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How to create a prompt in an Alma Analytics report Yoel Kortick | Senior Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "How to create a prompt in an Alma Analytics report Yoel Kortick | Senior Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create a prompt in an Alma Analytics report Yoel Kortick | Senior Librarian

2 Agenda Introduction Creating the prompt Running the report Running the report from the Alma Dashboard © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

3 Introduction Prompts may be used in Alma analytics reports to allow the user (person running the report) to enter retrieval parameters according to a specific need. For example instead of a report being hardcoded to retrieve all loans made for items in “Main Library Open Stacks location” for “June 01 to June 30 2014” prompts may be used. One prompt would be “Item location” and the other prompt would be “Loan Date” with operator “is between” (for a span of dates) The user running the report could then enter whatever location and dates he wants © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

4 Introduction In our example here we will use a report called “Loans in Main Library by date and location” This report will produce a table with the amount of loans for items in the main library by date and location. The parameters of the time span of the receiving date and the location(s) will both be filled in by the user via prompts. © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

5 Introduction Note that there are multiple ways to create prompts for reports. In our case we will create the prompt from within the report and not call it from outside of the report. There are three kinds of prompts which may be added to an Alma Analytics report: 1.Column prompt 2.Variable prompt 3.Image prompt In this presentation we will use the Column Prompt. © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

6 Agenda Introduction Creating the prompt Running the report Running the report from the Alma Dashboard © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

7 Creating the prompt Before the prompts are made first create the report. Do not include filters in the report for the values for which you will prompt. In our case we will not create filters for the date of the loan or location of the item. We will have a filter for the library name. The filters for location and date will be done after the user fills in the prompt. © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

8 Creating the prompt Here is the report criteria © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

9 Creating the prompt Here are the report results © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

10 Creating the prompt From the “Prompts” tab click the plus sign to add a new prompt © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

11 Creating the prompt Choose ‘Column Prompt’ and then the field on which you want the prompt to work. Fields which already appear in the report will be available to choose for the new prompt. If you want a prompt for a field not yet in the report then choose “More Columns” The first prompt will be for location name © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

12 Creating the prompt We will choose to create this prompt with Operator “is equal to / is in” and User Input “Choice List” © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

13 Creating the prompt Now we want to create the prompt for loan date. This field has not been used in the report and thus we must choose “More Columns” and then the Loan Date Key © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

14 Creating the prompt We will choose to create this prompt with Operator “is between” and User Input “Calendar” © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

15 Agenda Introduction Creating the prompt Running the report Running the report from the Alma Dashboard © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

16 Running the report Let’s now run the report to test it. The prompt will appear if we do “open” on the report but not if we do “edit”. © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

17 Running the report The user is presented with prompts Click here to run it after filling in prompts © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

18 Running the report First we choose the General location and then scroll down more and choose the YILIS Main Building location © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

19 Running the report Now we choose the dates span using the calendar The locations are already filled in now Click the calendar icon to choose the dates © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

20 Running the report All is filled in and we can run the report Click here to run it after filling in prompts © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

21 Running the report And we successfully get our results for the two locations chosen and for the time span chosen © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

22 Agenda Introduction Creating the prompt Running the report Running the report from the Alma Dashboard © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

23 Running the report from the Alma Dashboard The report can also be run with the prompts from the Alma dashboard For directions on how to add the report to the Alma dashboard as either a widget or report see separate presentations: How to make an Alma Analytics report accessible to run from the Alma dashboard.pptx How to create an analytics widget and add it to the Alma dashboard.pptx © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

24 Running the report from the Alma Dashboard Now we have added the report as a link from the Analytics menu from within Alma and access from the dashboard. © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

25 Running the report from the Alma Dashboard And the user can fill in the prompts and run the report (as done here previously) © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

26 Running the report from the Alma Dashboard Now we have added the report as a widget. From the Alma dashboard the user clicks ‘Open in a new window” © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

27 Running the report from the Alma Dashboard And the user can fill in the prompts and run the report (as done here previously) © 2015 Ex Libris | Confidential & Proprietary

28 Thank You

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