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MediaTrader Media Buyback Program. Media Buyback Used CD’s, DVD Movies and Video Games are building up in peoples homes Given a convenient way to dispose.

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Presentation on theme: "MediaTrader Media Buyback Program. Media Buyback Used CD’s, DVD Movies and Video Games are building up in peoples homes Given a convenient way to dispose."— Presentation transcript:

1 MediaTrader Media Buyback Program

2 Media Buyback Used CD’s, DVD Movies and Video Games are building up in peoples homes Given a convenient way to dispose of these items and earn a few dollars, most consumers are happy to sell their unwanted media

3 Media Buyback Properly equipped retail outlets can become “Media Traders” Buyback and resale of media can be profitable because: Items are sold at very high margins Shipping margins are substantial

4 Media Buyback To make money selling media: Many units must be sold A fast and easy way to get product from the customer is needed Product must be posted to the online marketplace right away Many units must be shipped quickly and efficiently

5 MediaTrader Software Media Trader is a full inventory and order management solution being used in iSold It stores Designed for retail buyback of media items to be resold in the Amazon Marketplace Written and tested from the ground up with the retail environment in mind A trial of MediaTrader will begin shortly in selected Postal Connections stores

6 MediaTrader Software MediaTrader is a complete media sales software tool organized to optimize workflow : - Product Search - Unit Pricing - Seller Payout - Product Review - Market Upload - Orders Download - Product Pick & Packing - Print Postage

7 MediaTrader Home Screen

8 A Model of High Volume Selling prices for most media items are low, but margins are very good (60 to 75%) Shipping margins are also strong, usually around 40% Many units must be sold in order to realize serious profit High volume sales are profitable when labor costs are minimized

9 Efficiency = Profitability Efficient intake, product launch and orders processing makes media buyback profitable MediaTrader software and integrated processes reduce labor while allowing for high volume media sales

10 Efficiency = Profitability MediaTrader was designed to maximize efficiency: Seller interactions at the counter Quick product identification and pricing Upload to marketplace Orders Processing

11 MediaTrader Intake Screen

12 Amazon Marketplace is the dominant marketplace for media Amazon encourages media sales and provides reasonable shipping margins on most media items Media is sold on Amazon’s existing catalog – no photos to take, no descriptions to write

13 Store Results

14 Case 1: iSold It NY0191 Results DecJanFebMarAprilMay Items Shipped7541412584769773619 Avg Price$7.97$5.97$5.61$4.61$3.86$4.99 Avg Margin$5.49$4.21$3.74$3.32$2.55$3.26

15 Case 1: iSold It NY0191 Results Store using MT for over a year Selling media on Amazon for over two years Typical monthly is around $2000 Some months result in over double that amount

16 Case 2: Hitting the Ground Running MarchAprilMayJune Units Sold98273199333 Avg Price$8.32$4.48$6.52$5.58

17 Case 2: Hitting the Ground Running An actual store's first 4 months using MT Never had handled media before Cleared over $1300 in profit in 4 th month (3 rd full month) Targeted existing customers and made new ones to get success

18 How to Succeed Need to get the media From existing customers From new customers Knowledge of this service in the community can lead to many new customers Mentioning the new service to all of your existing customers will make a world of difference

19 Advertising Incorporate into existing advertising (print ads, etc) Signage in and outside of store Bulk email or send letters to existing customers Classified ads Corporate will be providing new signage and other materials

20 Advertising

21 Stores Using MediaTrader More than 15 iSold It stores are currently active using MediaTrader More are rolling out each month Each new store is receiving full training

22 MediaTrader Consumer's have lots of product in their homes that qualify for buyback Media buyback and online sales is an easy way to add a new revenue stream for retail outlets Reasonable profits are easy to achieve Efficiency is essential MediaTrader software and integrated processes make media buyback easy and profitable

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