, low K, worse creatinine, activation of RAAS
Diuretic Responsiveness
Loop diuretics must reach the lumen of the renal tubule to be effective. Are actively transported from blood to urine by organic acid secretory pumps in the proximal tubules – transport dependent on blood flow to pumps, which is limited in RI, HF, hypotension. Loop diuretics have a steep S shaped dose-response curve. Frusemide concentration in tubules must reach steep part of curve to achieve natriuresis. Curve flattens ie beyond therapeutic dose, giving increasing doses does nothing. Renal insufficiency: curve shifts right ie requires higher dose to achieve same fractional Na excretion. HF: curve shifts to right and down ie higher dose and decreased maximal response: so give higher dose rather than more if no response Ellison et al. Cardiology 2001; 96:
Beneficial effects of volume restoration
Negative sodium and water balance Decreased cardiac filling pressure Decreased ventricular dilatation Improved pulmonary congestion Decreased ventricular wall stress and endomyocardial ischemia Decreased functional MR/TR Improved myocardial function Improved renal function
Vasodilators Reduce filling pressures, afterload: increase CO
Class IIa Recommendation, Level of evidence B In patients with evidence of severely symptomatic fluid overload in the absence of systemic hypotension, vasodilators such as intravenous nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, or nesiritide can be beneficial when added to diuretics and/or those who do not respond to diuretics alone Little data for specific choice: Nitroglycerin vs. Nitroprusside vs. Nesiritide In normal patients, fairly flat curve with little change in systolic function/CO with increased afterload Curve progressively steeper with worsening cardiac function – hence vasodilatation/afterload reduction leads to improved CO (not fall in BP) SBP>90, MAP >65 IV vasodilators for rapid sx relief largely through extensive clinical experience. No RCT to establish best strategy (duration, dose etc)
Vasodilator Therapy in Acute HF
Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside Stimulates guanylate cyclase Dose dependent venous and arteriole dilatation Decreases filling pressures without increasing oxygen demand Headache Nitrate tolerance Equipotent venous and arteriolar dilation Useful for HTN, valvular dysfunction (AR, MR) Short half life Methemoglobinaemia Cyanide toxicity Nitroglycerin venodilator, lowers preload and reduces pulmonary congestion. Most studies of NTG are small and hemodynamic with no sig cv outcome data. One study has suggested that high dose nitro (3mg isosorbide dinitrate/5 mins) superior to high dose Lasix post MI with HF in reducing need for ventilation. No diff in mortality Tolerance – due to reflex sympathetic activation, or vascular depletion of sulfhydral groups needed to convert ntg to no SNP Release of nitric oxide Balanced vasodilator that relaxes arterial resistance and venous capacitance vessels. Reduces preload and afterload Additional SE to GTN: methemoglobinaemia, cyanide toxicity (high dose, renal dysfunction) Downtitrate slowly to avoid rebound vasoconstriction with abrupt discontinuation
Who is the Ideal Candidate for IV vasodilator therapy?
“wet and warm” profile Patients with acute pulmonary edema/dyspnea and preserved BP (SBP >90) Acute HF and concurrent cardiac ischemia
Vasodilator Dosing Nitroglycerin
Intravenous infusions 5-10 ug/min titrated for desired clinical effect Oral: isordil mg tid Transdermal: mg/hr by patch
Inotropes – mechanisms of action
Membrane depolarisation causes calcium to enter the cell through L-type channels. Ca acts on ryanodine receptor on SR triggeing a larger release of Ca. Ca binds to troponin C resulting in activation of contractile proteins. The muscle relaxes when calcium is removed into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by SR calcium ATPase pump (Phospholambam inhibits ATPase and SR refill and therefore contraction) or outside the cell by the sodium-calcium exchanger. In cardiac myocytes, B1 receptor stimulation leads to increased cAMP, which activates Ca channels leading to increased intracellular Ca, which mediates chronotropic response and also increases inotropic response via increased actin-myosin-troponin interaction. In vascular smooth muscle, B2 receptor stimulation leads to increased cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which phosphorylates phospholamban, leading to increased Ca uptake by SR and vasodilation Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) inhibitors prevent cAMP degradation. Digitalis inhibits Na/K-ATPase. Calcium sensitizers increase the affinity of troponin C for calcium. Hasenfuss G et al. Eur Heart J 2011; 32:
Inotropic Use in Acute HF
Dobutamine PDE Milrinone -all agents increase contractility by increasing levels of cAMP – increased CAMP increase calcium release from the SR and increased contractile force generation by the contractile apparatus - Either by direct stimulation of adenylate cyclase or dobutamine – increase camp by b mediated stim of adenylate cyclase stimulating c amp prod - Or inhibiting the breakdown of by PDE 3 inhibition milrinone- selectively inhibits PDE III – that catalyzes the breakdown on cAMP (also vasolilator on SMC and imoroves diastolic fn (lusotropy) by increasing early phase diastolic relaxation -calcium sensitizers – stabilies troponin molecule in cardiac muscle –prolonging its effect on contractile proteins (also has vasodilating) -ion channel modulation – vesnarinone -dobutamine – stim b1 and b3 receptors leads to upregulation of adenyl cyclase and increase ca – has an inotropic more than chronotropic effects, ad low doses indues mily arterial vasodilation and vasoconstriction at high doses -milrinone produces balanced art and venous dilation Levosimendan Adapted from Dorn; Circulation 2004
Inotropes and Harm Increased mortality through variety mechanisms
Increase HR Arrhythmias Increase myocardial oxygen demand Direct toxic effect to myocardium: accelerated apoptosis NOT effective in broad populations of patients with ADHF Routine use in “wet and warm” detrimental (OPTIME-HF) Majority of ADHF patients are not in low output state Increased rates of HF rehospitalisation, mortality with inotropes (ESCAPE, ADHERE) Stim contractility in hibernating myocardium w/o increasing bf may accelerate apoptosis OPTIME No difference in hospitalisation days, death or readmission Milrinone associated with Sustained hypotension: SBP <80 for 30 mins requiring intervention MI AF Higher in-hospital deaths and within 60 days (non-significant
Role of Inotropic Therapy
Reserved for those with low output HF “wet and cold” Evidence of poor tissue perfusion Symptomatic hypotension despite adequate filling pressures Poor response to diuretics with worsening renal function Unresponsive or intolerant to vasodilators Short term Lowest dose No evidence that one is agent is superior to other “
Inotrope Dosing Dobutamine
2-6 ug/kg/min infusions –larger doses needed if profound shock/hypotension Milrinone ug/kg/min infusion Dopamine 2-5 ug/kg/min infusions
What about oral HF medications?
Beta blockers Usually maintained in mild-moderate acute HF Dose reduced or held when patients felt to have significant reduction in perfusion or need for inotropes Dose escalation not advised in setting of acute HF ACE Inhibitors Dose usually maintained unless significantly hypotensive or acute renal failure Dose escalation ok once acute symptoms improved (if no worsening renal function) Digoxin Dose maintained unless digoxin toxicity
Acute HF: Summary Acute HF results when heart function can no longer meet needs of body Can be caused by pump failure, or resistance on either side of heart Key strategy in management is to identify underlying cause Diuretics are essential Vasodilators reserved for acute HF with HTN, ischemia or pulmoary edema Inotropes should only be used in patients with poor perfusion Novel inotropes have not proved more safe or effective than current care
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