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February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 1 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper1 IAC LEAD STUDENTS STUDENT STEERING COMMITTEE DISCUSSION TOPICS February.

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Presentation on theme: "February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 1 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper1 IAC LEAD STUDENTS STUDENT STEERING COMMITTEE DISCUSSION TOPICS February."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 1 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper1 IAC LEAD STUDENTS STUDENT STEERING COMMITTEE DISCUSSION TOPICS February 2004

2 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 2 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper2 TRAINING FUTURE TRAINING IDEAS Safety training before plant visits Include PPE, electrical, chemical, & construction Training video: NOT by DOE Individual Centers are responsible

3 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 3 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper3 TRAINING FUTURE TRAINING IDEAS Guidelines for minimum safety standards Rutgers guidelines on web site (discussion) Individual Center training options Special industries and clients Provided on-site by larger clients

4 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 4 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper4 TRAINING STUDENT SAFETY OFFICERS Students liability of this responsibility Adequate training desired Same student or rotate responsibility Include issues on pre-assessment forms

5 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 5 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper5 TRAINING STUDENT SAFETY OFFICERS Think about safety issues Plant requirements (shoes, hard-hats, glasses) Ensure correct PPE on each assessment Identify unique plant needs

6 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 6 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper6 TRAINING OTHER TRAINING Include at Lead Student meetings Learn instruments before going on-site Each instrument to a particular student Students provide training to others Standardization of equipment across Centers Regular (monthly) equipment training and technology issues

7 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 7 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper7 COMMUNICATION SHARING IDEAS BETWEEN CENTERS IAC newsletter between Centers First issue in Fall 03 One page per year from each Center Student exchange between Centers(close ones) Director coordination required

8 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 8 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper8 COMMUNICATION SHARING IDEAS BETWEEN CENTERS Lengthened Lead student meetings for interaction Saturday night stay-overs are cheaper Possible joint Director/Lead student meetings Both separate and joint session can be held Regional meetings/training sessions NOT possible: funding too limited

9 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 9 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper9 COMMUNICATION WEB SITE CONTENTS Main site: Improvements to content (suggestions) Downloadable CDs List serve for bulletin board discussion Other ideas?

10 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 10 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper10 MARKETING CURRENT IDEAS Advertise/interviews in key publications National and Regional Conferences (IEEE) Director/student presentations & networking Partnership with utilities Consider local AEE chapter meetings Utility engineering staff contacts (less turnover)

11 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 11 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper11 TIMELINESS DIRECTORS’ CONCERN Goal: Report submissions in <60 days Definitely need: <100 days Suggestions only (student offered) Supervisors set deadlines for students Bonuses for on-time with quality

12 February 19, 2004 Douglas A. Hopper 12 February 19, 2004Photo by: Douglas A. Hopper12 IAC LEAD STUDENTS STEERING COMMITTEE QUESTIONS? DISCUSSION

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