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The analysis of the labour market in the region Stredná zdravotnícka škola Poprad.

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Presentation on theme: "The analysis of the labour market in the region Stredná zdravotnícka škola Poprad."— Presentation transcript:

1 The analysis of the labour market in the region Stredná zdravotnícka škola Poprad

2 The development of registered unemployment2014 - 2015

3 Education of the unemployed in the district of Poprad

4 Age structure of the unemployed in the district Poprad

5 SWOT – Strengths  attractive geographical environment,  historical and cultural sights of national and European importance,  a good assumption for the development of active tourism, health resorts and sport,  existence of applied research in selected companies,  interesting environment for investors,  favourable age structure of the population,  the presence of traditional industries and a relatively well developed network of schools,  the existence of specific social services,  transit location of the region; Airport Poprad – Tatry,  linking-up of industrial zones to the railway station.

6 SWOT – Weaknesses  the existence of disadvantaged groups, with a tendency to their social exclusion,  slow adaptation of the school structure to labour market needs,  low purchasing power of the population resulting from unemployment in the region,  the lack of range of services necessary to the development of tourism,  the lack of support of small and medium-sized companies.

7 SWOT - Opportunities  the possibility of further development of tourism, in the cultural field and in the field of the protection of nature,  high export potential of industrial companies (Whirlpool, Tatramat, Aquacity..)  country type is suitable for the development of livestock production (cattle, sheep),  preparation of new locations and the infrastructure for the arrival of the potential investors,  the adaptation of the graduates´ structure to the future needs of the economy,  the possibility of obtaining external resources for communities to promote business in the villages,  support for small and medium-sized companies, promoting the development of tourism.

8 SWOT - Threats  enlarging the marginalised groups and low level of the incentive environment to succeed in the labour market,  the lack of knowledge of foreign languages,  reserve in the customer-oriented behaviour,  a mismatch between supply of educational institutions and demand of workforce,  the migration of skilled workforce and university graduates abroad and to regions with better options and payment rates,  the lack of adaptation of the business activities on European and world standards,  the lack of competitiveness of the business products in the region.

9 Development of job vacancies According to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic there have been registered in the district of Poprad 11 051 employers requesting the following professions: welder, CNC worker and CNC turner, waiter/waitress, cook, chambermaid, kitchen assistant, receptionist, driver, shop assistant, sales representative, car mechanic, caregiver/nanny.

10 Secondary school graduates in Slovakia within one year after graduation approximately 22% of secondary school graduates remain with no work experience and 2 years after completion of training approximately 10% of the graduates on the other hand, the graduates of medical disciplines have the lowest unemployment rate - within one year after graduation, only about 9% of graduates reamin with no work experience.

11 Graduates of our school

12 Thank you for watching Thank you for watching Zuzana and Karolína

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